What does Sup Forums think of MacBook Pro for engineering?
More specifically, Mechanical Engineering
you are wasting your money (and other fellow engineers will always refer to you as 'the fag with the mac')
>dual-core processor (not even kaby lake)
>no 10-bit HEVC and VP9 HW decoding
>have to have a bunch of dongles at all times
>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>keyboard shallower than a hollywood slut
>keyboard louder than a sheboon nigress
>proprietary SSD
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>tamper tape on battery screws
but what aspect of macs make it inferior?
>being a shallow tech consumer
>being a true engineer
Pick one
It's the best selling laptop of all time
Not inferior, it just can't run the majority of CAD packages because they all use Windows binaries
Right, still doesn't justify the argument. True engineer? Shallow tech consumer? What do these even mean...
Just get a Dell XPS 13 FHD. You can get one for $850 on sale right now. Probably $900 with the tax.
If this was 2013, then yes that would be the case. However now they run nearly identically and write in the same DWG format
If you want to get shit done, get pc, if you want to look like a fag, get the mac
I'm talking 3D, should have specified. Although the only CAD package that has shit Mac support is PTC, Autodesk runs in MacOS fine I think
In all honesty, what is the credibility reasoning behind statements like this?
According to you guys you shouldn't get a mac because you'll be a fag. Right, great argument, strongest in this thread so far
weaker hardware then top of the line laptops and over priced.
Also mac doesnt have the deep software for your work windows does.
Keyboard is utter shit, so is the trackpad. Depending on whether or not you have any usb devices you want plugged in, lack of ports is bad as well.
do it, easier than dual booting linux
patently false.
greater than 50% of the engineers i work with (linux system engineers) are using macs. the rest use a nix variant of their choice on the company provided HP or whatever hunk of plasticky fuck they get (we have a choice).
Let's clarify, I'm about to start my freshmen year for mechanical engineering so i think the question at hand needs a little more context. Of course in the real world/work force of engineers, pc are undoubtedly supior. But for a student in engineering i think the case is quite different. Understanding Calculus and Physics is probably a little more important than being able to render massive 3D cad files while simoltaneuosly playing games
Its easy to say macs are bad because x, y and z. But once you use one its hard to hate it.
Im indifferent.
Would you happen to know their reasonings behind such choices?
>utter shit, so is the trackpad
>literally being this retarded
get a mac, you'll need linux eventually
Get the one with the AMD Pro 550 or whatever if you do which is 15" only, then you can handle CAD
But in general you will be with a better deal getting a $1000 6700HQ + Quadro in a ThinkPad p50, a much more powerful processor and maybe GPU for less
Exactly. As far as I'm concerned the latest MacBook pro has the best keyboard and trackpad. But its not like there exists these things called external mice or keyboards. No i don't think those are real
A true engineer wouldnt use something that he cant fix/modify/upgrade
>trackpad utter shit
top lel if anything, thats one thing they get right.
Let's add another twist to this story. I also have a very decently spaced out tower PC that will serve continue to serve along side with this important work. IN this case, the MacBook is now only needed to file management, classes, and presentation while the pc does the dirty work. Is op still fucked and a fag?
you mean the choice between a macbook pro and a plasticky HP laptop?
like why the engineer chose what he chose? or why the company chose to offer those 2 machines?
i don't know why they chose the HP to offer us. probably some shitty corporate partnership.
as for why each engineer chose what he chose? no, i know why i got what i did.
build quality and native posix standards. not because i want to look like a faggot. but, whatever. like a give a fuck what some neet thinks about me and what tools i choose to use for my job.
Look at all the sources this faggot is throwing around.
Also, even if it were true (which it isn't) it still doesn't mean shit because all pro users are literally shitting all over this piece of crap for the serious lack of features, and everyone is moving to the xps/thinkpad x/elitebook lines.
It's fine if you get one, but do not pretend this is a good choice for engineers
In that case he would better off getting a $400 used business PC
If you actually enjoy the zero travel keys - more power to you, faggots.
>But its not like there exists these things called external mice or keyboard
Buying a $4000 laptop only to carry around an external keyboard and mouse everywhere you go sounds like an awesome idea, thanks!
>top lel if anything, thats one thing they get right.
Pointing is not too bad with it I suppose, but ever since they introduced that 3d touch bullshit it just doesn't have any sensation to clicking it anymore. There's even less travel than the keys have.
This. Fuck the neets.
If u want to be a fag, thats ur choice
Sleek aluminium design, 1080p matte screen, decent array of ports, 10 hours battery.
HP has done good shit in the last 5 years or so, stop being part of the reterded hivemind that is Sup Forums
I used Siemens NX on my first year of Engineering and some Mac users reported compatibility issues that haven't been fixed yet.
I don't know about your grad program but I had to use NX, Solidworks and Catia since the beginning.
I'm a naval architecture/engineering undergrad but our program is very similar to Mech.
>that 3d touch bullshit it just doesn't have any sensation to clicking it anymore
Haptics actually mimic the vibration found when clicking a "real hinged" trackpad quite well. So well it's nearly impossible to tell the difference. So no, you're wrong about that
I actually use this thing daily at the office. And I can sure as hell tell the difference, so kindly fuck off with your marketing bullshit.
nigga, i worked for HP in the past 5 years. they gave me an elite book. heavy hunk of fucking plastic shit.
Then why is mac os global marketshare dropping to 5%?
Clearly you're the true fag in engineering who's is certainly suffering from the pussy shortage. Calling someone a fag because of their choice of machine is the equivalent to saying you're better at calc and physics because you have a better calculator
How is that even relevant to it's ability to run engineering programs?
Hey look, it's the hanging yourself time!
Because nobody except gay web "programmers" who sit around all day in starbucks burning their parent's cash use them.
The macbook is superior
Because every new $300 "laptop" which is actually a tablet is running "Windows"
I will agree though that they are quite popular among the liberal arts fags of this world
There is very little support for macOS for a lot of engineering software. You'd likely have to be use band camp for a windows partition frequently, which is not enjoyable. I don't recommend macs for engineering disciplines for that reason only.
see lolnope, macbooks are just dogshit man, accept it and move on like everyone else has you fucking queer.
>What does Sup Forums think of MacBook Pro
It's a piece of shit.
lol. just in time to grab that macbook air marketshare....oh wait.
Didn't read this. In that case the macbook is fine, but like many have recommended you could save some money by getting something cheaper. You won't find anything close to the combined build quality, usability, etc for cheaper though.
>dual core
pajeet can't even read a spec sheet
You're late to the party, see
It is a dual-core you dipshit. Literally 2 physical cores.
completely agree
I'm doing my last year right now, never had any issue doing high degrees of freedom simulations with a low-end quad core laptop from HP. If you actually need processing power for a project, rent it from amazon or ask your department, I'm sure they'll have some room for student projects.
As a long time Mac user, Tim Cook doesn't give a fuck about Macintosh or OSX and you shouldn't either. Apple only cares about iStuff now.
>I do not know how to find specs on Apple's website
Anti-mac faggots are always the biggest retards on this site. Can't you fucking read?
I use it for Electrical Engineering and its p gud
Software engineer here. I use an X1 Carbon 4th gen running Debian with KDE. It's a far superior laptop and I don't need to carry around a purse filled with dongles.
Mechanical engineer student here. This is what ive used so far
Microsoft office suite for technical reports
I would get a laptop with a keypad and largest processing power you can afford.
probably the only useful post in this thread.
Like I said in , I'm not mechE, but in ECE, we basically just use Matlab and CircuitLab. Both of which either have a mac version or are online tools. So its really down to what you want OP.
Its also very important to consider the fact that a vast majority of the time you spend in Uni wont be working, it will be spent living, and if you like to game it can be hard.
I'm lucky because I had a rig for the first two years to game on before I basically went to only playing small indie games, most of which have mac ports (like Darkest Dungeon). So it wasnt a huge issue for me.
Also, if you ever think you'll have a use for UNIX, go with the Mac.
Anyone here actually a mechanical engineer? No? Okay here's what's up.
Don't get this, purely because of the shitty support for SolidWorks or AutoCAD/Inventor. To do FEA, you can offload most of the processing to the gpu, which on a MacBook might not be enough the best idea. Also consider that most student licenses for these programs are Windows only.
I had some friends use MacBooks all through uni, each one had a separate windows machine or were in the computer lab all the time not using their Mac.
Not really a matter of meme hardware, really a matter of software compatibility.
Also >dongles
>software "engineers"
It's great.
>software engineer
They throw around that title to everyone these days ;_;
Every retarded guy with a mustache is a "software engineer" these days.
If you haven't even passed the PE exam you shouldn't call yourself an engineer.
listen, dickbag...can i call you dickbag? ok, dickbag. systems engineers and software engineers (dev) are completely different people and different jobs.
however, both of them are actual professionals and have a some semblance of an idea of what it takes to get their job done and what is best suited for their workflow.
your workflow consists of wiping cheetos dust off in your beard and chest hair so you don't get it on your "action figures" when your "uncle" fiddles with your micropenis in your mom's basement when you watch your fucking animus.
next time, choke on that cock and die.
where the fuck are you dipshits getting software engineer? these are senior level network engineers.
ass clowns.
>Matte screen
This is the only matter I will ever agree with Apple on
Fuck matte.
HP is shit trust me...
also Mac has a screen for professionals that can't use meme tier retina for work
My workflow consists of engineering. Fitting, considering I am a licensed engineer.
The problem with your first post is that OP is NOT A LINUX SYSTEM ENGINEER. He is MECH. Mech along with nearly every other engineering (wow theres a lot outside of software engineering huh!) field mainly use PC.
>purse filled with dongles
>t. mactoddler