I know many of you are just pretenders, but for the legit here is a good article about cracked privacy on the internet and how Tor is mostly broken. Read it faggots.
NSA cracking privacy big time
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tor still provides some relative anonymity—but not absolute anonymity on the web—so be careful out there!
Well no shit. The NSA has far more resources and computing power than the Tor project. If you're using exit nodes you need to be cognizant that you don't use any personal information.
Use only nodes from countries which respect your privacy, such as Russia
>respect your privacy
No. Your a fucking idiot. They just don't care unless you are doing something targeted at something they care about. Don't be so naive ya fuckin duck poster.
Pretty sure that post was to bait idiots like you. Russia is one of the most deceptive countries in the world.
So, still Russia but adding China too? Got it.
Them not carrying is more than enough. Bu feel free to cuck yourself with US, EU, or maybe you prefer some chink botnet, fag.
No, it was not.
>Russia is one of the most deceptive countries in the world.
That's typical leftist propaganda, for you.
Tor isn't broken it just shouldn't be used as a bulletproof solution to being anonymous. Realistically such a thing doesn't exist. The NSA and the like with enough motivation can track down just about anyone they want.
I actually wasn't trying to target only Russia. China and USA are equally as bad.
I don't think Russia has any interest in harvesting your data. US certainly does for many obvious reasons, and I'm sure China has too due to their product dumping policy.
>That's typical leftist propaganda, for you.
Don't tell me Ukrainians like you actually think that whatever bullshit comes out of Putin's propaganda machine is actually real?
You millennial Slavs are too young to remember the communists and how the propaganda was then. This is why you're so easily susceptible to modern day propaganda, because you haven't developed a propaganda filter.
I bet you actually believed that Kiev was overthrown by fascists and this is why Putin was justified in sending Russian military to aid the pro-russian """"rebels"""" (aka Russian paratroopers without official uniforms) in Crimea, didn't you?
>I don't think Russia has any interest in harvesting your data
Naivity - the post
I probably know more about the communist propaganda than you know about the leftists' propaganda.
As I already said: >But feel free to cuck yourself with US, EU, or maybe you prefer some chink botnet
I personally choose the russians
Russians have Interpol, your decision is just a placebo.
Keep telling that to yourself, some day you might actually believe it..
1) I'm not leftist, I'm just not buying Putin's shit. We don't need Putin interference in Europe.
2) I doubt that you even know a way to verify information, you're so fucking cucked by Russian astroturfing that you can't tell truth from falsehood anymore.
they can de-cloak whatever they want
the thing with hidden service is you can be behind thousands layers of NAT/proxies/VPN and still act as public server on onion network
Don't. Keep swallowing leftists' lies.
Why don't you choose Romania? They have fast internet and no EU, ebil russkies and NSA spies.
>no EU
you're not too bright, go do your research again
>muh leftists
Typical Slavic astroturf reply. Why don't you go back to the troll factory you came from?
You make me laugh (: Why don't you go back to your cuck shed, otherwise ahmed will get angry on you.
>cuck shed
He's going all in!
There is one thing right about being biased. Not all leftists speculate on Russia being a totalitarian state.
But the massive propaganda from the US to turn leftists against Russia is working though.
>the massive propaganda from the US to turn leftists against Russia is working though
It is, indeed.
A majority of Russians have always lived in Crimea and other parts of Ukraine.
With enough propaganda and help from Russia, they started wanting to avoid the EU and join their big brother.
Idiots like you think others don't see the propaganda, when all of your opinions come from propaganda.
>With enough propaganda [...] from Russia, they started wanting to avoid the EU and join their big brother.
Yes? That was my point all along.
>with enough propaganda, they wanted to join Big Brother
Doubleplus kek
You're still a brainwashed cuck, friendo.
Le Putin is ebil le Obama is God lelelel
All of them are shady, they wouldn't be in their positions otherwise.
>twisting sentences just like the leftist media
If the majority of Crimea are Russians, and they want to live in a union with Russia, how is this Putin's fault?
He only used that to accomplish a part of his cause.
Obama is not good, I never said so. The drone program (aka assasinate brown people) expanded during his administration. Security institutes became less transparent under his administration.
The thing is though, the US doesn't censor their media the way Putin and his oligarks rules Russian media with an iron fist and decides to detail what comes out to the west and what comes out to russians and russian neighbours, which journalists should "disappear" etc. Troll factories, fake news like the 13 year old girl that was raped by immigrants etc are all real. It's a huge propaganda machine.
>All of them are shady, they wouldn't be in their positions otherwise.
Le jewish conspiracy meme
>If the majority of Crimea are Russians, and they want to live in a union with Russia, how is this Putin's fault?
I never said this was Putin's fault. I never said anything about not wanting to become part of Russia, you're the one arguing a strawman.
>He only used that to accomplish a part of his cause.
At least you admit that there was massive propaganda targeted at Ukrainians
>be russian
>phone lines are tapped
>isps and cell carriers are tapped and must store logs and data for 2 years
>every web hoster and data center must store logs and data for 2 years
>isps use dpi to filter traffic
>all small isps are bought my state telecom corp
>can't watch anime because it is considered cp
>cant own a gun to protect your home from chechenniggers
>the only imageboard you could visit to talk freely with your fellow russians is now acquired by national media corp
>come to Sup Forums and carefully advice foreignes not to use russian vpns and nodes
>they call you a leftist
>US doesn't censor their media
Yes, they just don't do anything about media propaganda and lies, which is the same fucking thing.
But suddenly they care about false clickbait that goes against DP lies?
Your place is on reddit, friend.
You don't have your propaganda leftist circlejerk here.
This, but you forgot
>people are literally going to jail for treason because they posted pictures of military personel on instagram
>being anti-Putin is considered leftist
Nice meme
>they just don't do anything about media propaganda and lies
Oh they do. But I understand why you as a slav would think that EVERYTHING coming out of media has to be a lie, because you're not used to anything else.
>At least you admit that there was massive propaganda targeted at Ukrainians
Yes, from the EU and the US.
>Yes, from the EU and the US.
Naivity - the post 2: electric bogaloo
>Oh they do.
What do they do against leftist paid media propaganda, idiot? Name one thing.
I love how delusional millennial alt-righters and slavs are. They're too young to remember how effective the communists were at spreading disinformation, the same people that are ruling the Kreml right now.
>only Russia has propaganda!
>you are naive if you think otherwise!
Libel laws, fact checking and press councils. Also, it helps that politicians don't own and rule the media conglomerates.
I mean, see fucking Fox News and Breitbart. If you're calling that leftist propaganda, you're fucking beyond delusional.
>Putin controls the written word and kills journalists.
>The white house tried to dictate what some newspaper should write and got massively cucked by the jews that owned that newspaper.
>Western leaders are slammed and criticised for being cucks all the fucking time, meanwhile Putin is praised as Jesus' second coming
Geee, I wonder why.
>election in the US
>anti-leftist pussy grabber wins
>election in Russia
>Putin and Medvedev again
>Putin has been in office since 2008 only replaced by his marionette
>also his predecessor was his marionette
>also he wins by 140% of the votes, according to news channels