If Big Clive and Dave got in a fight who would win?

If Big Clive and Dave got in a fight who would win?

Clive is a construction worker, Dave is a white collar pussy

dave goes to the gym/ does various charity runs etc
but clive might have the edge with a few slugs of whiskey

Dave is a big guy, but the other looks bigger

>dave goes to the gym
Kek working out for an hour or two a few days a week != working a physically demanding job 8+hrs a day for your whole working life.

i thought dave was a turbo manlet.

what a bobby-dazzlah!

i'll just rummage around in someone elses garbage and make a video about it

I've always wished to have Dave's dumpster room. There's some magic dumpsters over there. Dual Xeon workstations just laying there, free monitors... It's not fair.

>tfw its not possible to solder new caps to motherboards anymore


Do they make them too small or something?

SMD and lead-free solder...

>Kek working out for an hour or two a few days a week != working a physically demanding job 8+hrs a day for your whole working life.
Dave's a fitness instructor and a triathlon competitor you retard. He's in a better shape than 99% of Sup Forums.

But he did suffer a torn ACL so maybe that Clive dude would put up a good fight... hmm

I'd still go with Dave kicking the shit out of him.

Also, caps that don't actually fail.

Why would they fight? They'd probably hang out and have a few beers.

Clive seems like a really good person.

Nothing that a flux pen and a powerful soldering iron can't fix.

You can use both a hot air station or a regular soldering station to replace em. And they've been using lead-free for more than a decade now (RoHS compliance).


Dual socket machines from 10 years ago still aren't impressive.

Do you mean a first fight, a words fight, or an internet fight?
Fist fight, probably clive
word fight, .. youve never argued with australians have you? logic doesnt matter to them. inb4 kiwi, its the same shit just 10% more docile and 40% more Maori.
internet fight, see word fight. clive would try to use logic and reasoning, dave would just shit post and say "gaaabage" until clive left.

RoHS? Excuse me i thought it was RoHS

they are when they are free


big clive = yokel who takes apart dollar store electronics

dave jones = muscular educated EE with experience in the defense and test equipment industries who has an infinite supply of interesting electronics and high tech tools to make videos about

>big clive = yokel who takes apart dollar store electronics
>dave jones = muscular educated EE with experience in the defense and test equipment industries who has an infinite supply of interesting electronics and high tech tools to make videos about

this. but big clive would still win in a fight, dave jones is a pussy

Where did Dave say he was in defense? Australia basically doesn't have a defense industry.