>complex piece of technology and mechanical marvel >it can be cheap as fuck and expensive as fuck depending on your needs >you can unleash your autismo on it (ricing, debating over best frame, MTB vs Roadfags, brand shitposting, etc) >you can get some fresh air >you can get healthier by using it >you can see things different while on the road >DRIVERS HIGH >healthy and productive hobby >unironically less expensive than ricing a PC or buying phones.
why don't you bike Sup Forums?
Ian Gutierrez
Why would I bother with a shitty bike when I already have a car?
Ryan Perry
do you know, fuck you for assuming that the general population of Sup Forums are fat neckbeard fucks who can barely lever themselves from their battlestation pit
I mean you're probably right but
Anyway, I do own a bike. Use it everyday
Easton Rogers
Well i weigh 265 pounds so I would just bend up the back tire bikes are not an option for me
Jose Davis
Because I have a car like any respectable member of society.
Brayden Robinson
I live in a ghetto ass apartment with no space to fit one I'll probably get mine stolen or some shit Once I live in a two-story house in a white suburban neighborhood where I can keep a bike in a garage, I'll be enjoying myself.
Austin Barnes
I have a bike but the roads here aren't great for riding. I usually just travel by walking, or take the bus/subway if I'm behind schedule.
Joshua Barnes
I prefer my skateboard during the summer. For now, my car will do in the snow
Austin Sanchez
because i'm fat.
Joshua Lee
Gud thread. I love my bike.
Save money, get fit, stop killing the planet. and many more reasons.
Maybe if you owned a bike you wouldn't've turned into such a fat cunt.
Buy a U-Lock then faggot.
I guess these are acceptable bikeless lives.
Brayden Phillips
carfags are the cancer that is killing transportation.
Michael Edwards
Enjoy no one taking you seriously and being the laughing stock of society then.
Gavin Morgan
and Please go
Justin Peterson
There are too many hills here so it's easier to just walk.
Chase Clark
>Save money At the expense of time. >get fit Meh. >stop killing the planet Also meh.
Didn't your mum let you drive her car?
Ryder Price
bikes are technology, complex machines that transport our bodies from one place to another using the power of your legs and cardiovascular integrity.
Leo Nguyen
I used to ride a bike at that weight just fine. Quit making excuses.
Kayden Russell
I can't leave. Waiting for a phone call remember.
Carter Ward
I do own a bike op this is my bike
Brody Parker
I do have a bike. I don't use it that much though since it's illegal to use on pavement and fuck riding alongside cars lol.
Brody Lee
Also you have to wear a helmet. It looks fucking gay and it's not comfortable.
Asher Rogers
> it's illegal to use on pavement
What is the definition of "pavement" in your third world shit hole?
Matthew Watson
>What is the definition of "pavement" in your third world shit hole? Er, I guess americlaps would call it the sidewalk
Landon Turner
>at the expense of time You clearly don't live in the city
Wyatt Powell
>implying i'd dare to try to ride a bicycle in the deathtrap of a city that i live in I'd like to but I'm not a retard, senpai.
Gabriel Ward
That's bullshit. Do you at least have a seperate bike lane on your roads?
Sebastian Sanchez
Not on most of them, no. Shit I've seen (i.e. been stuck driving behind) cyclists on a 100km/h stretch of single-lane road with no overtaking. They were just riding leisurely
Hunter Nelson
But I do, check out my GNU/Bike
Eli Walker
how can you open source a bicycle?
Thomas Torres
>Shit I've seen (i.e. been stuck driving behind) cyclists on a 100km/h stretch of single-lane road with no overtaking. They were just riding leisurely
Caleb Collins
>100km/h >single-lane Does such thing exist?
Parker Rodriguez
I've had that here(Burgerland), but there are usually 2 lanes and the speed is more like 50mph(~80km/h).
Cooper Young
By single-lane I obviously mean one lane for each direction of travel
Brayden Gonzalez
I do own a bike. I don't use it though because lazy. Though right now I'm making the excuse that it's cold and too much snow.
Sebastian Stewart
Still, what place would have this? AFAIK only highways reach such speed limits and they're never single lane, plus it's against the law to ride a bicycle on them.
Michael Brooks
>>complex piece of technology and mechanical marvel It's some cogs, wheels, and a chain. Literally 19th century technology. >>it can be cheap as fuck and expensive as fuck depending on your needs A $200 walmart special will fall apart in under 100 miles and will probably have serious mechanical problems the day you buy it. A quality bike will never be economical compared to a car mile-for-mile unless you simply ignore the sticker price. >>you can unleash your autismo on it (ricing, debating over best frame, MTB vs Roadfags, brand shitposting, etc) Bike nerds are bottom-tier on the geek ladder. >>you can get some fresh air >>you can get healthier by using it Conceded. Biking is one of the best forms of exercise. >>you can see things different while on the road >>DRIVERS HIGH You aren't focused on the scenery while you're biking, you're focused on how much (like all cardio) it fucking sucks physically and on watching out for small rocks or cracks in the road that could literally kill you if you hit them. If you're comfortable enough to watch the scenery, you're not going fast enough.
Owen Hernandez
Bought an aluminum road bike last year and they said the weight limit was 350. I'm sure something more durable and steel would be even higher.
Stop being fat and making excuses.
Kevin Carter
Aluminum is stronger than steel
Tyler Harris
No it was just a standard (non-highway) road in a sort of rural area. Interestingly the nearby highway has a maximum speed of 90km/h and even then only for relatively short stretches. I don't really get it myself.
Eli Long
>Aluminum is stronger than steel By mass or cross-sectional area? Fairly sure steel is far more sturdy than aluminium, it's just denser/heavier.
Henry Sanchez
I have a car, gas isn't expensive here. ($2.17/gal). I can travel great distances and not get wet or run over by other cars because I'm inside a car.
Also, a decent bike costs nearly $1000 dollars and is the easiest thing in the world to steal. Maybe if I lived in a city and paid $2000 for a shitty apartment I'd be so poor that I'd resort to riding a bike to get around but until that day I'll stick to my car, thanks.
Connor Gutierrez
>>A $200 walmart special will fall apart in under 100 miles and will probably have serious mechanical problems the day you buy it
Mine lasted at least 200 miles, but yeah.
Nah. You will need to replace the rear tire (not rim) after a while though.
Josiah Mitchell
Cooper Brown
>A car runs on money and makes you fat >A bike runs on fat and saves you money
Are Gatorskin tires /patrician/ ?
Ethan Foster
No, they roll like shit and have a short lifespan
Camden Martin
Standard speed limit here (Nebraska) for paved single-lane rural roads is 60 mph. Bikes can legally use any road except interstates, but all bikers I've seen on such roads at least had the courtesy to stay on the shoulder. Honestly the pavement's probably better there anyway.
Blake Adams
I do own a bike, and enjoy riding it.. The reason I don't bike now is because of ice and snow. Fuck living in the midwest.
Aaron Myers
I fucking hate cyclists. They take up an entire lane and go 10mph on a fucking road rated for 50MPH. Take your fucking walmart toy off the road.
If I was in a car doing 10mph in a 50mph zone I'd get a traffic citation. NOT SO WITH BIKES!!
Hudson Martin
>why don't you own a bike? Mines was stolen from the garage, the thief took off with my lemond zurich and peugeot px-10. Fuckers
Colton Powell
Seemed pretty leisurely compared to the speed I wanted to be going.
Robert Wright
>why don't you own a bike?
Because I'm not a self important faggot who ignores all traffic laws
Jeremiah Wood
well shit, just spent way too much money upgrading to them. fell for the meme.
anyone else /hybrid/ here?
Logan Sullivan
But user, I own 3.
Also, what's the best handle bar tape?
Jace Cooper
At least they have decent puncture protection
Mason Morris
Do you realize is not pure aluminium bike, right? It's an alloy.
Robert Price
Because I'm not going to bike 40km to work and back every day, especially not in Canadian winters. I do own a mountain bike that I use for trail riding, though.
Liam Gutierrez
For me it's the Fizik Superlight, the best handle bar tape.
Brandon Ramirez
I wanna buy a bike, but I don't want to blow $500 on a new one and I personally hate the air of smugness that the entire cycling community seems to have. They want $200 for their used rusted out piece of shit bikes, wtf.
Justin Scott
>I wanna buy a laptop, but I don't want to blow $500 on a new one and I personally hate the air of smugness that the entire computer community seems to have. >They want $200 for their used rusted out piece of shit thinkpads, wtf
Daniel Gutierrez
Thinkpads don't rust dumbshit.
Jeremiah Rogers
surprised to see this many posts, thought Sup Forums was a bunch of fat neckbeards
Cameron Gomez
If you read through the thread you'll find you were right
Nathan Gray
I own 5
Yeah if there's a car coming up behind me going uphill thru a mountain pass I'll pull over and dismount if I need to so that the driver can get by me. Drivers are usually okay about pulling aside when I'm in my sports car ripping through dem curves so it behooves me to not be a dick when I'm chugging along on my bike like a faggot.
Depends on what you're doing. My touring bike has plain ol' cork-colored cork tape that is very comfy, but it doesn't last long and sucks tons of fuck when it gets wet. My fancy-pants rando bike has fancy-pants Brooks leather tape, which will last much longer, but also costs over 5x as much as plain ol' cork. And it's kinda slippery when wet. It looks nice though. My two racers are Fizik 3mm, which is really good stuff. My MTB has shitty grips, but I've never found MTB grips that are not shitty in some way, so I just wear gloves and deal with it.
Julian Young
>sweating smell all day at work
no, thanks.
David Taylor
I'm fat and haven't shaved in a few weeks, but that doesn't mean I want to go back to being a NEET lardo. Biking is a great way to get around and get some exercise in at the same time.
Aiden Gomez
A bike would actually be an upgrade for me right now I walk everywhere but I'm afraid to even ride a bike cause like I said I don't want to Fuck over the back wheel
Landon Thompson
I live in central London.
Thomas Bailey
Got stolen and never bothered to buy a new one.
Ryan Barnes
Kill yourself, you retarded fat fuck sack of shit.
John Gray
lol, it's a perfect analogy, user
Adam Gomez
I live a 10 minute walk from the office and a 5 minute walk from a grocery store. Where the fuck else would I ever want to go?
Nathaniel Miller
>save money, stop killing the planet
These aren't real reasons.
>get fit
This is.
Blake Martin
Tell that to the faggot in the Honda Civic that keeps tearing down my street doing double the speed limit and blowing through every stop sign.
Ryder Smith
I don't know about you but we've got bike lanes pretty much everywhere so our cyclists stay in those and out of the vehicle lanes.
Camden Jenkins
Driving cars is so boring especially stuck in traffic
Bikes you can run red lights and ride on the pavement plus it feels good man
Jaxson Brooks
Weather - it's either hot as fuck or rains all the time.
Jayden Taylor
Honestly, it's just not fun to ride it in Fremont. It's filled with sidewalks without any support for such things so I have to pull the bike up and hope the back tire doesn't get flat while doing it.
Plus it's basically all city so there's nothing interesting to see nor fun to with it. I road a bike for 3 years in high school and I was more into going fast than tricks. I put it into the highest gar for maximum speed and did 10 miles a day to go to and from school. It was good exercise but now that I have a car I'm also lazy.
Gabriel Ramirez
I have one for fun but it's not useful for real transportation needs here. How am I supposed to bike when it's well below freezing and the roads are covered in snow? Because it's like that almost all year
Xavier Walker
I weigh more than you and I bike 30 kilometers every day. You just need to be able to fix it and adjust it, I have never bent any bike tires. You are just being lazy
Jaxon Cooper
A normal default backwheel will handle that weight fine. There are no reason for your superstition
Jeremiah Allen
>stop killing the planet like 50% of the carbon footprint comes from making the car anyways
Henry Lewis
>living in the city no wonder you are so worried about your money just live in the suburbs for like 1/4 the cost
Isaac Jenkins
Cars are soon going to be banned in most of Oslo. (except ambulances, buses, post cars and transport of goods to shops) I can't wait to have the roads to drive my bike on.
Isaac Sanders
Because I already have a few longboards and a car.
Thomas Morris
probably "100kmph" I drive 60 mph on single lane roads all the time hell on one of those roads I usually go like 70 or 80
Mason Murphy
I bike on the sidewalk every day. Anyone who thinks it's dangerous is a superstitious fool, I have never heard of a fatal accident happening due to a bike. It's not like a car.
I live in norway and bike during the ice and snow. You can get tires for that. You only need to think about how you dress, you need many layers to avoid being cood, but so that you can open to avoid sweating.
Xavier Jenkins
I own one :)
Luis Sanchez
>>complex piece of technology and mechanical marvel >>it can be cheap as fuck and expensive as fuck depending on your needs >>you can unleash your autismo on it (ricing, debating over best frame, MTB vs Roadfags, brand shitposting, etc) Solid arguments. >>you can get some fresh air I get my monthly dose mailed in free of charge. >>you can get healthier by using it Enjoy busted wrists, knees, ass and spine. >>you can see things different while on the road You can see the rear end of the car in front and its fumes. >>DRIVERS HIGH On the fumes. >>healthy See above. >>productive hobby Haha what. >>unironically less expensive than ricing a PC or buying phones. And also less Sup Forums.
Now fuck off to .
Connor Fisher
my workplace is a 10 min drive away from me. I am actually considering buying one now. But what should I do about the sweating? >inb4, no it's not a straight drive, there are like 2 uphills that I have to go through first. >inb4, wearing lighter clothes wont do because it's winter now.
Connor Hughes
From my own personal experience is that there's nothing that you can do. You will sweat until it becomes a daily routine and your body is used to it so you don't sweat anymore.
Dylan Sanchez
Figures. I will give it another thought when springs comes. Also I live in the chity, so this guy is kinda right about the fumes, unless I take off real early in the morning and leave way after work hours.
Chase Morgan
Just dress like you are going to walk in the mountains or a glacier. wear several layers and open up to keep yourself from sweating. That is what I do here in Norway and I bike 1 hour each way with lots of up and down. Just a thin wind blocker on top and then several layers underneath
Nathan Watson
Because I haven't learnt how to ride one ;_;
Hunter Bell
That's actually a pretty good advice Thanks user.
Samuel Martinez
Have you considered one of those bikes with the auxiliary electric motor? You can use that just for the uphill parts and the battery recharges when you pedal normally downhill/straight.
Grayson Peterson
in california that counts as a class M2 motorcycle
Dylan Bailey
Wow, that's retarded.
Lincoln Gutierrez
wow that sucks, you're way beyond the age where it's socially acceptable to have training wheels on your bike, and they don't even make training wheels for adult bikes.
Xavier Turner
Michael Myers
I own three. An old, carbon fiber and magnesium Cannondale mountain bike from when they were doing awesome innovation, a newer Cannondale carbon road bike that I bought a few years back to do a Century ride after my aluminum Specialized cracked, and an aluminum Barracuda mountain bike that I turned into a touring bike to ride the Pacific Coast from Canada to Mexico.
Bikes are pretty neat. Motorcycles are more fun, though.