Can someone redpill me on TempleOS? What's the story behind it and why/how it became a meme?

Can someone redpill me on TempleOS? What's the story behind it and why/how it became a meme?
>inb4 google

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God told some schizo dude to write an OS, he said it had to be 640x480 16 color with no networking. Also he had a run in with a CIA nigger once and that set him on edge.

Terry has a SETI

guy went full on batshit crazy

The resolution and color requirements are inane honestly

The dithering in the games makes my eyes hurt too

You shouldn't use this.

>inb4 CIA nigger
kill yourself

>The resolution and color requirements are inane honestly

It's sensible and makes it easier to do recreational programming on.

God instructed Terry to write an OS from scratch in x64 assembly. Its main selling point is that it's random number generator allows you to speak with god(at the cost of a good offering). Otherwise he just shitposts you.

First to get dubs must quit his job / drop out of university and work full-time on porting TempleOS to 64-bit ARM


Good luck user god be with you.

The most important idea behind TempleOS is to keep it simple enough to understand from top to bottom. It's just about 100 kLOC including the kernel, a JIT compiler for HolyC.

The main purpose, besides talking to God, is a learning and recreational programming environment, like a modern Commodore 64.

I think that's a great idea.

Get on it boi

holyC is literally better than c.
Terry is a saint.

>Good luck user god be with you.
Well damn. I actually did some ARM assembly already.

What 64-bit SBC comes with an openly documented interface for all hardware, especially graphics?
I can't use binary blobs like the Raspberry Pi

CIA nigger

Is there a Holy C compiler for GNU/Linux?

write your own senpai.

>* Allows "5




nice try CIA nigger

> There is no main() function. Any code outside of functions gets executed upon
start-up, in order.
Is he trying to emulate scripting languages?

A word of wisdom from Our Lord's emissary on Earth.

just the kind of thing a CIA nigger would say

He's like the manifestation of Sup Forums's combined personality.

> Racist
> Spends all his time programming stuff that is technically somewhat impressive, but completely useless to the world
> perma-NEET

I mean, Sup Forums is always talking about things like programming languages and completely academic programming challenges, but almost never talks about things like *actually completing software projects for businesses*.

Sup Forums loves to rant and rave about freedom and software, but doesn't even seem to know or care how to keep itself fed.

Sup Forums is all about sitting around in your basement, collecting disability money, while tinkering on dumb, useless projects that you find interesting and will never provide any actual value to anyone else in the world.

>projecting this hard

>God communication device
>completely useless
/r/atheism might be right up your alley.

How is that emulating a scripting language?

There's no particular reason to have a "main" function, other than making it easier to determine exactly where the primary thread begins executing.

Also, remember that in a language like C++, something like this:

class Herro
Herro() { cout

>projecting this hard

python does

Don't quit your job or drop out of university though.

I quit my job due to depression a few months ago. NEET living off savings right now

What job? Jobs are pretty depressing, especially in tech.

Software development.

The job was quite good but my depression returned in full force and knocked me out for a few months. I'm slowly getting back to normal but will look for part-time projects now.

Computing is also a hobby of mine and I can't handle full-time work AND working on private projects.

Having too many colours would make it difficult for children to make drawings for God.

Any lisp or forth?

wew lad, you better do it.

fucking FBI african-american, get out

you've gotten dubs like three times now, this is a sign from God Almighty, he wants you to port the one true OS

Just a daily reminder that talking about temple os does not have into include talking about the idiosyncrasies of its creator.

everybody should have to read this before hopping on the meme train.

I know this would be sinful to him, but if he cleaned it up a little he could easily give it out as something for kids to learn programming on.

When the AI's revolt and the networks burn, TempleOS will be the shining light in the darkness.

>tfw monks in the techno-barbarian dark age writing manuscripts in TempleOS

Cited for truth.


Not OP, but that was a very interesting read, thank you.

Holy fuck, imagine if Terry spent last 13 years on something important, like AI or something like that

This is literally the epitome of wasted genius

>A nigger plays games. A white kid writes them.

No problem. Merry Christmas Temple Bros.

you better deliver OP


The best games I have ever played are on TempleOS

Could someone dump their Terry images? I've seen a few good ones not ITT that I wasn't able to save.

>Projecting THIS hard

I lost my shit when he said this in one of this videos.

Who's that on the left?
Twilight sparkle?

who the fuck is this?


Stocking from Panty and Stocking, I believe.

It's Stocking, are you retarded?


>The OS contains numerous embedded biblical references including a program called AfterEgypt which allows users to "communicate with God" through an oracle.
>no networking


Terry Davis had enough with the CIA niggers putting code in the stack, so he made his own OS.

Why would people come here to talk about their job? No one wants to hear about some menial coding shit you did at work unless it was something exceptionally interesting. Hobby projects are usually neat though.

I'm serious about this.

He went nuts and regressed to his teenage years where 16 bit was cool and decided to write the ultimate 16 bit OS to run simple programs in a 640x480 screen and write sprites.

He has retained all the skills and knowledge of his life up to it looks like 2012 or so, but he probably thinks it's still 1988 and this is one wild ride.

In a way I envy him.


Where do I go for actual TOS help? I have a VM running, but struggle to get anything done. Navigation seems easy, but I still wasn't able to find how to play hymns or get a single word from god.

The OS looks pretty fucking impressive, though

you gotta do it user

ty user



> Implying there is a God
> Implying that if there was a God TempleOS would be able to interface with it

> no networking
> botnet
Stupid MIT niggers

this nigga literally lives 5 minutes away from where i live