Today is my sister's birthday, and I had to teach my mom how to use her camera which she's owned for 6 years. She had no idea how to take a picture or view ones she had already taken.
Both of my parents still struggle with copy/pasting even though I've discussed it with them thousands of times before
Jason Wright
>But user you never taught how to do this
Liam Taylor
>son the laptop is acting a little slow
>check it out >completely full of spy and malware >can't even click on most search fields on firefox without some popup opening >literally can't click anywhere >finally manage to download some anti malware scanner >+300 detected items
how the fuck do old people get their systems so full of this shit? i don't know if i could do it this bad even if i tried
Jaxson Moore
>Why can't old people so bad with technology? sounds like you and your whole family is retarded
Asher Bennett
Thomas Myers
>user whats a gud computer >for what >facebook >i dunno probably a macbook or something why cant you use facebook on your phone? >if u dont wanna help just say so i've given up offering help to family
Colton King
females are worse.
Angel Edwards
>is are*
Gabriel White
Learn English, fucktard.
Asher Walker
They tend to don't know shit about them unless it's there job. Those old farts that try to use a PC clicks everywhere until something happens good or bad but sadly they don't know if it's good or bad and the fact there old they also for some reason have less patience for technology, it's a slew of different reasons but the TL;DR is that their old that's why
Jonathan Wright
Why have I never experienced these issues? Even my fucking grandma learned how to use a tablet without much effort and now shitposts on facebook
William Green
Why can't OP so good into Englishing??
Christian Hernandez
The fact that your parents don't learn despite you explaining it many times is evident of one of two cases: 1. They are just old. 2.
Luke Rogers
One day you'll be 60 years old and your grandchildren will be trying to teach you how to use your new Xerixus and you'll be hopelessly lost no matter what. "What do you mean you don't know how to ghust and slek?" they'll ask. They'll tell their friends that grandpa didn't even have a Kasep when growing up. You'll look back and realize all your past knowledge of the "traditional computer" is long obsolete. You can't even grasp basic concepts of the incredible inventions created by this new world you live in. You're just a stranger in a strange land.
Oliver Brooks
It depends on the person, and most likely the family as a whole.
My dad isn't the most technically illiterate, but he complains about his computer being slow all. The. Time. And it is slow, because he still uses IE8, and likes to lurk on AdultFriendFinder and click on the ads in there. But is it his fault? Nope, he's just being hacked. By who you ask? "China, probably. Or those Russians!" Because you know that Russia wants all the info on his horribly failing business.
But yeah, he's just stuck in his ways. He's old and doesn't want to learn, the little bit that he knows is enough to get him by and anything else is just noise that distracts him from what really matters (according to him).
He's also the guy that refuses to truly wrap his head around how fuel injection works in a car, because carburetors are good enough. He has a ton of knowledge when it comes to cars, but his knowledge ends at the mid-to-late 80's or so.
My grandmother (mother's side) on the other hand took to her smartphone and tablet just fine. She's a bit scatterbrained, but tries to learn new stuff and does an okay job retaining it when she does (especially for an 78 year old hippie).
It just depends on the person and/or family.
Nathan Myers
maybe if you where in a coma for 20 years or something, its not as if you'll wake up one day to find all these alien technologies what pisses me off is when these fucking old cunts pretend like they dont know what to do just so they dont have to lift a finger
Ethan Nelson
>mfw I'm 30 and I got a smartphone for the first time in 2013 and had no idea what the fuck was going on for like a week I didn't even "need" it but I felt like the future was passing me by and I was gonna end up like one of those ZX Spectrum grognards
And I was right
Aaron Jenkins
this every day I have to listen to people who couldn't be older than 60 tell me they "weren't around for this" and I know more because I "grew up with it". It's utter bullshit.
Of course I bring up the fact that electronic computers have existed since the 1940s (obviously not in people's homes but the microcomputer revolution was only 30 years later), and get told "no no, that's way different" like they didn't just tell me they don't know shit about computers so how would they know how ENIAC et al changed the world right under their noses?
James Ortiz
>dads side of the family isnt stupid by any means >he's had computers, setup home theatre shit by himself etc >mums side is so stupid they make me lose faith in humanity seriously i love my mum but the sub humans she's related to is just embarassing
>hey user have you seen the movie abattoir >what? >aba-twa >????? >the one with the blue people >avatar? >yeah abatwar
>user you should set your computer up so it gives people an electric shock >well what if the cat jumped on it >no only set it so that it shocks people
>user if i email you some pictures can you put them on the tv? >yeah i guess what kind of pictures >i took some pictures at the beach and there's like an invisible ufo in the sky and i want to see it up close >mfw its just some image pixelation because the image is so zoomed in i hate those mongrels
Asher Campbell
My dad had to use white-out to label the buttons on my grandma's remote so she knew how to switch inputs on her TV.
Austin Cook
>>mfw its just some image pixelation because the image is so zoomed in >enhance
Jaxson Parker
I'm starting to have this issue at work more and more. People who have been working with computers for years (decades) are now starting to say they don't get it, can't do it, they are too old, etc.
For these folks it boils down to laziness and not actually wanting to apply themselves and learn new things. It's far easier to find someone who is young and hungry to learn it while they try to ride it out with the status quo.
Gavin Foster
it's occasionally amusing seeing people who've worked with computers for clerical stuff, used to things like floppy disks, get confused by a flash drive. Relatively young-middleage people too. And then they are insulted when you try and suggest they keep trying and learning "no, i'll just get my son/daughter/it guy to do it".
People need video games as a way to do something with a computer other than work and thus make learning how to use the computer fun.
Adam Sullivan
I think its a temperament thing more then an age thing. My mom was willing to actually listen to me and learn and she was able to use a computer just fine.
My dad is a stubborn ass who always has to be right about everything and thinks because I'm younger I can't know more then he does about any topic (even my fucking job). He still has trouble doing even the most basic things on a computer.
Wyatt Lopez
Because I had a bit to drink
Nolan Hughes
Never underestimate the stupidity of boomers. I had an argument with my mother a few days ago about her not being able to remember a three letter acronym that was very important to her health. In her own words "I can't remember it because I'm stupid". She worked at a bank for 30 years as a book keeper.
Leo Gutierrez
maybe she has legit alzheimers
Connor Fisher
My grandmother is 82 years old and takes fairly well to new technology. She doesn't have the mindset of "I'm not a computer person". She's from a generation before you could use that excuse because you had to adapt to the changing times or go hungry.
It's the boomers who were able to ignore progress and remain computer illiterate and still make a living. Once they are gone there will again be no more excuses.
Hunter Gutierrez
Kill yourself, you worthless piece of shit.
Isaiah Smith
I have met people my own age (32) who are starting to pretend they grew up in a world bereft of technology.
>"When I was growing up we didn't have all these video games and cell phones and social media"
is the common refrain. Absolute bullshit of the worst type. I think they do it in order to seem "hard".
Evan Gomez
I have begun to wonder if she has legitimate Adult ADHD.
Grayson Campbell
why do people lose 90% of their fucking brain cells when faced with a computer? aren't iphones supposed to be easy for retards to use? mobile phone retards are the worst because you dont have to be at their house for them to bug you, they have the computer in their pocket
Austin Hill
My dad is dead now, but he was computer savvy in his day. He was a pretty successful businessman, although he wasn't required to he taught himself some BASIC and was essentially an MS DOS expert. My family were early adopters of the internet, he configured the modem and stuff and I remember him installing more RAM himself so we could update to Windows 95
At one point, I broke Windows by filling up the hard drive with WAV files from playing with Sound Recorder and he was able to clean up hard drive in DOS no problem... I know that's not that impressive but I'm trying to illustrate that he wasn't computer illiterate by any means
But at some point in the Windows Vista era, his PC was loaded with spyware, he didn't know how to change wallpaper (i used to make it John Kerry and he would get pissed), he didn't know how to hide the porn he looked at (dad was gay lol), you would think he was computer illiterate but he just didn't "get it"
Basically, he could use computers until they became easy to use
William James
Why not just put bullet in each of their heads and be done with it? If they refuse to learn they are no longer a positive influence in your life. Better now then later.
Elijah Barnes
computers never became easier to use they just starting doing everything for lazy retards >95 >dont have drivers? better start praying >7 >dont have drivers dont worry we'll do it for u lol now 10 is out, the only people i hear crying about it are people on Sup Forums or random forums online lazy retards dont give a shit if the nsa has the keys to your front door just as long as theres a big facebook button right in the middle of the screen
John King
i heard lots of people bitching about 8 and 10 though
Windows trying to fuck over my lovely Windows 7 desktop with forced update to 10 (when I knew how shitty 8 was) is the reason I switched to Linux
not gonna argue that most people are retards, I agree. Phonefags and TVfags are ruining personal computing, not much anyone can do about it. The technology got too good, people want their PC's to be like TV's where you turn it on and it takes you for a ride
Jayden Nelson
i dont hear of many big bang theory tier normies on facebook complaining about windows 10 7 is still godly after you remove all the bloat and other shit
Ian Moore
All I know is 10 caused an asston of problems on my laptop and made simple actions a fucking labyrinth of nonsense because "wow such shiny much technology" Don't want forced updates every ten minutes? Have fun navigating 20 menus just to be told at best it'll warn you 15 minutes before it force restarts even if you REALLY need your computer at the moment.
Owen Kelly
i got asked to fix a W10 laptop because it ran slow >no startup programs, nothing seems wrong >reboot and watch taskmanager as soon as the desktop loads >some system process using 99% disk for 5 minutes for some reason >cant do jackshit until its done W10 is the next vista
Parker Garcia
>friend asks me to build him a new pc, spends about $1500 >go over one day and notice he is playing games in 640x480 on a 1080p monitor >explain that he can easily change the resolution to make it look better. >makes up some bullshit about how he prefers it so he doesn't look stupid.
Hunter Diaz
my niece just got gifted a decent W10 laptop and I took a look at it before work tonight for about 10 minutes. I went to look at the control panel and for some reason Cortana wouldn't let me type more than 1 letter to search. lol. the thing is literally brand fucking new,
Aiden Wright
Most people just aren't that good at learning a wide range of skills but even for those who are you'll just use so many different things and new versions of things over a lifetime that your brain just gets sick of having to learn and relearn shit and you have too much to worry about and keep track of as it is. Especially when it's constantly changing versions of shit you've been using for years.
You will all experience it one day when some kid is trying to show you how to take a photo of your dog with your new subdural holographic wrist communications device.
>no.. you lift your hand up twice quickly to unlock it and say "access" >you have to do it faster than that >no you can't say "access" until you've finished the motion >sigh.....straight up.... you're doing it at an angle! >now point your hand downwards at about a 45 degree angle from your side and extend your pointer finger tree times to open the camera >you're extending your finger too fast >now it's in video mode >make a fist and bring it towards your chest to close that....sigh........
Adam Wright
I have 2pcs on my home network, one for me and one for my parents. I disabled auto w10 install for me and remained on 7. Dad didn't do it and w10 installed on its own. That already pissed him off but he was ready to try new stuff. W10 somehow fucked up our router, so now it restarts every 5min if the w10 pc is on. Also, it loses wifi connectivity to already fubar router. Also, auto updates pissed him off. Bejeweled 3 disnt work
Ended up installing w7 again and disabling updates
Adrian Harris
Counter strike fags do this shit all the time, although not that extreme
Cooper Foster
Tech illiteracy isn't just limited old people. I work at a university, and we regularly have IS, CE, and game dev majors who require assistance connecting to wifi.
A few weeks ago, I delegated some tasks to our IS student workers. These are juniors and seniors who have taken 40+ credit hours of hardware/networking/programming classes.
The first task was pulling hard drives from old machines. The student ended up pulling a dozen CD drives. The same student brags about how easy it will be to get their A+ and land a cushy job. He's black and sells weed to students over the service desk.
The second task was to copy some VHS tapes to DVD. I set up all the equipment, and walked them through the process of putting in the tape, pressing play, and then pressing record on the DVD recorder. They went a week without telling anyone that they gave up after five minutes of trying to figure it out. The girl only has the job because her mother works in the print shop making $12/hr. This girl has plans to get her A+ in order to get an entry level tech job to live on while she goes back to school for culinary arts.
Today, I was checking in with a "education systems administrator". Mid-30's female. She has an iMac and MBP(both less than a year old). She exclusively runs Windows in VMware on both. Turns out she has never used the MBP because she was too ashamed to ask how to connect to the wifi. The iMac had over 2000 MBAM infections, browsers are all hijacked, dozens of extentions, etc. She has everything set to auto-login with saved passwords. Because she has an IT minor, it is impossible that she is at fault for anything. She will belittle me because I can't fix her plethora of issues in the first five minutes (even non-issues like her own illiteracy).
Hell, even our systems and network engineers(who make 3-4x my salary) have trouble with the basics of AD/GPO/etc and Cisco gear. I have just entry level CCENT and MTA certs and end up doing their job for them half of the time.
Grayson Gonzalez
And here i am, in my shitty 3rd world country, where i learned all of that stuff on my own (ccna, basic c# wpf and entity framework, unity) because i don't have money for real education and i still can't fund a job because we have 25+% unemployment
Funny thing is even if i do find a job it will be
Lucas Wilson
>(dad was gay lol), wtf
Luke Hill
Because some neural pathways close off as you get older, making you more resistant to new ideas and often making it very difficult to learn new things.
Levi Rodriguez
>>no only set it so that it shocks people
Nicholas Allen
my dad looked at gay porn
Nicholas James
Don't feel bad. I have a BS in MIS, 6 certs, and a decade of experience, but the only jobs I get callbacks for are entry-level helpdesk/technician bullshit.
Brayden Thomas
computer? for facebook?
you want a smart tv user
Adrian Campbell
And you're too dense to correctly use there and their. Young farts...
Jason Nelson
I've seen housewives who spend hundreds to get their shitty dell laptop working and then they click shutdown and close the lid as it's powering off.
They need the "it's now safe to turn off your computer" message again.
William Morales
not retarded
just dementia
Joseph Rivera
Carburetor is VERGASER in German, no wonder he likes it better.
Thomas Adams
Second language nigger
Cameron Anderson
got a call from a nice guy one day who said his recycle bin was missing from his desktop. he brought it in and he must've just accidentally moved or something so I politely point it out for him.
he thanks me and says
>never live to be 60
Jordan Nguyen
They just don't give a fuck anymore. They know that one of those young people will show them how to do it. I work with a fucking retard of an old person who will feign memory slips just to get out of a right up, but I'm doing 90% of the work whenever I have to work with her. My manager who can't be 10 years older than me can't even log into his work account, with a combination of 'i forgot my password' or 'can you show me how to do it again'.
I'm not even the IT guy where I work. I don't think they even have one of those despite desperately needing one.
Nathan White
yeah you're right playing games/having your own pc is how you learn
just like having a car you can work on and tools/access to a lift
Justin Jones
without an ssd it's pretty painful. file indexing can be turned off though. same for scheduled defrags.
Nathan Martinez
I feel like the NT kernel is still okay it's all the terrible software added to 10 that sucks.
Thomas Hughes
my favorite is >im older than u, i have more experience therefore ur wrong by default >but i need your help anyway and i'll be a real suck up to convince you to do what i want then nag you the whole time >and change every setting after you leave gas old people
Cameron Rivera
I'm a little afraid, that technology will one day be this convoluted bullshit. It is now, just not, that.. oh wait, we're already there.
Tyler Edwards
29 here, working in IT. I used to be the same way but now I don't care to learn anything besides basic features in most cases.
I think we just all eventually get too busy and have too many other things to care about as we get older to care. It's a little scary.
Evan Hernandez
Well you need something fun before people will use it for anything but work
Elijah Sullivan
>over a lifetime that your brain just gets sick of having to learn and relearn shit and you have too much to worry about and keep track of as it is. this is the dumbest fucking thing i've read on this goddamn website and that is saying a lot. your brain gets better at learning the more it learns. it doesn't just 'get tired' and give up because you 'get tired of learning'. your brain LITERALLY works in the exact opposite manner, you stupid caveperson.
Brody Russell
1 2 34
Angel Wood
nice to see people post sane things from time to time!
Alexander Mitchell
Some old people code circles around anyone tween on the 4chans. This is a famous example but I met some in real life that seriously impressed me too. I've known a retired hardware engineer who's building a computer from scratch in his garage. Building as in, his own architecture on FPGA, designing buses, memory controllers, then moving on to a C compiler.
The truth is 90% of people are terrible with technology Age hardly matters. Teenagers might be more likely to be able to use SnapChat or whatever toy apps they have on their tablets but that's not "knowing" technology.