What happens to the internet when normies finally figure out they can block adds? How are websites going to find money to exist?
Sup Forums is already going bankrupt because no one here clicks on adds.
What happens to the internet when normies finally figure out they can block adds? How are websites going to find money to exist?
Sup Forums is already going bankrupt because no one here clicks on adds.
>he fell for the Sup Forums is bankrupt meme
>looks 50
Then they'll ban ad blockers, duh.
The power of transgenics and animal hormones.
it's why google and apple block ad blockers from their mobile stores.
most www use is through phones these days.
Normies already use that shit tard
Blockers in ads?
Does Chrome have extensions on phones? I have FireFox on my tablet for the extensions.
That Jap guy is right. Reddit tier pseudo liberals all over the place
It doesn't.
that's what you get for becoming addicted to rare pepes
>What happens to the internet when normies finally figure out they can block adds?
Here's what I can think of
1. They'll pay internet celebrities and tech outlets to “review” products instead
2. They'll advertise by injecting their products onto online forums masqueraded as regular content
3. They'll start paywalling their shitty clickbait content up and then hopefully die off in a fire
4. They'll start demanding subscription fees or aggressively soliciting donations for online services (like how wikipedia manages to survive)
5. They'll start fighting the arms race to block ad blockers (which will probably work for a while, and given some amounts of effort will most likely work in their favor unless the ad blocking tech seriously catches up)
6. They'll start more aggressively advertising via non-HTTP means (billboards, flyers, posters, calls/texts, etc.)
Probably more implications that I can't think of
They're already doing all that, and have been for quite some time.
People have been using ad blockers for quite some time.
>add blockers
Ritalin works for me.
Let me repeat, yet again, of some other shit happening in Sup Forums right now.
The story is like this. Hiroyuki Nishimura was tricked by Jim Watkins, a former military, who owned 2ch servers but not the forum itself. Watkins made a silent coup on Hiroyuki and took over his domain, then the 2ch owned by Watkins was hacked and was revealed he was selling data AND that Hiroyuki wasn't the owner anymore. Later on, Jim Watkins offered free hosting to eightchan's former owner, hotwheels, but during a mysterious DDoS to the website he deviated the traffic to a domain of his own, nobody noticed. He is now the owner of eightchan, the wheel guy is no longer the owner, just a janitor with high privileges (or not so).
Blocking the creation of more boards, avoiding the purge from bad mods and the racist groups that landed on Sup Forums, and making a coup in Sup Forums by silently sent people to the other chan are the strategy of these assholes.
>and making a coup in Sup Forums by silently sent people to the other chan
read the rest
>Blocking the creation of more boards, avoiding the purge from bad mods and the racist groups that landed on Sup Forums
that is how these faggots do it
Apple does not block ad blockers from the store. They specifically added this functionality to iOS a couple of years ago. I'm using the app called Refine right now and it blocks all ads in mobile safari.
>not clicking jlist on a regular basis to see whats new
I read the whole thing, but the problem is that all of those are just empty accusations with no proof and no way of proving them either
The part I quoted sounded like you were trying to imply there was a HTTP redirect set up somewhere on Sup Forums to another board, which would have been very obvious and very easily demonstrable.
What? Read again, is not an accusation against Hiroyuki or is talking about Sup Forums been redirected, the real scammer is Jim Watkins and the redirect was long ago done in 2ch and 8ch, not Sup Forums.
Sorry for getting it wrong, I don't speak conspiracy nut.
I get you only speak retard.
>2. They'll advertise by injecting their products onto online forums masqueraded as regular content
really gave me the penchant to really make me have a thinker
I accidentally bought a pass and disabled ublock
on my site I serve adblock users self hosted affiliate banners instead of adsense
they convert with 0.85% success
2 + 2 =
shit im blocked