Why do people in subhuman countries use this shitty app? What's so hard about using talk and text like regular human beings?
Why do people in subhuman countries use this shitty app...
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Telegram FTW
Only americans still use SMS.
Whatsapp is better in every single way, you dont even have to pay.
>paying to message
How the fuck do people live without having group chats for everything?
They are so useful.
I have one for each class in my uni, where we a constantly sharing class notes, etc, I have one for each of group of friends I have and we are constantly sharing news, pics, videos, etc
I cant even remember how my used to be before whatsapp.
>not having messaging included for free in your plan
'Murricans (or wannabe 'murricans)
>paying monthly for plans still of being prepaid
It is not free retard, you paid for it.
WhatsApp uses very little data that you would have to pay for anyways.
I just use slack desu
Literally everyone in the world except Anglos use whatsapp. They're too technologically illiterate to know there's a messaging app which you can use to message/call/videocall anyone in the world and is compatible with every mobile device so they continue to use outdated garbage like SMS or proprietary garbage like iMessage.
They're also too technologically illiterate to know there's web browsers beside Internet Explorer (pic related).
Brit here, Whatsapp is okay, but telegram is vastly better.
>for free
It's not for free, there's (maybe hidden) fee that you're paying to get unlimited messages.
Get raped and kill yourself you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
No, it's not. They say it's free but the price is included even in the more basic packages, you stupid animal. Nothing is simply for free. Not even WhatsApp, you just don't pay with actual money.
Let's get this over with
Signal > Telegram > Kakao > Whatsapp > Line
>paying for a plan with sms
>not just using wifi
have you even used whatsapp? its a lot easier and aesthetically pleasing to message people in an app than to use sms which just feels depressing.
No web client?
No PC client?
No message timeout?
Shit all for APIs?
whatsapp is pretty based, use it to talk to my mexifriends
Yeah but it's the only one with an encryption that has been properly audited as far as I know.
Yep, knew it. theregister.co.uk
Meanwhile Signal
If you think a few conveniences are worth having an encryption so full of holes it might as well not be there, go ahead use Telegram.
they'll pay you to break it... Go ahead.
Are international texts free on plans in the USA?
>Except anglos
That's why I included the 'people from subhuman countries' bit.
Because we don't have unlimited text
Because I live in America but have family in France and Germany. My cellular plan does not include unlimited international, and going with a plan that does include that would be almost 200 USD a month for me and my wife. So we just use WhatsApp over WLAN to communicate with family.
>they'll pay you to break it... Go ahead.
And to keep silent, I'm sure. I don't know shit about cryptography, if you don't care about audits saying it's vulnerable it's not my problem.
Nice story, caveman.
>huehue/eurabian WA user calling anyone 'caveman'
I love having to juggle 50 superficially distinct pieces of software to do one job! Email is soooooo 2000.
The real question is why doesn't the whole world use it?
>free as in free beer
>no ads
>end to end encryption
>file sharing (pictures, videos, instant recordings, documents)
>location sharing
>group chat
>voice messages
>live calls and videocalls
>web client
>no need for an account or any data other than your phone number
>offline message archive
What's not to like?
lack of API?
Holy fuck is was LITERALLY just about to make a thread asking why Whatsapp is so popular.
I don't really get this thing. It doesn't seem to be like Kik where people contact random people and use it mainly for sexting and sending nudes to each other. It's like, for people who legitimately know each other.
So if people know each other and are friends, why do they need to be using an app that uses a fake phone number? Is it really just to save money so all their friends have to have the fake phone number as well?
I'm in America BTW
Why would you use a fake phone number?
dont you have to create a different phone number for whatsapp? you cant use your own right?
I wish google hangout were more popular.
If I have to use botnet I would like to use one botnet that is forced with my phone os instead of additional fb and whatsap botnets
wait amerilards still use SMSs? hahah literal lel
they're pretty much killing it off in favour of Allo, and what ever the other one is called...
Most providers have sms for free in the Netherlands.
Still no one uses it.
>using outdated technology
No, you use your own phone number which makes it even more pointless. This thread is full of poors trying to justify why they can't pay for a monthly call and text package and have to use some ghetto app used by huehues and nigs while connected to McDonalds wifi
ITT: insecure amerilards
No. Pisses off my girlfriend and myself too.
well that makes sense considering your hands are doing the texting
only americunts use sms, and only because they get it for free.
I have a 2000 sms limit but I have unlimited 4G data.
Even if you don't have unlimited data, most countries charge for sms or have charged at some point for them and nobody use that.
The only thing I needed to know about Whatsapp to know not to use it is that ISIS recruited using it. Fuck off euros
Of course you can, that's the whole point. To send messages and make calls through wifi, for free.
>free products are so cool bro
You are bought and sold like cattle
I heard ISIS terrorists buy tickets to comercial air flights too. Go figure.
I think it makes sense that it's more popular in Europe because their phone plans are probably really expensive, like most things are there.
Since Americans get free SMS, do they also get SMS advertisement?
Start using WhatsApp.
>no reading comprehension
you are going out of your way to prove that you are retarded.
My plan is prepaid
Nope. No fee.
>You can tell that I'm a sophisticated intellectual because I post anime children
Yeah it's even more of a caveman now.
Amerinig here, use SMS the most because it's unlimited, unlike my data plan, and I can send and receive them without having mobile data or WiFi on. Otherwise, I use Wire.
How do you do groups with text messages? Like that other guy said, we also have a group for our class with 30 people where people can ask about school stuff, send documents, talk about whatever. Another group for the people in our school project group, groups with other friends of mine. Works on phones and computers, it's like a bunch of IRC channels you can keep with you. It's just convenient, I was surprised Americans don't use it and I don't see why you wouldn't
Aren't your phone plans like a hundred dollars a month, is what I always see people posting. Ours are like ten shekels a month with uncapped internet
Supermensch don't engsge I'm illegal activities.
Most people where i live just use kik for group chats. Most people have whatsapp and don't use it. Normies don't care about encryption because they don't care about muh nsa. People who do use telegram
GroupMe is very popular at my university. Most people use the app but it also works for group chats through regular SMS.
Apple iPhone doesn't have this problem.
Also keep on mind most apple cucks use imessage.
Telegram feels slow and buggy.
'Murrican or wannabe 'murrican
At least I've never used that filthy blackberry in my life.
Nice edgy Sup Forums buzzword buddy.
Telegram has shit homebrew encryption. WhatsApp had its encryption developed by Moxie. If you aren't going to use Signal, use WhatsApp.
>Only americans still use SMS.
Americans actually use iMessage, though they don't realize it.
>free as in free beer
>no ads
How do they make money?
This. SMS is garbage, this is all a ruse right
whatsapp is literally the only app on my smartphone that i like. it's well-designed.
i never understood how it never caught on in america. i think the american normies use mobile facebook way more than here and chat through that.
subtle roast
my phone plan comes with unlimited texts whether I like it or not. see no reason to get whatsapp. my messaging app works perfectly fine
Depends on the country mate. In Australia you would get a billion free SMS with any plan so people would just use that.
In my new country every message is roughly 5cents. Whereas LINE is free and more feature rich anyway.
I am glad my country does not use the Facebook owned whatsapp though.
>every message is roughly 5cents
What fucking country is that? Japan?
Facebook owns them now. Do the math.
they sell your data
Genuine question: what the fuck are you guys sending to each other that needs to be encrypted? This isn't a troll, I'm completely serious. Like for me my phone has to be encrypted because I work at a hospital with patient info, etc. But like what the fuck are you guys sending/receiving that's so sensitive?
>Murica can't into chip and pin
>Murica can't into contactless payment
>Murica can't into paym (transferring money into someone's account using just your mobile numbers)
>Not even entirely sure Muricans can even transfer money using just a banking app?
>Muricans can't into proper texting apps and insist dinosaur standard SMS is perfect
Yep, every other nation is subhuman apart from yours Murica. You guys are evidently leading the rest of the world when it comes to technology. You keep believing that.
Thailand. 2Baht/message depending on your carrier.
Everybody used to use BBM now they use LINE.
But anglos are subhuman.
The payment stuff is because Americans co-created and widely adopted the earlier payment technologies. By the time chip and pin, contactless and mobile payments became viable around standard credit cards were entrenched as fuck.
Also forgot to mention how Muricans are cucked beyond belief by their ISPs with capped download limits. The ISP monopoly there is fucking terrifying.
Well you niggers need to git gud then. I don't think you guys can even comprehend just how backwards it is to swipe cards. Literally African tier.
The only thing I would like whatsapp to have is sending uncompressed files and images
because some people have friends/family in other countries and calling over wifi is comfy/free. why are you so mad at people trying to save money?
More like
Wire>>>>>> Signal > Telegram > Kakao > Whatsapp > Line
i use it to talk to my mail order brides out of country. pretty based app.
What's good about it?
>End to end encryption
>Open source
>Available everywhere (linux,web,android,iOS, etc)
>No phone number required
>You can text,voice or video call
>group chat
>group voice,video up to 5
>The sound is fucking clear
And beautiful UI, also a lot of things that make the best
the only downside, no one actually use it
but I made my family and friends to use and so far, they're happy about it.
If you value encryption, how can you say
>Telegram > WhatsApp
>Kakao > WhatsApp
I didn't, I just paste what previously mentioned by other user, though his arrangement criteria may not based on encryption.
My criteria was mostly based on encryption and then on features, design, etc. because I thought Signal was the only one that properly encrypted messages. I didn't know WhatsApp's encryption was better than Telegram's and made by Moxie, so that makes it a much better choice than I originally thought. Don't know about Wire.
I don't know what you consider expensive but I pay 25€ a month and get unlimited texts, calls and 4G
>But Wire can also be used for sharing photos, links, and text—all of which does not use end-to-end encryption. Instead, text and media are encrypted between a device and Wire’s servers, meaning the company could theoretically decrypt any message passing through its data center.
It has no end to end picture or text media encryption and you're calling it a good choice for privacy? This guy made me look more into WhatsApp's encryption and not only has it been developed by a really smart guy but they also do end-to-end for all media.
If you value privacy it's clear that WhatsApp is better than Wire.
Mexican Legal alien here.
I work as an insurance seller, beliveme when i say to you that 70% of the sales and contact i have with customers is trough Whatsapp.
I know Telegram and signal are way better, but is what the tech illiterate use in all latin america. Theres people that use telegram and feel theyre l337. Im cucked with 6gb of data per month but i have unlimited calls, sms and radio based coms (nextel prip) sms is still big with many customers with dumb phones but i askem always to delete their sms (theres people that will send me their credit card info as sms no questions asked)
Ive never tried wire or signal. But telegram is used a lot in my uni by teachers to do group chats.
>Telegram and signal are way better
Telegram isn't. As shown on this thread, WhatsApp's encyption protocol has been made by the guy who made Signal. Telegram shits the bed when audited, it's a meme that it's better than WhatsApp
Sometimes when I text my brother, my texts don't reach him. I would trust Facebook messenger and WhatsApp more to reach him