New to /ptg/ and private trackers? The sands have heavily shifted in the last few months. Have a FAQ:

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:

apooloo is garbage

maidenslayer is a fucking faggot edition

stop saying mean things about /ourgirl/

demonotaku is /ourgirl/, not maidenshitter

that font makes my eyes bleed

stop using ghostbin

>mfw he gets upvoted on reddit
>apooloo is garbage there as well

t. the one guy who complains
block the font or rehost it elsewhere, literally all you need to do is copy/paste, faggot

he is not the only one; i think it is shit as well

soulseek > torrents

>no subject
trash op

block the font or rehost it elsewhere, literally all you need to do is copy/paste, faggot

ur face is shit lmao

Why doesnt AB want their invites offered on PTH?
Is PTH curry?

>ohhhh look how coooooooool this bin looks
no raw download
get out of here with this faggot tree


>At the time of writing, PTH invite forum was ~hours old, and notable sites like BTN/PTP/Bib had 'recently' reduced/stopped recruitment. 2016-12-19

been a couple days, how about we update

>OP trying to shill his post
>too retarded to use the subject field
>too dense to clear the name field
don't bother making a new OP, you're useless

>putting the subject in the namefield

>he thinks it matters if its the name or subject

demonotaku is not qute, he is just a faggot.

>a certain tracker doesn't want their invites to be released to PTH
>therefore, the problem is within PTH itself
do you realize how stupid you sound?


AB doesn't want invites anywhere right now

op is a retard

>muh /ptg/
sorry to distract from the trap jerk session

here on Sup Forums

Not only is apooloo garbage there, anyone who says that it's shit gets called a shill by Twitch streamer Destiny


AB is paranoid about how big they've gotten.

Some people think the mailer daemon was deliberately shut down rather than broken so invites would stop flowing.

they started locking up the doors when PTH and APL started taking off in the ashes of WCD

there's a lot of bullshit flying around trackers right now, not worth it to risk reputation

Can we talk about /ourgirl/


/forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=3170 on apollo


pth is thepiratebay level

makes sense

yui don't want, to make animebytes CABAL, or don't like this idea, as it implies that AB is big and shiet

fuck off faggot

We sure could if this was Random Whores General.

Too bad it's not.


how can real girls even compete?


>clicking a link from /ptg/

update it yourself
don't fuck up the format, mr. /ptg/ - Private Tracker General


PTH isn't PTP but it's not TPB

>tfw the buffer keeps flowing

but you can't click it

these fucking dweebs i swear to god

suck my tits, do a better job faster next time if it's so fucking important to you


not at apollo lol

It's apollo, it's not like getting marked matters there.

Can someone pls explain this meme

holy shit that guy is a fuck

AB will open up invites/recruitment in the furture as their members reach puberty, grow out of watching anime, and move on to adulthood.

>retard OP shillposts some shitty meme
no wonder the thread's a disaster

>all me and my friends make fun of modern culture
Gonna need a bigger fedora for this one

Fucking hell, literal cancel right there.

or that their staff even knows how to mark

demonotaku is a /ptg/ user who is also on a few trackers. he moans loudly whenever mentioned that he was "doxxed for this place", and is in general toward the top of the faggot tree as you can see from that document

which one?

yeah man the last thread was a real bastion of awesome with the last 100 posts jerking to some trap

fucking americans, this place sucks this time of day

What is this faggotry

>sending your referrer in the year of our lord two thousand sixteen
I thought this was Sup Forums?

It was pretty good
Just wish she had more pics up

i'm on some trackers right now, nothing with invites or anything of the sort. where should i try to get into, assuming they'll get invites to /pyramid/ trackers someday?

been out of the game a minute

So we keep it to the old thread and don't fucking bring the shitposts over to the new
jesus christ you're an idiot
some faggot "What.CD" discord

AB is full of autistic sjws
What do you expect?

AB shouldn't be at the bottom, it's a goat tracker


>pth "royalty" uploads

no wonder this laughing stock of torrent world went dead within the first few weeks

>keep it to the old thread

/maybe/ Apollo

GGn, TehC, AB

thanks that helped a lot

Have you ever been on idc or any other part of the forums for that matter?
It's basically Sup Forums

>they're reported already
yeah you really tore the lid off the case there

doesn't mean you have to reply, dingus




I don't understand
What trackers are you on currently?

been reading threads for a few days. PTH looks like i can't get in right now, right? there's no two way flow of invites yet?

apollo is recruiting and once i re-read the WCD interview shit i'm sure that won't be a problem. worried i can't build buffer there but i don't really care about a music tracker anyway. don't listen to much

AB seems closed, OP says the GGN is closed. only one i don't know is tehc -- any idea where they invite out of?

shouldn't even be fucking here in the first place

>AB is full of autistic sjws

IDC is Sup Forums without porn, practically

PrivateHD and XWT, both are curry-tier level trackers. both have donation/FL options so no one serious invites there. i have good ratio and whatnot but it's not enough to get me in anywhere that matters

>dannyisill is still on apollo

>meet based AB user willing to give invite a few days ago
>invite sent, screencap showing it
>don't receive anything
>"sorry user the mail servers are not working right now"
>ask day after day if it's fixed
>still not working
Just end this suffering already. Think it will get fixed or it's the meme about the population control true?

for those that don't know

AB confirmed next big boyz, the doors are closing lads

Why do you even want to get in?

it's true, they're not fixing the mail server until they want new people in

>tfw no matter how many reddit accounts you create, you still can't shill pth to people

I freaked when I couldn't upload my own image

Kinda a bad time to get in trackers desu
If you came here a month or so earlier I'd recommend either taking the interview or just applying to get in AB, but now those options seem well and closed

Not really sure what the best way is to get into good trackers now, I've been sitting pretty for a few years now

yeah we can talk about this thing i found earlier

it prevents text highlighting if you keep the main css on but the translation is pretty amusing

You're right, PTH is way worse than TPB

to get higher in the pyramid
i don't care about the content. i'm just there to build user level and go /upstairs/
good user, won't use any invites i get and keep my brother /pure/ as i can

oh i've got those forever
they make all the curry/apollo jokes and i'm still laughing at the baby furfag

oh yeah i get that it's a bad time. i'm more trying to think.. what can i do now that will help me get my foot in the door / maybe start set up in the coming weeks/months?

I sort of dont want you there but if youre decent person thats alright. Everyone have to start somewhere, i suppose.

>apooloo staff recommending medieval cue splitter in the help forums

it's over

>inb4 t. nala

is baconBits any good? can you even get in that place anymore? i can shitpost reddit comments enough to get a couple hundred points of karma, fake it til i make it

>stalk his profile
>he's russian
No surprise

I can't think of anything more embarrassing than a 30 year old weeb

i get that. i really do. if there was a way i could climb without using a tracker whose content i have no use for, i'd do so. maybe i'd grab akira, evangelion's original run or some shit like that. but i'm not there for the deep cutz as it were.

sorry man. y'all like anime and that's cool. just not my jam senpai

continue uploading 1kb torrents, champ

If you're on cabal trackers, the nah, if not, then their request section is primo.

Da fuq? Apollo is done...