Most expensive software you've ever bought?

most expensive software you've ever bought?

Games not included.

Windows 8 $15 at release.

Windows XP for my first build, 99.9€ in 2006

I was a stupid kid and actually saved up for an entire year to buy my own copy of the Adobe suite. I was even more stupid because I decided to buy from a local shitbox who was known for scamming customers, huge price markups and rebate scams but were eventually shut down after they were finally busted.

I spent $2900 on it. Worked my fucking ass off for an entire year and could have easily used that money for a cheap car because I got my license the same year.

I looked online. Sure, you could pirate it for free but I was one of those idiot kids who thought all piracy was bad (even though I did torrent music lel). Price of the same suite just a month after I bought it was $1800. Less on ebay. Then I learned that I qualified for a student discount through my school which pushed it down to $900. Or better yet, previous version for even less.

It was one hell of a wake-up call. I think that I've only paid for steam games and Windows 7 once since then.


I'll accept that and fully admit to it. Never again.

iZotope RX at 1200USD+taxes (I don’t remember how much)
honestly, that was a good buy and it’s clearly worth, I use it almost every day and it’s honestly the best audio editor

BeyondCompare 4 for like £17.
And this is literally the only piece of software I have ever bought. I know there are free alternatives out there, but this program saved me so much time I just love it. I bought it only after using pirated version for like 2 years.

excluding an operating system, I paid 10 bucks for image sorting/tagging software

I "technically" bought the windchill and CAD package for my office since I was the one who said "yeah sure fire away" over the phone at the PTC sales rep, who wasn't a pajeets. So like 15k? But for me personally I bought CC over a year ago with my .edu email so I guess that makes it almost $360 for 18 months so far of CC

I paid $30 for Sony Movie Studio.

a copy of corel draw 4 at a charity shop, £3. i pirate everything

CATIA V5 for around 30000$.
and that wasn't even the full package. Not even close to the full package.

Most expensive software package ever in my name - $250,000,000 (Microsoft Enterprise license w/ software assurance - 5 year - company wide) That was changed in a few hours.

Most expensive software I've ever purchased for me - 4 copies of Server 2012 R2 Datacenter - 4CPU - $35,000. AVMA is GOAT.

I use easily $200-300 worth of desktop macOS software everyday.

Kaleidoscope (Diff/merge tool) $70
Transmit ((S)FTP/S3/etc.) $34
TaskPaper (Plaintext outliner) $19
Alfred (Launcher) £35
Paw (API tool) £40
Git Tower $79
Ulysses (Markdown notes and writing) £25
Pixelmator (75% of the most useful bits of photoshop) £23
Tweetbot £8

I like paying for software, especially good software. Makes my day easier for what isn't really that much money.

250 million? how many licences man what the hell

Who are you mystery man

No actual count. Full global license, for essentially the entire catalog. For 5 years. Including all upgrades. And Premier support.

Though I really should read before posting. Not $250 million, only $25 million. Well, 24 and change.

You personally spent $30,000 of your own money on a piece of software?

It's for my company. I need to have a legitimate license in order to be able to sell my work. Otherwise on the first inspection I would get fined something like 150000.

So your company purchased it and gave you a license

Stupid question. what does it do?
Also I'm your opinion was it a good deal? Also what company do you work for?

No. It's my company. I own it.
also I should mention it's a lifetime license.

>what does it do?
What does the software do? It's essentially a license for anything Microsoft makes. Office, Windows, SQL, SharePoint, etc.

> Also I'm your opinion was it a good deal?
Eh, that's hard to say. If there is no breakage or show stopping issues in the enterprise stuff, then no, not technically. But especially with the premier support, if all ~40 Exchange servers dismount all their DB's, I can call Microsoft T3 Exchange support and get priority server down support, and they'll send an engineer out to me if needed.

From a license management count, it cost about %15 more to do it this way, but not having to worry about compliance or system sprawl is a trade off.

> Also what company do you work for?
Don't work there anymore, but somewhere in the fortune 100.

I'm tired just thinking about the scale.

>just thinking about the scale.
Literally global.

Considering that 25m really isn't too much at all.

Especially when you consider how expensive the shit this software is running on is.

Holy shit $25 million? I greatly underestimate the cost of software at a very large scale.

So this is unlimited licensing for 5 years, their top support, and access to their whole product line? Damn.

AutoCAD 2013
Insividual lifetime license

Windows 3.1 or Windows XP Pro


What does your company do?

We make dildos

Do apps count?
Titanium backup license key, 7EUR

GTA San Andreas (PS2), NZ$109
non game? probably an XFS data recovery program which was about $60, i don't even remember what it was called

I'm 32 and have literally never paid for a single piece of software (outside of games)

Even as a kid my dad never paid for applications or operating systems. He'd just bring home copies from work

I take that back, I have like $20 worth of Android apps

>$30k for a french software to create 3d models of dildos

$99 for a copy of MS Visual Studio back in 1999 or so

you kids these days can literally just download a Linux distro with GCC and your choice of a hundred editors/IDEs and have it just werk(tm)

I can't think of anything, honestly.
Probably the copy of Windows 7 that came with a laptop I bought 6 years ago.

Adobe flash. I'm not actually sure how much I paid for it. It was $15 a month for at least 2 years.

Windows 10 for 160 dollars

RX is a fucking wonder. Good purchase user. If I were to buy anything from iZotope it'd be Ozone and Trash 2.

Visual Studio back in 2008 or IDA Pro a couple years ago

Don't remember which one cost me more, but they were business expenses so whatever.

Around $7000 for Mathematica.

There's nothing more cuck than paying for lines of code that could've be gotten for free.

>image sorting/tagging software

what was it called and was it worth it?

$100 on mathfuckinglab

Winrar back in 2007 which was around $30

Malwarebytes, still have it too

i heard adobe cs2 is free now?

mine is windows 7 home/oem i think is a fake one (from oem key i buy it cheap from cyka blyat) but upgradable to windows 10

Probably about 3.99$ for an android music app

That was another user who replied. Who would spend that much money on fucking dildos? Absurd. My company actually manufacturers very premium butt plugs.

What's the point in making a shed look that nice? All it does is hold tools.

Well, considering Windows (Vista?) was going for like $99 at the time I bought my Thinkpad T400, I paid that for it. It came with the laptop but the cost of the OS is wrapped into the full price of hardware. So the answer to your question is that the most I've paid is $99.

That's a tiny house, retard.

Tbh probably Planet Coaster

in sweden, that's where the native men live

$40 for Affinity Deisgner. Pretty good program.

Game Maker 7 for $20


Was that Flash for business/commercial use?

I signed a check for $15,000 for Master Collection once.

Granted it was a 500 seat license

The company ended up only using about 50 keys lol

Yes. Otherwise I wouldn't have even used it. I needed to write some simple games that could go on a CD and be run on computers with at least win XP or mac OS10 (targeting schools that might still not have upgraded computers from years ago). A swf bundled inside an executable for OSX and windows worked with absolutely no need for a split codebase to handle platform specific stuff. Also meant there were no dependencies (they were bundled into the executable) and I could also throw the swf file on there as a sort of future-proofing so that you could run it on any system with flash installed even if neither of the executables would work for you (a linux system for example).

Windows XP $10

(also it worked on both powerpc and intel macs which was a requirement that was a huge pain in the ass to deal with)

Windows 7 OEM license in 2011 for around $130. Next highest is Pixelmator (best poor man's Phtotoshop I've ever seen) at $30.

I want to get some UI/UX prototyping programs sometime soon which should run $80-100 a piece.

windows 10 (35 $) upon release on reddit.
Threema. (secure messaging on android) 2 or 4 $
Swype keyboard (android)
Tasker (best android app but i don't use it right now)
2-3 games..
That is it...

that's a big fat lie

Which prototyping program are you looking into? I'm also interested in it.

Are you the guy who wrote the shitty Junior Achievement CD-ROM I had to use in the 7th grade circa 2006?

I spent seven figures on Oracle licensing this year...

I was looking at Sketch since that's the one that has come up the most often in conversation. There were some others that I was considering (Pixate Studio off the top of my head), but they all got acquired by Google/Apple within the last year. I also saw a SAAS webapp that supposedly had decent reviews, but I can't think of the name off the top of my head.

I just need something that will allow me to rapidly prototype GUIs without having to write a full program every time.

I've literally never spent a cent on software.
Feels good.

Windows 7 Ultimate for $120 at a local tech store. Man I wish they still made physical copies like that today and not paper sleeves or flash drives



Could you be thinking of Figma? I'm using windows so Sketch is a no go for me. I'm waiting for Adobe XD to see how it shapes up but for now Figma seems like the only popular candidate. I don't like that it lives in your browser though.

No, they gave out universal CD-keys because they shut down the license servers, but you must already own your own copy to legally use it.
However, the license/EULA is your only problem, if you live in countries where piracy is purely defined by "circumventing copy protection", then it may free (IANAL, tho)

All of you are imposters.
We make high powered ''erotic machinery''.

>specially good software
then why did you spend money on mac software?

Microsoft Office 2013 & a software to help me with my taxes are the only software I've ever bought.

>high powered ''erotic machinery''

I paid $110 for windows 8.1, upgraded to 10, then paid an extra $99 for the pro upgrade cause I wanted bitlocker.

some hack for a shitty online fps.

Schlumberger's Petrel 2016 at a low low price of $100,000/seat