Politics in Tech

Sup Sup Forums

Working in tech, I have found that people are very leftist, and indeed are very intolerant of other political opinions.

Do you have this experience?

Do you think it's hard to be conservative in tech these days? Just look at all the hatred Peter Thiel has got. I hate it, I feel like everybody in the industry would witch hunt me if they knew my conservative opinions.

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No this is specifically to do with technology

I want to ask people who work in technology what their opinions are.

Yes I know that, but do you feel like you have to fit in with a leftist narrative at work?

Well maybe they refuse to build muslim registry because they'd rather refuse to let muslims live?

ah, good strategyt, pretend to be a huge faggot cuck to get the promotion at twitter

It's a possibility

This is what I mean. It sucks that there aren't more conservatives in tech.

Peter Thiel
Brendan Eich

Who else? I bet there are more but they don't want to be witch-hunted.

Needing to feel smart and not wanting to feel stupid is the primary weakness of all weak and untrustworthy programmers. Example... If any programmer tells you a programming language sucks, they dont program in that language... if any programmer tells you they are the best... Well u know the answer.

Tech people are often intelligent which explains the virtual lack of Trumpets.

I'll build a Muslim database for $5 billion dollars.

>Brendan Eich
I'm not that right-leaning but god damn what happened to him makes me mad. People shouldn't be ousted from their jobs for having political views.

at the contrary OP, rightwingers are obnoxious

>are very intolerant of other political opinions.
and the right is?

the right can't even admit to having safe spaces on par with the left in ideological homogeneity

>No this is specifically to do with technology
>I want to ask people who work in technology
That has nothing to do with technology.

So you think Peter Thiel isn't intelligent?

Exactly my point. If people want to support leftist causes as fervently as they want then they are free to do so. But bullying people for different political opinions is wrong.

Not everybody to the right of centre is Sup Forums.

I might as well call all tech leftists Trotsky. Obviously they are not all that far left.

Anyway, we're straying from the point. If you currently work for a tech company, do you feel like you are free to have different political opinions without getting harrassed/fired? Or just generally looked down upon by colleagues and others in the industry?

When tech companies like Google had 200+ meetings at the Whitehouse in 2015 I'd say it is Tech companies that are to blame for hoping in to bed with the government.

They will reap whatever they have sewn.

It has everything to do with technology because I am specifically asking about working in the technology industry.

I said it right in the OP.

I'm a web dev, and I'm asking what others' experiences of the tech industry are.

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Goddamn sandnigger lovers. Put a tracking collar on those filthy animals. Sandniggers aren't human, they don't deserve rights.

This is what happens when entitled Republicans gain power they shit up every thread.

Remember if history has taught us anything hang all Republicans they are less than niggers.

Shut the fuck up, dicker.

Fuck off back to your daycare board and kill yourself. edgy neo-nazi piece of shit

u mad faget

>Having any kind of political leaning or bringing it into other aspects of your life

Might as well convert to a religion or become a devout corporate loyalist and wear it on your sleeve. You'd be just as obnoxious.

>Woman is the only one with a coke instead of a water

>Working in tech


Wait, how? How do you justify that? Do you just not? Do you even bother?


I bet many are closeted since you could be oust from your career in liberal silicon valley. Unless you're rich enough like Palmer Luckey.