Where are some good places to find obsolete tech that's not retailing for astronomical prices online? I'm currently trying to find a 800 XL for composing music and some parted out Commodore 64's to build a MidiBox SID with.
Also, why is this garbage so over valued to begin with?
Where are some good places to find obsolete tech that's not retailing for astronomical prices online...
Other urls found in this thread:
Yard sales
Flea markets
Surprisingly enough I found an Atari 800 XL just like that in a thrift store for $20 last year
thrift stores, yard/garage/estate sales, recyclers, local auctions
>Also, why is this garbage so over valued to begin with?
it all got holocausted in the '90s and 2000s because retards like you thought it was worthless garbage and sent it straight to the trash by the boatload
now supplies are limited, inconsistent, and you get to pay the price to be hip and nostalgic as a result, enjoy
just use a vst you dummy
the C64 has been accurately digitalized for decades, use a VST or just buy a cheap anal log if you need oscillators
sorry gramps, but nostalgia doesn't make it not useless trash
and this isn't even a case of my opinion vs yours
Indoor flea markets. Sometimes known as Peddler's Malls. But the caveat is the obsolete tech isn't that old. So you might find a Pentium 3 laptop for $10. That is your chance to snap it up before it become so scarce the price will go up or you simply won't find it at all.
Pretty much the only thing i'd be willing to spend big bucks on is a symbolics lisp machine
I'm broke as shit and I want to get into hardware synthesis, but I don't have hardware synthesis money. I figured building one myself would be funner than selling my car for a Korg. Plus, the SID chip is extremely versatile for an 8 bit chip, especially when you have multiple of them in a configuration
Of course I already use VSTs for synths, no shit, but nothing's better than that dirty analog sound. It's just like CRTs, they just do some things better.
Come back when you learn grammar, kid.
>but nothing's better than that dirty analog sound
>tfw I gave two of these to Goodwill a few years ago
They probably threw them away.
bet you listen to trap music, faggot.
Was getting caught part of the plan?
What did he mean by this?
>hur hur what a hipster
he's not wrong though
it's not me who's desperately after one for making trashy chiptune garbage
>Also, why is this garbage so over valued to begin with?
Collectors, user. It's always the collectors.