When did it go SO RIGHT?
If you are using some other text editor, you are doing it wrong.
When did it go SO RIGHT?
If you are using some other text editor, you are doing it wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
why would i stop using atom
void notepad4ever()
Error, Notepad was not declared in this scope. Maybe if you used a real editor you would be able to know this before you even tried compiling.
Sublime is doing perfectly well for me, and doesn't require I run my editor in Wine. Although if I did not have Sublime, I'd likely use Vim. Vim is semi-comfy, and gets comfier the more experience you have with it.
inside of emacs I could literally write a lisp function better than your entire text editor
>mfw VSCode masterrace
stay mad Sup Forums
How do you get vim to look like that
I use both Notepad++ and Vim.
Notepad++ for my Windows machine.
Vim for anything with a BASH environment.
Both are for editing and write code and file contents, though if I had a choice I would use Vim, the command line will always be comfier than the gui if you already know the commands.
Oh look, it's babby's first “I installed this text editor I found online and it's better than notepad”
come back when you're 18, kid
with mods.
He is correct. You code is shit, OP
I used to feel the same way, however I found that in some APIs (Win32 comes to mind) you can easily have functions with literal paragraphs of parameters, and it just looks retarded to place the opening bracket on the same line as the end of the list.
>fucking headerfiles, how do they work?
>lol look at me I use a terminal to code cuz I'm so 1337 XDXDXD
>I need to press 4 sequences of 5 keys to change the current line
IntelliJ/Pycharm/Android Studio >> Atom/Sublime/Notepad++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else
Enjoy your bloat.
That's nice, retard.
t. superior Scite user
Enjoy your lack of productivity.
Do you use a raspberry pi to work or are you one of the special retarded snowflakes who use a 1980s thinkpad as their main?
Bloat is more about software than hardware. Some things I do require high-end hardware, so I have high-end hardware. But for things that don't require that hardware, it's silly to waste resources just because you can afford to.
I keep wanting to learn to use Atom as i do with Subl, just can't get into it...
Hey guys! OP here and I'm back! I had to suck some big black penises for grocery money. Do you guys like MacBooks? Just dongle my shit up!
If your function has paragraphs of parameters, put that shit in a strict so that you can easily fill in defaults or prior values, refer to parameters by name in the caller, and waste less space. The windows API is an abomination in terms of style. NEVER borrow from it.
>Using SJW++
You can use vim for Windows, you know. It even works OK in command prompt, aside from command prompt's intrinsic limitations w.r.t. fonts, colors, and not being shit
but it looks so ugly
>waste resources
you're not wasting them if you're using them, retard
what? you going to go play a game while you code, you need those precious megabytes?
>4 sequences of 5 keys to change the current line
So does your mom, but that doesn't stop the whole hood from using her.
lmao a ur mum's joke typical sjw++ nigger
>IDE cuck
>thinks he's more productive than any decent Vimmer, ever
>you're not wasting them if you're using them, retard
So spending $10 billion on a slice of bread isn't wasteful, because all that money is getting "used"?
You're a fucking moron. Unused computer resources, especially memory, is a waste.
le vimmer ledditor XD
So this:
int main(void) {
puts("Hello, World!");
return 0;
is more wasteful than this:
int main(void) {
int meme[9999999];
puts("Hello, World!");
return 0;
I formatted last night usually use sublime (which shits on note++) and I was kind of thinking of picking up atom. Everywhere I look they say it's dreadfully slow and prone to crashes.
if the second one had more features and was better looking, yes.
hey faggot looks like you dont even emacs ya fuckin bitch
Dumb frogposter is correct, VS Code is pretty top tier for something so new.
the status bar is vim airline iirc
> name is the same for OP and first post
Really makes you think..
isn't prone to crashes from my experience, but it's slow to start up. worth it imo, because i never close it
No dark theme = no thanks
You don't have the right fonts installed for your airline plugin. Those > should look like ui elements rather than chars. Good job, zero cool.
Notepad was probably decleared in free_software.h
It's shit compared to sublime, which is shit compared to vim
Sublime gets "projects" way right, and I haven't found a project workflow in vim that is a quarter as convenient.
- I can add as many "root folders" to the project as I want, easily.
- I can switch between files incredibly easily while not seeing anything from files that aren't in the project.
- I can search through the files of a project incredibly easily while not seeing any results from files that aren't in the project.
- I can save additional per-project settings just by editing a file.
- I can switch between projects with a single key-chord.
It's not for lack of looking. I have a vim config for my servers that I have built up over several years of use. I use a plugin manager. I maintain two colorschemes. For editing configurations, it's great. For doing small projects that only contain a single folder and maybe a dozen files, it's fine. But when I need to work on something with dozens, hundreds or even thousands of files, give me Sublime any day.
Not using Javascript ... do you even code faggot?
It's nice but where's adequate HEX viewer?
Plugin sucks ass because it's old as fuck and crashes all the time.
Why do most hex editors suck so bad? XV32 is perfect.
I need a plugin nigga, why would i use separate program?
why would you use a text editor as a hex editor
it's like trying to use a text editor as a photoshop substitute, or a desktop environment.
VS Code master race!
oh my god. it even has a watermark.
You are literally retarded. Kill yourself, shit for brains.
>What is the page cache
Fucking stupid people. Don't worry mt fucktard, those resources aren't being wasted.
Wait a minute, how can they all be vice presidents?
+ Built-in automatic (and FAST) project-wide symbol generation and search
+ Built-in go-to anything fuzzy searching
+ Massive log files can be viewed
The first one is the reason why I can't switch to any other editor, programs with a bunch of classes and functions is super hard to jump around without this
>Programming on Windows
>Not programming in a GNU/Linux VM
>Not using Notepad2-mod for quick edits in Windows
Daily reminder
>notepad++ dark themes
>I need to use my mouse anytime I need to move the cursor
What's a decent and free text editor for Linux that has decent project support and symbol generation?
I'm currently using geany but it definitely does not have decent project support
>Create project
>It uses a fucking ABSOLUTE PATH (wtf?)
>It stores fucking ABSOLUTE PATHS of the last files open in the project file
>It stores the last path of the virtual terminal in the project file
>Moving the project invalidates the open files for that project
It's absolutely fucking garbage, there's no fucking way I'd put that in a git repo, so I can't use geany projects. But I'd really like project-wide symbol generation (with proper C++ support) instead of opening all my .hpp files.
I've used vim for a long time and it's project support with plugins is shit.
looks like something a nigger would use
I would press v then $ then c. Or dd? Is DC working. I don't use vim so much
>ide are better than editors?
>non foss
Check out gnome builder.
> Multiple root folders
I hope you step on a lego.
Just use cc. Also, as a general tip: even though it's easier to understand, visually selecting things instead of using motions means wasting a keypress. So instead of doing something like selecting until line end and then changing the selection (v$c) you can directly change until line end (c$).
> Implying that emacs isn't the best tiling DE available.
>that wonky looking phone number on Bateman's card
Into the trash it goes
if you are using windows, you are doing it wrong
Seventy-four replies and only one person notices OPs quality samefagging
as it should be
what i can get from reading your code,
keep notepad++ it suitsyou.
love to edit small files written inC with Intelli java fuckfest
nah this guy noticed it
yes, love it!
The pic on the OP is literally shown in the N++ website, you dufus
Reminder that anyone looking for a Notepad++ equivalent on GNU/Linux, OSX or Windows should look into TextAdept.
The developer is a leftist scum fyi
Different departments.
Vice President in finance/investment banking its just another title for middle management. There can be tens of vice presidents, depending of the size of the team. The concept does not obey to the figure of "a single president and a single vice-president".