Draw shit on my Raspberry Pi

The smiley with a carat nose edition.

Today featuring:
* Showcase your artistic side with free hand drawing!
* 720p video!
* Queue system! (Each turn is 15 seconds)
* Basic spam protection!

Ddosers won't get any presents this christmas.

Error loading player: No playable sources found

Works in Chrome for most people. Might need to update Flash Player.

>Flash Player


The time limit is too short.

so i typed in a captcha and it didnt let me type in anything

You have to wait for your turn

Queue times are pretty long even with just 15 second turns. How long should a turn be?

>update flash player
>flash player
2017 - 10 days.
Into the thrash itgoes

JWPlayer is supposed to use HTML5 with Flash fallback, not sure why it doesn't work desu. Can you stream RTMP directly in a native HTML5 player?


Showering m8.
Getting ready to work

Info on the stream itself?
What software do you use?

Streaming using OBS to an nginx server with an RTMP module installed.

not as good as little printer

good stuff

Sounds good but is this running on the Pi?

nah, the pi runs a simple tcp server listening for new frames to output to the display. i'm streaming from my computer and the website is running on a vps

Any ideas for more interesting stuff to set up with this?

Why not make a scroller with an input of 80x8.
Do you have other modules like an LCD or piezo?

scroller would be kind cool

i dont have a whole lot of modules, but i don't have any problem buying them. i do have an lcd screen though, showing it on stream right now