why do you need to learn math , algebra to program? seriously ?
Most people code by trial and error and copy/pasting examples from the internet.
why would you need algebra to program a flappy bird game or a rss reader??
why do you need to learn math , algebra to program? seriously ?
Most people code by trial and error and copy/pasting examples from the internet.
why would you need algebra to program a flappy bird game or a rss reader??
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you don't
There are things more complicated than java son
Think about image processing it is all linear algebra
Now go and poo that loo, make gamesh proud
If you're just programming an application or game, most of the time you don't need math. However, more complicated subjects related to computer science like AI, machine learning, image processing, ... rely on mathematical formulas (Matrix, vector, ...) and lots of insight (gained by math).
>why do you need to learn math , algebra to program? seriously ?
You don't
You do
>but creating a variable and increasing its value is neither maths nor algebra
That's wrong
you paradoxically need both more and less math than you think to be able to program
>Most people code by trial and error and copy/pasting examples from the internet.
No, they don't.
>why would you need algebra to program a flappy bird game
Because game physics
>or a rss reader??
You don't
For simple applications that scrape content, work with API's or simple games, you don't need math. But try writing a compiler, kernel or any program that relies on AI & Machine Learning.
When do you need math when writing compilers and kernels?
Mathematician here,
You really should have a fundamental understanding of algebra even if you never use it in writing code. There are a lot of fundamental principals in programming that are of algebraic nature; knowing these can only help you.
That said, no; you don't need to know much math to be a great programmer, but there may come a day when you wish you knew more during some project. For example math in programming is used in more ways than I can list; but to name a few:
Image Analysis, Computer Graphics, A.I, Algorithms (fundamental to C.S), etc.
So it's up to you; personally I find understanding math opens a lot of doors, but of course I'm biased...
For compilers, you need it for creating expression trees.
For kernels, you need it to reason (or preferably prove) that you don't end up in a deadlock or livelock in your critical sections.
I'm reading and doing the problem sets from a discrete mathematics text over the break.
It goes through propositional calculus, proofs, set theory, graph theory, linear algebra, more graph theory, even more graph theory, as if that weren't enough more graph theory, trees, recurrences, algorithms analysis, discrete probability, crypto, combinatorics, induction, string induction (not in the order I listed above this is stream of conscious writing). It dives pretty deep in some of these topics.
Will mastering these topics make me a better computer scientist? I find this the most interesting aspect I've came across in my CS studies yet.
I will try to get through most of the book during my break.
All I do is work through problems all day in this book and spend hours and hours understanding the chapters.
Eventually plan to take data structures and algorithms later
Depends of what will you do.
If you are going to do some machine learning, linear programming you need statistic, algebra, probability etc.
Why is he so perfect?
Nobody uses that kind of math when writing kernels.
You need basic arithmetic and deep understanding of how your hardware works and interacts to write kernels. Scrub.
It's been said time and time again here you don't really need math to program.
Computers are just calculators they do math for you.
You don't need to know what 4984350293493284 x 092839849023849234 is, You just need to do this:
whatever * whatever.
You want to know what the fuck matrices are for graphics programming.
That's not what the point of math is you fucking mong.
wife is a college professor, she gets kids in her classes that don't know basic algebra.
algebra was my first high school math class.
How can you be in college an not know algebra?
If you want to make pajeet tier shitty programs, go ahead and justify to yourself that the Algebra 1 class you are failing right now isn't that important and your dream of working for Valve or whatever is actually possible and you AREN'T a dumbass,
git gud at math and actually get a job related to computers
>Most people code by trial and error and copy/pasting examples from the internet.
Yeah, just like how most people write buggy fuck code, copy exploitable code into their program, or take 2 weeks to do something trivial. What the fuck is your point?
>Most people code by trial and error and copy/pasting examples from the internet.
>why do you need to learn math , algebra to program? seriously ?
Short answer: You don't. Except for programming directly in machine language.
>Most people code by trial and error and copy/pasting examples from the internet.
>why would you need algebra to program a flappy bird game or a rss reader??
You don't. But suppose you want a realtime 64-bit x86_64 OS that can do everything your average modern OS does, that can fit on a single floppy disk?
Then you'd write it in machine language for the x86_64, and to do that, you're going to need the math.
You might want to check out MenuetOS.
You just described a lot of topics I go through in uni. I did everything except crypto and string induction (what is this?) over the course of three terms up to now, not sure how deep, but I did most of it.
>most people code by trial and error and copy/pasting examples from the internet
Oh you mean CSS/HTML monkeys that work for a small company?
Just a quick hint: Markup languages are not real languages,
>why would you need algebra to program a flappy bird game or a rss reader?
Are you retarded?
Do you really think anyone can get away with a shitty mobile game and become successful in the software development market magically?
That style of programming is going to be outsourced to pajeets soon. Software engineers on the other hand need to know the concepts behind just copying shit off stack overflow.
Sorry, that was a typo meant Strong induction*
Cool, thanks -- seems like I am on a good study track.
Not OP here. If you really think "professional software developers" are any better than the html crows you're in for a big ol treat. You'll see.
Not if you dedicate your life mostly to studies so you can get a job at a place filled with competent programmers.
>>why would you need algebra to program a flappy bird game or a rss reader?
>Are you retarded?
>Do you really think anyone can get away with a shitty mobile game and become successful in the software development market magically?
way to miss the point retard
If you don't want to understand why you make the choices you make when programming then whats the fucking point?
How stupid are you that you can't even into basic interpretation?
Games will need physics for their mechanics and linear algebra for graphics.
Add in some probability and stats if the game has RNG.
>Most people
Increasing its value doesn't require knowledge of algebra really. I mean OP is retarded because if you don't know math you're gonna have a hard fucking time programming, but still.
What book is it? I'm looking for some books to brush up on my math.
This is probably bait but whatever
Trial and error works but is slow as fuck. It is much easier to have knowledge of algebra and apply it than it is to try doing something 20 times till you get it right.
While knowing algebra isnt NECCESARY, it'll make it a hell of a lot easier. Also algebra isnt difficult to learn at all, I guarantee anyone with half a brain, even you, OP, could be able to learn and master everything basic to intermediate on the topic.
That and it's more engaging, who the fuck wants to try random shit over and over? Whats the point of almost solely copy and pasting shit and trial and error? Thats so god damn boring and pointless, you might as well be solving a sudoku puzzle by pasting half the solution and entering random values till you get it right. It's a waste of time, not to mention making it boring as hell.
>why would you need algebra to program a flappy bird game or a rss reader??
Ok I'll bite.
First of all, in your flappy birds game you'd need to so some kind of calculations.
(Trajectories etc.)
Not knowing what a Vector is how how to operate with matrices can really make your life unecessarily complicated.
Especially if you just go pajeet mode and c/p from Stack Exchange.
do you need to learn language, syntax and lexicon, to program? seriously?
most people code by trial and error and inserting random strings of letters from the alphabet until something happens
why would you a structure method to program anything like an ass dildo or a supercollider regulator
it would just be a matter of time, and everyone has plenty of time in a business environment right?
and further more, I will send you one billion dollars if you tell me what this means but you only have one hour to do it:
haha so easy
go back to cleaning toilets with your face
>Most people code by trial and error
try to trial and error a collision detection, stupid cunt
What a waste of facial AESTHETICS desu, how could he not get laid? Is this the power of autism?
Oh and btw, try writing a shader program or a graphics engine without knowing math, go ahead and try it.
>If you're just programming an application or game, most of the time you don't need math
You do if it's going to be a good game.
>How can you be in college an not know algebra?
Lots of people brain dump everything they learned 5 minutes after an exam.
This is especially true of rote learners and all those 'good studiers'
>Most people code by trial and error and copy/pasting examples from the internet.
That simply doesn't work once you get beyond trivial programs. Eventually the logic gets complex enough that you need to be able to think mathematically to reason about it and ensure that it is correct.
What does it mean to "know algebra"? I've had algebra classes in high school too but I wouldn't say I know algebra on that basis. That just seems presumptuous.
Programming is only a tool. Just knowing a language is only the beginning. To actually make interesting stuff you need to know about interesting things that you can then express in a programming language.
Analogous to being able to write versus writing a book, which entails much more than just a grasp of language.
Cause we dont need any more pajeet level code.
I have a feeling you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You won't need math if you are developing a game?
Is this some sort of clickbait meme recently? I've only visited Sup Forums regularly since reddit went offline earlier this week
>Most people code by trial and error and copy/pasting examples from the internet.