Has a single project that came from Sup Forums actually succeeded?

Has a single project that came from Sup Forums actually succeeded?

>Tox is dead
>Various Linux distros are dead
>Grand Theft Gentoo never got past concept art

There's Logical Increments, but that's more a case of one Sup Forumsentooman's website.

No one wants to put Sup Forums on their CV or job application.
That's why no one starts actually good projects under the banner of Sup Forums.

Sup Forums only makes the logo. After that, you're on your own

how tox is dead?

that inclined shadows make this look fake.
look at all the lights the set has, there would be almost no shadow.

yeah plus cock.li

This place will never be able to work on a project.


Naked Browser.

I agree. We make some pretty good shit if i do say so myself.

At least its better than "Free " Shit or "Libre "

>tox is dead
Im really upset about this

Vola is still a thing, but that's kinda lains dealio

I wouldn't say it "came from Sup Forums" as much as it shares values with Sup Forums. But then, what really can come out of a message board?

Even Sup Forums is better than us.

Tox wouldn't be dead if someone got fix'd the group problem.

a few one-man projects succeed too: cock.li, podricing (diaspora* pod), webm for retards

I take it you've never been to There's an entire meme there that "/tg/ gets shit done", because once someone so much as mentions a project, there's soon a dozen other people jumping on board who won't stop until it's completed.

Remember gTorrent? It has actually looked promising until the devs got the idea to choose the logo by "open discussion"

somebody needs to take over the TOXcore project since irungentoo got some money from donations to the TOX foundation, now he only contributes a little bit of code once a month, greedy oldfag

What happened?

Well, creating settings and game rules is an inherently different task than writing software. More creativity in it, more useful to have different viewpoints contributing ideas, even if the people themselves don't stick to it afterwards, as opposed to software where it is just a team writing it in the end, and more likely, one person, no need to actually manage the project competently, and a big part of it can actually be created in a thread, whereas you don't write software in threads.
Well, board culture probably affects it too. /tg/ is more niche in general, and yet it's a social hobby, if highly nerdy one. Thus it has a pretty high percent of people who actually still have enough self-respect to create, and yet the people there still have a culture and actually stick to the board, unlike Sup Forums, which is a shill console war shitposting hive.

there's shit buy groups of Sup Forumsurus but they're successful because they dont associate anything with Sup Forums or Sup Forums in general

>tox is dead
Is everybody just really-really sceptical about TokTok and the new team policies, or do people here just think because irungentoo github died, Tox died too?
Hell, I downloaded new Toxcore 0.1 a few days ago.

>enough self-respect to create
You've obviously never been to /pfg/

Oppaitime is pretty successful.

Don't worry guys, once I succeed with my new startup faggot.io I'll make Sup Forums proud, maybe even buy Sup Forums and remove all boards except /lgtb/ and trap threads.

Sup Forums x?

Doesn't that have like 100 members?

the trans guy maintainer quit after another trans got fired from google. Then came a drama and everyone was just trolling the mailing list and the project die;