Twitter is kill

Twitter is kill

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what went wrong

no proper monetization strategy

trying to censor free speech

They started cracking down on ((((((hate speech)))))

People realized it was fucking worthless despite its massive user base

Turns out when you give something away for free, you can't make money.

Thank fucking god

>December 20, 2016
>Twitter's CEO quits
No? Jack Dorsey is still CEO of twitter.

Nothing of value was lost.

Its an incredibly powerful platform. Wall St was just jerking themselves off over the idea. In reality, its a scam that can't make money. Nowhere else gives me the power to talk shit to that fucking Maria Carrie

Perhaps it should be Twitter CTO


Twitter is pretty useless anyway. Facebook, google, microsoft, apple, adobe, autodesk and all those other botnets could die as well.

You are the product.
You are the product.
They don't give shit to nobody.

Monetized though ads and selling personal info.
Monetized though ads and selling personal info.
Sells support/services.

Jesus Christ Sup Forums, get your shit together.

actually the opposite. They waited too long to do so, and advertisers started pulling out because they dont want their brands associated with internet "crusaders" or ISIS recruiters.

You are the product with Twitter as well.

Sure is a good thing GNUnet is alive

Tis a Christmas miracle laddy

>You are the product with Twitter as well.
If someone actually wanted to buy inane comments by the hopelessly retarded this place would be a fucking gold mine.

You are both retarded.

All of this applies to twitter as well. If it counts as a payment for the other services then it counts as payment for twitter as well and this person is wrong.

Shit this website is really infested with morons.

How are GNU Social instances compatible with each other? It makes no sense to me. Do I just make an account on one instance and then talk to people on other instances?

Exactly the same, except for the successful part.

Think of it like E-mail. If you want to mention someone on another instance you need to add the name of the instance.

>All of this applies to twitter as well

Just because a platform has users doesn't make it successful. Twitter suffers the same problem as Reddit and Sup Forums for that matter. The fuck do any of them have to sell when a company instead of buying a banner ad they can just shill daily on the website itself nearly for free.

>and advertisers started pulling out because they dont want their brands associated with internet "crusaders" or ISIS recruiters

>You are the product with Twitter as well.
Twitter doesn't have a product to sell.

>Social media platform with the most blacks.
>What went wrong.
You can't be serious.

There are more black people on World Star than there are on twitter.


Are you retarded? RedHat sells plenty of shit retard.

They dumbed down the platform in effort to bring new users. Although this harmed the current user base as twitter has its uniqueness in a microblogging platform

How would drumpf win next time then

Redhat blackmails their cuck customers.

Sponsored tweets and hashtags.

Google or Microsoft will buy them.

>You are the product with Twitter as well.
And that's why Twitter is failing. They didn't find a way to make money off the users.

Almost no personal info required.
Hardly any advertising.

They don't get anything worth selling.

Why would you pay for something you can get for free?

Bitter /biz/ dev here. They didn't control the Gamergater and SJW fucktards 3 years ago when it might have made a difference.

Read that shit. It's why DIS and CRM dropped out of the bidding. That piece of shit company could have fucking exited at at least SOME respectable fraction of its IPO (which was the exit for the VCs) price. Shareholders got fucking raped on TWTR.

Management too slow to realize that brigading behavior - from SJWs or Sup Forumstards AND ESPECIALLY FROM BOTH - is a deterrent to user signups and cancer to growth projections.

but where will i go for my Weird Tweets now

We all know the real moment twitter dies is when Donald J Trump switches to Gab.

It says COO

>b-but le alt right mean men

I don't think it's a deterrent to user signups. I think if twitter started aggressively banning people for saying things twitter team disagrees with, it would have fallen even quicker.

its practically impossible to post anything intelligent in less than 140 charachters

>"this statement is false"

twitter started as a way to broadcast your sms text messages to people you would never consider sharing your actual phone number with.

SMS's day is done, twitter is not sufficiently evolutionary or revolutionary to escape.

You managed just 85 characters though.

Yeah, your post is a perfect proof of your claim.

I'm getting sick of the top trending hashtags being sports related.

They gave everyone a free service and had no means of sustaining themselves.

Twitter's stance on respecting users privacy is admirable, but at the end of the day: if you're not getting paid from ads, or surviving from donations, or (the most profitable) selling your users' information to third parties, then you're not making any money at all.

Up until this point Twitter thrived because of the money from investors, due to having gathered and maintained a massive user base, however they still couldn't figure out how to turn a profit from that so it all went to waste.

Honestly, Twitter is probably the worst thing to happen to Sup Forums. Its influence on this site is even worse than Tumblr and Reddit.


Two other websites with exactly same problem as Twitter. Not to mention Sup Forums.


>what went wrong
Dorsey's a crazy left wing nutjob and an SJW radical.

Is Gab any good?

why the fuck do i have to care?

Imagine all the shitty twitter screencap threads you see on other boards

Twitter is like being in the worlds shittiest publicly-logged IRC channel with a billion other users, all screaming at each other or begging for others attention.

You are an idiot if you've ever used it out of anything other than morbid curiosity.

Twitter would have been every itoa as terrible with Rush Limbaugh in charge. The entire concept is rotten to the core.

Spoken well like someone who has never used Twitter.

Literally Follow more than 5 famous-ish people. RIP your feed. it's all noise. Twitter went for short and rapid. it's Paradigm for threads was shit. (if you haven't used it, imagine all Sup Forums posts and you can't tell the thread unless the replyer explicitly >>'s it )

It used to be cool and i'd follow game devs and some actors\actresses\comideans\etc., people that'd post small fun updates

But then it just got worse and worse...

I barely want to look at it on the shitter - which is really all i used it for.

>Follow more than 5 famous-ish people
Why would you? Twitter is basically only good for and weird suns.

No good way to make money off of Twitter. Even Kikebook has to lie to advertisers about ad/video reach to sucker people into spending money.

At Google, not you are the product, your money is the product. There's a fine distinction there. Plus, Google doesn't sell your data, they sell ad space. There is no company on earth to whom your data is remotely worth as much as to Google, so they'll protect your data better than you do

They were encouraged to put a bunch of VCs on the board during the ramp up years of 2010-2012 (because every VC in SV wanted a piece of the gold rush back then). Since VCs loan money on the basis of becoming a megacorp, Twitter has essentially had a gun to its head since 2013. Now, since the original founders and directors couldn't deliver, they're being axed one by one in favor of "friends of friends" of the VCs who will probably run it into the ground.

TL;DR: Twitter cucked itself to VCs to be trendy in 2010. VCs wanted a Facebook competitor. Original Twitter people failed, so VCs are axing everyone to get whatever scraps they can.

And this analysis doesn't even factor their "machine learning" memes (really just inflating click rates for advertisers, but ML sounds trendier).

Data mines you to sell its ad service.

Data mines you to sell its ad service.

Sells support contracts to companies who are too stupid to hire their own IT personnel.

I'm done with politics until after Christmas.

Because that would require business people who know how to anything other than throw cash at their problems.

>sees evidence
>runs away
You can't outrun a truck user

About that, why should I outrun? I just pull out my pocket bazooka. The size of that thing stuns the uninitiated. Muslims can't handle it and crash into a wall.


>You can't outrun a truck user

>tfw you will never be this retarded

Good,bring back pre-2007 then go beyond until pre-2001 Web.

Pre-2010 is better. Then you have a sweet spot where social networking existed, but the old web norms allowed it to filter out to niche forums first.

What about Twitter stock? I suppose they're at an all-time low now. If they get bought, stock rises like the pope's penis when he's sees a boy.

If not Pre-2001, then I can go as far as 2004-2007. That's it.

Too bad flash dominated that era.

Only Trump tweets may save Twitter


b-b-but I like twitter. It's the best way to keep up with personalities you find interesting.

But is the instance hosted? What about unique namings? Is it really simple as john@doegnuinstance?

so .. time to invest in twitter?

Good ridance. Twitter is nothing more than a censoring, anti-freedom echo chamber for liberal cry babies.
Burn in hell, twatter.

Twitter staff are the SJW fucktards.

Trump is the biggest success they've had and it's not the success the SJWs running Twitter wanted.

Dorsey looks like a sociopathic cunt, doesn't give a shit about niggers and only wants the PR

Look lower

President Trump got elected

>ITT: It died because [muh politics]
Like others have said. No proper monetization strategy.

Oh, it's on sale!

Will this affect bootstrap any way? I fucking hate hate hate making UI stuff in html/css. Bootstrap means I don't have to.

Let me guess you use facebook

>Employees 3,860 (June 2016)[4]
Still fixable, they could fire 3000 people.

Their biggest fuckup imo is failiue to create a brand or identity. Noone calls themselves a "twitterer" the sam e way people call themselves redditors or 4channers.
The twitter team has absolutely no presence at all online or IRL.

>apply god awful amounts of "worth" to websites that offers nothing
>being surprised when it all falls apart
Pick one

GNUnet is a file sharing program, GNU Social is the twitter clone

haha, why would you waste your time with that?

I use neither.

Google uses your data to sell advertising. They don't sell your data.
There is a fine difference.
Google hoards your data, they don't sell it. It's more profitable for them to keep your data.

no one with any shred of self-respect calls themselves a "4channer"