
Anybody else disappointed in Oculus?

Ok I'm not too disappointed in using it in fact some games are totally amazing in VR but I do have a problem.

It costs quite a lot for the headset which I plug into my PC and discover my video card is way under powered to be used.

As such what is the Rift actually doing for the money I spent on it? It's a couple of little displays and a set of headphones rammed into a plastic headset with a motion sensor added.

It's my video card doing all the work is it not?

To be honest I can afford it all easily but I feel disappointed with the hype given how little the hardware itself actually does for the money outlay.


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Ah shaddap

VR is a meme right now. Give it 10 years to become more cheaper. Its pointless to buy a VR headset aside from muh google cardboard unless you got plenty of money to throw.

you're paying for:
software support
relatively high DPI screens with fast response times and "Low persistence"

that said, it's still Gen 1 for retail units. the screen door effect is still present and early adopters are paying for future development

How are games good at all in VR? A big 3D screen would do just as well.

OP here. Yeah I agree - meme indeed having had a play with it. I was asked to have a go by work as potential for a learning / teaching tool but of course that meant I had to take it home to play games with.

I was just rather shocked at how little it actually does and how much it relies on other hardware.

I like the fact you can lean forward to look round corners. Adds quite a bit to some games.

I also like that I can't actually see myself looking like an idiot.

Getting psvr fo sho

so you bought a display device and you were disappointed when you found out it was a display device?

Not disappointed in the hardware and VR in general. I've bought every oculus headset since DK1 so I knew what I was getting.

I am however disappointed in Oculus's software and strategy. I gave them the benefit of the doubt when they got bought by Facebook, but it turns out my fears have become true. Useless normie social features, locked down ecosystem with exclusive contents, bloated as fuck drivers etc. Next generation I will buy HTC Vive or something that is not Oculus.

A big screen is not VR, try looking behind you while facing forward with a big screen...

You should've considered a Vive, they're more ahead in the game. I bet it supports all the Oculus games by now.

the only advantage it has is room scale, which most people can't use

I bought a devkit 2. The resolution is just too low. This tech needs at least 4k per eye to be worth using on the regular.

Biggest advantage are the controllers. Oculus touch aint even out yet.

What's a good VR headset for phones? I've decided against the cardboard because it looks uncomfortable as fuck, and most headsets are comparatively priced at this point. I have a Z3 at 5.2".

The main issues with it right now are all more or less technical in nature.

High costs for hardware are mostly to do with the fact that manufacturing costs for hardware good enough to avoid all of the potential ill effects like nausea is the primary reason behind the high cost of the peripherals themselves. Being able to produce graphics at 90+ FPS with very consistent frame rates and pacing is also necessary to avoid ill effects like nausea and that also obviously puts some pretty high demands on the hardware used.

However the important issues have now been solved and as with anything in the tech industry, hardware costs will come down drastically over the next few years as long as the minimum viable product doesn't change.

I myself got to try a Vive last summer and made the decision that once I get my CPU up to spec, Linux builds of the necessary tools go public (Valve demoed Vive on Linux at the last Steam Developer Days) and I have the time, I'll get one. However that could be next autumn as I might end up spending my summer vacation, which would be a perfect time to get a Vive and get into VR stuff, going to Japan.

All I want is something that would stream the shit to my phone somehow to play something on VR that isn't just a phone game.

how do I

they are, I've sold several.

>Oculus touch aint even out yet.

They are, I have them


someone who's never tried VR

Huh, guess they're out then. Are they any good?

>Are they any good?


smaller than the Vive controllers, feels high quality. Tracking is about the same as Vive. if you guy the Oculus from Best buy I think they still have a 100 dollar gift card they give you, which you can use toward the controllers.

The single most important component for VR right now is the GPU.

You can get by with a good phone slapped in the most comfortable cheap headset you can find and slap a leapmotion controller onto it and use Riftcat Vridge for a headset.

Riftcat Vridge is like 15bux.
Most people have a smartphone.
A plastic google cardboard headset like the Shinecon VR is like 17bux.
Leap Motion controller is optional.

My main issues are the fucking godrays and motion sickness. VR Porn is great though so no complaints there.


I guess I'll be honest on VR it's a great concept but it's kind of useless now unless you are a big YouTuber who can lie about it. It's really just not that good. It's kind of cool looking around in an environment for a minute but it's nothing like they say it's nothing you get sucked in and immersed into you always know you have the headset on it you never really think you're "in" the world.

Very helpful, thanks.

That shit gives you headaches, do not advise!

I don't think VR is a gimmick. I just think there just aren't any truly killer games/software for it yet. There are good bits here and there that show what it could be like but nothing WOW-worthy.

The fact that pretty much all the developers are absolutely afraid of having a 'free roam' option (instead opting for the immersion-killing teleport method). Standing-simulators just aren't that fun.

I move my mouse to the side. Bam, looking behind me. You're already using hand-input to move around in VR, so it's not like you're controlling the character anyway.

What about augmented reality? Seems cooler and more realistic to me imo.

You're not really understanding how it works, you move your head for finer movement of your vision on top of a controller. It's a very different sensation from a 3D screen, they're not comparable

Waiting to be disappointed with AR soon.

>I don't know what the point of virtual reality is

>venture into the most GPU intense leisure activity after 4k gayming
>act surprised your R9 270 can't handle the shit

user, I...

Exact same boat, I was pretty sure facebook would ruin things but I had been following Luckey on MTBS since he was just planning a group buy for a diy kit. I was hoping fb might take its time before ruining VR. Nope, god I hate oculus home. Has anyone hacked a workaround yet?

>buying vr hardware before 2050
Enjoy being ripped off.

>Has anyone hacked a workaround yet?

In what sense? ReVive lets you play them on the Vive through SteamVR but you still need to install Oculus drivers.

I want to use my rift in steam without oculus home constantly opening up

Valve is apparently demoing the wireless Vive and it's reportedly already pretty much on par with wired one even though it's still in the experimental soldered parts in a 3d printed case phase.

gen 1 was in the 90s bruh

My igpu wouldnt run vr, so I told everyone it was a meme and demanded my money back. I then wrote bad reviews everywhere about how it wouldnt even work most of the time and when it did it was glitchy as fuck.

I fell for the vr meme it's cool just no good worthy games other than project cars. Res is to low for me to play flight Sims which was the main reason I got it.

>actually buying beta as shit first run hardware
>actually thinking VR is going to take off anytime soon
>actually dumb enough to buy hardware where there are no actual games that require or support it beyond some dogshit nobody actually plays


It's gotta start somewhere.

I think they ended that run after a couple days. Not seeing any promo material for it on their site.

try out Superhot if you're looking for something, it's really awesome in VR.

Thanks. Seems pretty fun so far.

Check out Accounting too. It's a fun little humor experience


You're paying for very high quality low latency parts as well as a fuckton of r and d.

>go to a good uni
>become involved with school stuff
>get to know all officials
>discover they want to buy oculus
>tell them to get vive instead
>come back next week and enjoy vive for free

I was really interested in VR but I want the next gen to come out to see if it's any better. I wouldn't personally invest in it until it's at least a few generations in and the main bugs are fixed. Notably with the vive it spontaneously loses tracking which looks terrible and the weight of the unit. I've personally never been interested in the Oculus after zuckercuck bought out the rights to it.

it works

something like a gearvr is better for augmented reality, phones already come with pretty good cameras and no wires from a battery