PHP is the best web dev language ever

PHP is the best web dev language ever.


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>best web language ever
>SQL injection


It is a truly inspired creation.

1995 - At a neighborhood Italian restaurant Rasmus Lerdorf realized that his plate of spaghetti is an excellent model for understanding the World Wide Web and that web applications should mimic their medium. On the back of his napkin he designs Programmable Hyperlinked Pasta.

You can write PHP without SQL vulnerabilities

>One of the half dozen languages used to make a functioning product is the best one

Why is Sup Forums like this?

PHP - really quick and dirty shit
Python - quick and dirty
Java - for important stuff
everything else is a meme

>I have never written functional code: the post

Go is a good choice for simple daemons with lots of internal concurrency

What is PDO.

Best language? Nyet.
Best web dev language? Yes. Currently it is. Everything else is a huge mess, or a meme. Go is getting there, though. Java is nice, but nobody touches that shit anymore after Oracle bought it.

>Java is nice, but nobody touches that shit anymore after Oracle bought it.

They went after Google's implementation, I don't believe they'll pull any punches against OpenJDK once they run of out money.

Heh, he doesn't know about CGI.

int size;

size = EXPR;

if (size > INT_MAX || size

> Learning a whole new language because of coroutines


okay, php has its flaws but its not as horrible as Sup Forums is claiming in my opinion.

I get lots of work done with it and no one ever complains. no problems whatsoever.


Starting PHP job in 10 days, A.M.A.

Will you be working with any particular framework? i.e Laravel?

(Recently got into Laravel)

CodeIgniter, not really the newest on the market, but it's pretty easy to get into and isn't something that needs anything special for deployment.

However I was told that some of the newer projects will most likely be done in Laravel.

I would recommend looking into Zend as well .

Basically knowledge of MVC is a must on all places I went for interviews.

Php's strong suit is its effortless deployment. Shit just works. Laravel is closing the gap on Ruby on Rails too. I would fault no one for using Laravel.

I used to be a prolofic PHP Codeigniter dev. I've used django too. These days I use rails becuase most of the non-web work I do is Ruby based. I really really like Rails. Rails 5 is based as fuck. I cranked out a rails 5 app in probably 1/3 the amount of code and time it would have taken with Codeigniter. Sure Rails is nowhere near as fast as codeigniter, but neither is laravel and I don't make apps that have a lot of concurrent users so performance is not a concern.

Is PhalconPHP's speed now a meme with PHP7?

What are you going to be working on? Like what specific type of projects?

Yes. Especially PHP7.1

Friendly reminder that this guy wrote a $300bn web service in PHP.

Friendly reminder that this guy wrote an AI assistant in PHP while you cucks were busy shilling a shit language that repackages busted ideas from the 1970s because its intended audience is literally too stupid to comprehend anything more sophisticated (as stated by its inventor himself).

>no generics

>tfw you're an idiot
>tfw you need to sodomize yourself with a 12 gauge and pull the trigger

t. Arch neet

That's Goroutines™ to you, goy.

I ship apps to production, my apps fucking ship brother. If that makes me an idiot then so be it. People use my shit, I get paid.

Sure pajeet, Whatever floats your boat man, just remember:


Are you happy with yourself? I like my Indian coworkers, they're all highly competent and motivated. We don't hire shitty developers to save money.

I hate indians more than the average Sup Forums poster, as I am supporting a lot of them , however you do seem like just an angry neet.

Please elaborate with useful arguments.

PHP - for people with actual jobs
java - for jews who work in banks
Go - for google employees
node.js hipster neets

>2016 days
>actually enjoying the subhumans

Facebook was rewritten though and not in PHP.

Nope. Still in PHP running on HHVM.

It's still php syntax afaik, they just keep iterating on compilers. So they're writing php, but it's compiled into binaries.

best php book and IDE?

Sauce? I could have sworn I read it was rewritten in C++ and Python.

Any text editor will do.
If you MUST use an IDE, use JetBrains PHPStorm.


Using VIM currently, used NetBeans when I was a noob.

Don't know about a basic book, however for more advanced stuff I would recommend checking out Modern PHP.

Facebook is running on PHP on HHVM.

I hate them, however spewing random shit (no pun intended ) to posters just because someone is living in a meme neet word is the downfall of this board.

>I'm a Facebook engineer who works on the HipHop compiler and HipHop virtual machine. It's in PHP, absolutely full stop.
>It's amazing how much the fact that g++ is involved somewhere in the toolchain confuses people in this matter. C++ is just an intermediate representation; the source language really is warts-and-all PHP.

Oh shit I didn't know it was still in PHP. I guess I misunderstood an article I read.

So is Wikipedia.
PHP is just not hipster enough, and thus is looked down upon. Javascript is a far more shittier, hackier language than PHP can even dream of becoming, and yet it's memed all over.

The most important thing is to know how to program and know how to learn a new ecosystem. From that point on, it's just a matter of weeks before switching languages if things go sour.

Yeah JavaScript is le hipster as fuck for whatever reason.

Never forget

>learning php.
>every mysql_blank function is dead and removed in php 7.



use PDO (preferred) or mysqli_ instead

100% agree. Name a better one.

>implying you ever use generics


do you have a degree? i am intending to drop out of my math (too depressed to finish), learn PHP and get a shitty job and climb from there

Too depressed to finish your math class you're not going to reach any goal. Stick it out and go see a doctor, get your head straight.

i am in my 5th year. i should have finished in 3. i will be needing a 6th year. i don't have a dorm, no money to rent, so i drive with someone every single day.

literally no point in staying. i already have a background in CS from highschool, i already know how to make websites (using the old ASP), so i think i can learn PHP fairly quickly

Yea, have a Comp Sci bachelor degree.

If you have enough xp and projects its not really needed.

Typescript da best


> i already know how to make websites (using the old ASP), so i think i can learn PHP fairly quickly

Sadly this is pretty spot on, PHP is ASP Classic as fuck and that is not a good thing

Look man I don't have a degree, I'm a senior systems engineer for a large tech company. I have a fully remote job, I'm not on call, I only work 40 hours a week. Next year I'm on track to clear $140k, and I live in the Midwest where it's pretty cheap.

I'm 36. I could have been here 10 years ago, but not having a degree made things very difficult. I think my results are very very rare, and most of it boils down to dumb luck. It took two years of interviews to get the job I have now, my previous job I only made $60k.

Finish your degree, you're at the finish line.

maybe i will someday. but i need a break now. and money. and an apartment. and a woman.

You won't go back someday. Also deopoing out will negatively impact your ability to get all three of those things, ESPECIALLY the woman. Stay in school user. Man the fuck up and stop being a whiney bitch ass pussy.

im sorry but a pure math degree that took 6 years to finish is literally worthless. also i don't live in the west, things are different here about women

>tfw so dumb I use Codeception and manage to accomplish my tasks without even knowing PHP