Sup Forums Do any of you actually do anything to stay anonymous? VPN's, Proxy Servers, Tor, Encryption?
Sup Forums Do any of you actually do anything to stay anonymous? VPN's, Proxy Servers, Tor, Encryption?
I wanted to install tails on my netbook so I could use it to download music but I got stuck on some step and couldn't be bothered
Also Inb4 "I'm not doing anything illegal so I don't need to be anonymous" I started looking into anonymity once I found a site from a simple Google search that listed my name, phone numbers, addresses, family members and what not.
I gave a shit 3 years ago. Now I don't, so I don't.
Except the porn I save, which is on an encrypted drive.
No, I'm not a pedophile or a terrorist.
Subgraph OS or Qubes + Whonix
That is all
>network wide vpn
>network wide adblocker with malware lists
>tails for certain things
>use custom dns
>well configured firefox
>no windows
>no google or apple shit on my phone
>servers all have dead man switches so if I don't log in for 7 days they wipe
Refer to second reply.
>le I have nothing to hide maymay
oh also encrypted containers for stuff inside of computers using full disk encryption each with different passphrases made using passwordcard (I add a word and numbers to the end of each password)
and shockingly I'm not doing anything illegal - I just don't want some government agent to look through private aspects of my life
Tor with some filtered countries
I would love a VPN for my phone but so many WiFi related things start to break when I use one.
I run a high anonymous https squid proxy on my cheapass vps. But that's because the wireless internet at the hotel I'm staying at is not even encrypted with preshared WPA2 key. I guess I should care a bit more about anonymity and by a VPN service but it's too much effort to find a good one that wont sell your data.
give an example? I have my vpn running at the router level so any device connected to my wifi is using a vpn, no apps or extra configuration needed
(I've never even heard of subgraph so prepare for the ignorance)
How does subgraph work w/ whonix? virtualbox like normal?
>not running your servers diskless
>not bringing the boot images and bootstrapper with you
Demonsaw for file sharing (check it out for your own good), whonix for stupid entertainment. Privacy is a concern, anonymity on the other hand; not so much
>Integrated tor
Enjoy that watch list
It's fine for encryption and all but sometimes it's better to be the black suit in a sea of other black suits instead of being thst one guy with the purple suit with "I have secrets worth hiding"
I've researched a lot of it and from what I've gathered it seems like quite the hassle for me to bother, Good to keep abreast of it in case my country becomes more so a police state.
Oh I have mine ran through my individual devices so when it's on my phone things that work on a my network and only respond to things on my network (such as chromecast) stop working with VPN's.
>I haven't made any plans for open sourcing the rest of the code at this time.
no thank you I don't want potential honeypots, I'll stick with onionshare
I avoid interlinking devices so can't really help you mate
Well is it shared?
my wifi? if you mean my wifi no it isn't shared
Depends what I'm doing really, for basic shit I don't see the point of taking a speed loss for anonymity.
However if I'm doing anything questionable, Ill use a combination of proxy chains, VPS/VPN, usually on a disposable tails DVD that is immediately snapped in two when removed from computer.
Yes, but if more people wear purple suits they offer each other protection. That's why you should encrypt EVERY mail, not only the ones with "hot content".
You're f#cked
thats why you spread the word
Good luck on your quest.
I didnt start the thread man, if someone asks about opsec I give my 2 cents. No need to get bothered by this.
Tails is meant to be used as a live USB
tails is a meme because it comes with vanilla linux
your can only have privacy with free software
I use the neighbor's wifi and a mac address spoofer
I use another neighbor's wifi to run my seedbox off of
Then I use another neighbor's wifi for my phone
t. apartment dweller
Фop вaт пёpпoyз
Your VPN
this is the only true method.
Pipl doesn't work on people who don't make their Facebook profiles public faggot
yeah, but not much. i use tor just to add to the traffic on that network.
you should also name your computer something not related to you. i like to name my computers middle class white girl names like Amanda
I don't share my vpn account but I do use a public provider
I think you are retarded
I think i might be actually. i am on disability
Not to stay anonymous but for security purposes and to trick copyright trolls. I2Pd, umatrix firefox based browser, all running on a vpn inside a ssh tunnel
>Depends what I'm doing really, for basic shit I don't see the point of taking a speed loss for anonymity.
>However if I'm doing anything questionable, Ill use...
The point of taking at least some precautions all of the time means that you don't stand out when you do have cause to hide your identity. If you're normally an open-book, embrace-the-botnet kind of guy, then it looks out of the ordinary when you suddenly connect to Tor.
Also by making more effort to guard your privacy you contribute to herd immunity. If half the population does it, it doesn't single you out for special scrutiny.
your wifi
not that guy but same £1200 a month and £300 toward my flat, why you on it senpai? aspergers and psychosis here
installing vpn firmware on your router
Yea that's why I live both a complete open botnet life and a seperate user one.
>Then it looks out of the ordinary when you connect to tor
Mask your shit before connecting to tor via VPN/chains?
Disable all scripts?
>Sir, I'm going to have to ask you and your wife to step out of the vehicle, routine search.
>Damn, that wife of yours has some large tits, could be could be concealing a bomb in that top, you shouldn't have anything illegal on the two of you so uhh, i'm gonna have to ask you to strip her.
>alright damn... Nice... you know bombs can be quite small now a days,i'd just like to confirm she's not hiding anything in her orifices. My hand won't quite fit so i'm going to have to [spoiler] use my dick. [/spoiler] but you should have nothing to hide, right sir?