Lets talk music players.
Ive been looking for a device to transport around 100gigs of music and allow for immediate and unassisted playback. Is there something like the ipod classic but with an ssd? I dont want to use my phone.
Lets talk music players.
Ive been looking for a device to transport around 100gigs of music and allow for immediate and unassisted playback. Is there something like the ipod classic but with an ssd? I dont want to use my phone.
Other urls found in this thread:
get an iphone and fuck off
>iTunes bullshit
>iOS takes up like 40% of the space, invariably for some reason
>no expandable storage, so you're stuck getting higher end models if you want more space
>just for music, it's expensive as fuck
>as multimedia consumption devices, Androids are better anyway
The iPod classic is fine for music though, imo.
You could get the Fiio X1/3/5. They look like they do what you want them to. They have an SD slot, up to 128 gigs, and I think the X5 has two of these.
I've been wanting to get one, but from the reviews I've seen, the UI looks like it's some real nigger shit and it's kinda been putting me off.
>t. iToddler
Get a xduoo x3. Has the same hardware as a fiio x3 but for less than half of the shekels and it has two micro SD slots. Up to 500gb.
'nuff said ...
What is this?
>Still using mp3 players
Grandpa plis
Lotoo PAW Gold
Forgot to mention that the xduoo x3 has RockBox.
>not FLAC
Sansa Clip + 128 GB micro SD
+ Price
+ Small size
- Navigating 100+GB on the small display
>storing your music files as .mp3
Just use Google Music.
>but muh botnet!
No one gives a fuck that you listen to Bieber. It's fine.
does the fiio x1 have a clock? all I can find a forum threads with a clock as a feature request and the developers saying they're "working on it"
Nevermind, the answer is: no it does not
If you're considering a fiio x1 seriously get a xduoo x3. Same price but xduoo x3 has RockBox, two micro SD slots and fiio x3 hardware with a bigger battery. Stock fiio firmware sucks.
>t. Fiio x1 owner
Sansa Clip+ with 128gb microsd card and rockbox.
You'll need to reformat the card to fat32 before use.
Don't think the clip even supports 128 cards.
iPod Classic with SSD mod
It does when you install Rockbox
if money isn't an issue this is hands down your best option
>64gb internal
>expandable via sd card up to like 190+gigs
>no proprietary Itunes bullshit, just drag and drop
>around 40 hours playback per charge
i could shill all day so i better stop now.
i had (still have) the sansaclip zip running rockbox but the atrocious battery life didnt cut it for me
get an xduoo x3 + 128gb
you won't regret it
I've had two of these die on me. One won't get past the loading screen anymore, and the other broke on the power button so the only way to power it on is to plug it into something that charges it and to turn it off i have to wait for it to shut off by the timer.
Basically, they're shit. Yet I can't find anything else as good as when they work.
How does it handle playlists? As someone who only listens to a couple hundred songs between 2 playlists, I need everything in the order I have it, and I use WMP.
I bought a FiiO x5 and the UI alone made me return it after a week.
>Doesn't pick up where you left off
>Can't make playlists
>The menu and scrolling through shit is awful
How do you fuck up this badly?
There's a coupon to get the XDuoo X3 for $72.99 on gearbest, XDUOOMP3
The coupon to get it for $68.99 from Tomtop is XDUOO25, though it might have expired by now
Also the XDuoo X2 is still on sale for $35.99 (or $34.99 + shipping from UK warehouse)
t. /csg/
yea it handles playlists fine, you can also make on the go playlists with the bookmark option (just hold the play button on the song and itll add to your bookmarks). you can have up to 5 bookmarks saved at a time. playlists are unlimited but you have to make them on your pc then transfer them.
>I bought a FiiO x5 and the UI alone made me return it after a week.
another reason i went with this sony one. all of these audio players Sup Forums recommends looks like they were designed by someone with downs
This. I finally realized how useful the resume playback feature is, it saves my spot in multiple audiobooks/podcasts so I can return where I left off anytime.
pop this into your phone
use a superior music player like poweramp
>people posting PMPs
>meanwhile your phone can do the same shit
>someone will come up with the excuse for MUH BATTERY LIFE
fuck, didn't mean to reply to sorry m8
but most phones have shit audio and are battery hogs for multimedia use
>no one mentioning COWAN
Are these any good or are they just bricks with terrible UI?
I do.
Differences between x2 and x3?
>muh audio quality
htc m8 is still about the same quality as high end PMPs and is pretty cheap now
>muh battery hog
music playback on modern phones barely effect battery life, it's like you think music playback is intensive, but it's not
I have an s7 and music playback barely puts a dent in the battery, get a fucking reality check
>Off center buttons
>Ugly buttons
>All that wasted front space
does it work well for large headphones or do you need a dac to drive big headphones?
>does a dac amplify headphones
this just shows you how much of a retard you are on the subject
You could just do the SSD mod to an iPod classic
I'm not asking if a dac drives headphones shitstain, I'm asking if the phone has the juice to drive them or if a dac is necessary
DACs don't do anything but Convert Digital to Analog, the signal isn't amplified, so your headphones won't magically sound louder (or start producing music) with a DAC.
It looks that way because it's designed ergonomically according to the hand. It's not a meme-designed Apple product.
well then whatever the fuck it's called, you know good and well what I meant so get off your high horse
I'm not even that guy, you're retarded. Driving hard-to-power headphones requires an amplifier, otherwise known as an amp, baka.
fine then an amp, you still know what the hell I meant so fuck all y'all and fuck this thread. peace out bitches
I've still got a 32gb zune hd that i use when I run and shit, other than that I use my phone because I'm not some kind of spaz.
who is the new big boy now that the sansa clip SoC has been discontinued?
The clip was perfect for my needs because:
>physical buttons
>can take any SD card size
>probably most popular Rockbox player
>simple not obnoxious design
it supports any size
>using stock firmware
the only option is to stock up on them bitches before they go up to price of gold
fuck that. The best option is to move on. The clip+ was worth every penny of the 22USD I paid.
It's not worth a penny more than that though as it's cheap hardware.
Besides, now that the SoC is discontinued Rockbox is probably going to slowly start moving on to something with availability
X3 has better hardware (muh dac) and two msd sluts.
People shill them and Sony for goat battery life.
I want a small MP3 with bluetooth, What's good?
those retards ruined the whole point of their fucking ipod by making it a touchscreen.
The best thing about an pmp is that you have physical buttons so you don't have to stare at the screen every interaction
Kind of sucks when it's in your pocket and the song changes
Apple gets their design standards from a fashion catalog
having a tiny little iphone in your pocket feels kind of cool for a while, but 16gb is a totally unacceptable amount of storage for a dedicated MP3 player, and the battery life is beyond shit
Shanling M2
xduoo x3 and x10 are the shit if you are ok with a kind of shitty ui.
They sound amazing and hit above there price.
And both have 2x micro sd slots for a shit ton of music.
ruizu x02
everything else is trash
>Really like my old Walkman form 2008, it's a little autistic but I find the UI comfortable
>4gb of space is killing me
>Only two models have SD card slots and they're fucking expensive
If I knew how to rewrite the BIOS to allow swappable storage and cut open a slot for micro SD cards I would definitely do that.
That's what Hold switches are for.
>+ Price
they're discontinued and going for like $90 on amazon. How is that a good price?
pooprietary software? on MY android? no thanks, faggot.
>10 years and some months ago
>got a zen jukebox something
>huge hard drive
>had to try to fill it with music
>only used 10% of it
>actual buttons to control the fucking thing through menus
best mp3 player ever. mom broke it by throwing it and then they had stopped making them so i got a replacement. the replacement failed within 4 days, not accepting anything new to write on it.
do not get married, do not have children, only download and enjoy music. now i have to fucking touch a fucking screen to change a song.
Ebay is the way to go. They are solid for the 20-30 you pay.
just set up subsonic and use your phones, MP3 players are ____over______
I'm using a fiio m3. Battery life is awesome, it sounds good, it's extremely small. Plays FLAC and holds 256gb cards even though specs say they're limited to 64. If you're using the player on the go or just to listen to some music they're fine. They're not that good for audiobooks though because they don't resume to the same spot unless you don't change the file.
Also it's cheap as dirt and can't describe just how much better it sounds than any ifag device or phone you could get.
just eat a dick
Obciously Zune is what you want.
>Is there something like the ipod classic but with an ssd?
You can literally open your iPod classic and change the parts
SD solution>SSD solution
>not DSD
Ma ni ga
Find traces for sd slot and solder one in. Then flash the fw of the one with the slot.
Astell&Kern masterrace cocksuckers
>last Rockbox major release was in 2013
>the Clip Sport will never get a Rockbox port
>batteries can be replaced and are abundant
>no limit on SD card space
>not that yuge
> using an Astel and Kern with a chord dac
> using a chord dac with Astel and Kern
You just went full retard ni ga
The A&K is meant to be.single box solution because or muh precious jitter and clocks
The chord is a fine piece of kit but you are just meant to use it with a iphone for gosh sakes to get value. I like canopener app to play hi-res. Oh Gosh.
That's something I haven't heard in years
Shanling M1, literally the perfect portable player:
Sexy as fuck
Good hardware for its price
Dat wheel
No wasted front space
Superb screen
Neat bug free firmware
Works as USB DAC
Works as Bluetooth DAC (best thing ever)
>tfw my M2 doesn't work as a DAC on ganoo loonix.
It fucking hangs PA every time I plug it in.
> pulse audio
There is your problem there. Try jack.
t. FireWire audio guy who had dumps EPROMs of a bootloader to get his card working in *nix
Also fuck poeting and pulse audio. Most Linux people only care about bit perfect audio and will shut down a process if is hogging the audio resource.
What's a cheap mp3 player? Everything here seems to be over 100$
Are you running a custom firmware on yours?
I have to admit a iPod classic with pic related sounds ducking awesome.
>Autocorrect is on
T-this is a nice board I just don't curse
There's a 2x SD adapter and SD cards go up to 1TB now. I've just got a 120GB mSATA SSD in mine.
>using 2x when there is 4x
>using mSATA when it is more expensive, eats more power, and slower than a quad option
Is there a 4x SD adapter? I've only seen 2x. And I did it because I liked the idea of using an mSATA SSD, not because it was the most practical.
It's a fucking music player.
Anything listed on this thread but used
see Using an mSata SSD on an iPod is both a waste of the SSD and your battery.
The good thing about the 4x (and 2x) as opposed to singles is that you can run the first two with just one card and just add some later
I don't see a 4x SD adapter anywhere in that link.
>Using an mSata SSD on an iPod is both a waste of the SSD and your battery.
I repeat, I did it because I wanted to put an mSATA SSD in an iPod, not because it was the most practical option. Plus it was a chink SSD with 30MB/s r/w speeds so it's not like it would've been of much use in a laptop.
I would just use a CF card. Native, no active conversion, one less point of failure.