Let's see what Windows 98SE can run!

I've been fucking around with an old thin client, real hardware here. Got it running Windows 98SE with the unofficial service pack and all that shit, give me suggestions (within reason, this thing has a Transmeta Crusoe at 1GHz with 256MB of RAM and an 8MB PCI Rage XL baked onto the board) as to what I should run on it!

Stuff I have running:
Opera 12.02 (running as Windows 2000 Professional SP4 in KernelEx)
VLC 2.2.4
foobar2000 0.8.3 (last supported version for 98, tried the latest in KernelEx and while it set up beautifully it made my machine BSOD when actually running it)

Other urls found in this thread:


A bunch of fun malware for starters

go nuts OP

bonzi buddy


Second Life, one of the low req viewers.

Or if "Worlds" is still around, get creepy with that.

rice with windowblinds

You could retro fit it for legacy games.
I don't know Mechwarrior 2/3 comes to mind.

u r dum


it's not a bad tiny 9x shitbox desu and the crusoe is a reasonably interesting design
9x is still shit though

I like 98 a lot but 95 is impossible to work with. Way to much work for a project pc. Worth doing at least a couple times though

OP here, moved machines since Opera 12.02 apparently can't handle replying to Sup Forums threads.

Yeah, that's me. And? If I were trying to hide it I'd do a better job than that, at least.

Yeah, that was the plan once I was done just messing around with it for shits and grins.

No malware, would like to avoid a reformat/reinstall once I'm done. It's a pain in the ass for machines without a CD-ROM drive.

Everyone else, thanks for the suggestions. I'll get to them eventually since my DL speed is utter shit (3mbps burst, 1mbps constant, yes I live in the boonies).

lol i caught you now you owe me a dollar hey come on


Install Solus

OP here, most Linux distros dropped support for i586, which the Crusoe falls under as it lacks some features compared to i686.

Play some motherfucking Encarta's Mind Maze

Is Linux anything more than an overdone joke now?

Doom95 is probably compatible with 98, albeit buggy as shit.

It's the best operating system available unfortunately. I really wish something better exists that actually has packages but as it stands Linux is better than both BSD and Windows.

dunno what shit you're running but I've never had any problem with working with 95, it's especially a breeze compared to NT4 thanks to the device manager

just turn off javascript

You could try OpenSUSE

upgrade to ME and keep the pc running for more than a year without reboot