/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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>* Resources:
>$ man
>$ info
>$ help
Should also include
man -k
if you cant find what you're looking for

got a '09 ctd mac mini running el capitan currently, thinking of installing debian on it.
Is it worth it or should I just stick with OSX?


I spent 2 hrs trying to figure this out! !!

My DE and terminal is somehow gone but file manager and everything else works.

>My DE and terminal is somehow gone
what de and what terminal?
how are you using a file manager without a DE already running?

I don't know any language but bash well so I'm using bash.
I have a script that will find all the FLAC files I have in a directory, encode them to Vorbis, and move the Vorbis file into a directory hierarchy based on the tags in the FLAC file.
Problem I have (other than the date value being screwy if it exists) is that some FLAC files have id3 tags, and this throws oggenc into error. I have the fix for that, but I don't know how to implement it into my code.
How do I make bash recognize that a command exited in error, and if and only if it happens, call another function that will be my fix?
if [[ ! return_status = 0 ]]; then
seems obvious, but how do you get that value for the return status?
Also how come I have a bunch of FLAC files that can be played and play wonderfully but flac itself says they're corrupted?

What does Stallman actually use his laptop for anyway

$? is the bash return status

You can ask for the exit status with $?, but just use:

command1 || command2

command2 will only run when command1 fails

Ok ill start from last thread.

1. I tried updating Arch but screen went black on laptop and I turned it off like a retard
2. Chroot'ed to fix fix kernel being corrupted or something
3. Now I boot and I have the login page thing(idk what it's called) fine, I log in and see background, can right click to open file manager etc BUT TERMINAL *CANNOT* OPEN, and can't see my de panel

Hope this makes sense. I'm very confused and stuck. Please help.

He's blogging alot: stallman.org/rss/rss.xml

just use a normal distro. like red hat based or debian based. Theres literally 0 reason to fuck around with that stuff and wast your time

replying to emails mostly

It's the first time it's ever happened and it's because I'm an idiot

I just need help fixing it please guys

Fighting for freedom.

If I was you I'd just backup and reinstall. It's not like it takes that long anyway.

It can't be that big of a fix.

It boots fine it's just something really weird going on.

I recently upgraded the hardware in an 06 mini and installed FreeBSD. Werks gud.

Try reinstalling your whole DE.

Says files already exist

Wasn't sure if I should delete them


clear pacman's cache or whatever it uses to tell what files you do or do not have.
Or just install a distro whose package manager doesn't cut corners so teenagers can circlejerk about muh fast.

Which flavor of Ubuntu respects my privacy and doesn't have Amazon spyware on it? Or st least how do I remove all of it

"spyware" in this sense is a fearmongering buzzword. If you don't want your search results sent to Amazon, just turn it off with the switch.

It is spyware though, otherwise the webrowser would just have Amazon as a default bookmark link or homepage not integrated into the OS itself.

ubuntu mate
fucking do it NOW

>tfw no one will ever help me

what kind of asshole uses a computer while on a boat? why does that commie fuck even bother ro go outside?

because you're trying to fix a piece of shit broken arch system and you cant even provide the bear minumum of details required to help you. I already told you just install a distro that works. Stop trying to hack together a bunch of retarded shit

But I gave you the details
what else do you need


It's not integrated into the OS itself you fard. It's a function of a feature of a desktop environment and it has an off switch.

Is that a real photo? Why is he on his fucking laptop when he should be enjoying the nature around him?

dude really arch is not for you if you think that what you said is enough detail. Just use ubuntu or windows you wont lose any hacker cred. You have no idea what you're doing

Remember that he uses a Thinkpad

So how else am I suppose to learn?

Sorry bud not a pro hecker like you, first time I had this problem so I'm not so sure about hoe to diagnose and fix

>So how else am I suppose to learn?
Install centos or fedora or even ubuntu maybe and read a book like this. That way you can learn to do real stuff linux is actually useful for. Not spend hours ricing out your desktop like a faggot.

Just look at him. Do you think he is even capable of that?

>w-why do you go outside reee

good meme

>Says files already exist
Is it refusing to install them because they exist in the filesystem?
How exactly did you "install" it?
It is refusing because there are already files existing that the install would install, which according to pacman, is not in the database, which is why its refusing.

Just do a fresh install, you hosed something


you can just do "[ $? ]"
0 is interpreted as false by default, as is non-zero interpreted as true, so you don't need to explicitly say "not equal to 0"

So, on debian, I know I cant just change 'unstable' to 'testing' in sources and expect it to work, BUT
what if I didnt update at all for a little bit, untill all my packages are behind their current versions on testing, and THEN do that?
Would it work? How long would I have to wait?

What's the best linux book for a newbie to learn more.

Should be enlightening, rewarding and entertaining.

Why do you want to get into kernel hacking? Such books aren't "entertaining". They're technical and concise.

all things EMACS

So I need a persistent linux on my USB. How do I go about this? Like I know I can create a persistent bootable Ubuntu on my USB but I can also literally install Ubuntu on the USB and I'll pretty much achieve the same thing but with better security (since I can make a user) and it's literally having an Ubuntu install in your pocket and I can change it however I want. Which one should I go for? Any performance difference?

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 that's connected to my home network along with my Windows 10 desktop computer. The Win10 computer has loads of movies in shared folders, and I've installed VLC (don't hate cuz I don't give a fuck).

What does the URL look like when I want to open a network resource? Let's say that in Windows the URL would look like this:
What does a corresponding link look like when trying to open the same file on my Raspberry Pi in VLC?

why did none of you inform me emerging plasma would take so long.

Yeah that would work, 1-2 months to be safe, but then the huge update may break the system

raspi is just another computer running debian. Debian is just another gahnoo+loonix distro running Samba/smbfs.

And entering "how to mount sm" in google already autocompletes to "how to mount smb shared on raspberry pi"

So, why did you buy a dev board if you aren't even willing to try?

I am trying. Right now. By asking you. I haven't touched Linux before, so I don't know how to formulate the question yet, anything I could come up with gave me nothing. Thanks, now I have some keywords to work with.

Hello, everyone.

I'm looking for some insights to this certain problem. I have an ATI Radeon HD 4200 for GPU. I've used F23 with open source graphics and never had any problem. I've played games in Steam and watched Netflix/Youtube with no problems. But now that I reinstalled my system for F25(didn't want to upgrade again), Steam has random freezes, either in the client itself, either during a gameplay. Sometimes I can play for hours without a freeze, sometimes right when I start the game.
The mesa drivers have been updated at least three times already, I've had 2 Steam client updates, and none of those fixed it.
I tried:
- Going back to the oldest kernel available in GRUB;
- Reinstalling everything 5 times;
I can't install proprietary drivers for my GPU because the installation requires kernel > 3.6 or something, and my Fedora is on kernel 4.8.
I really like Fedora, it's probably the best distro I've used, but this is driving me nuts.
What about Debian? Wil I be able to at least use proprietary graphics?

Also, whenever I initialize my system, I get a Failed to Start Load Kernel Modules, but I've looked it up and it's VirtualBox related stuff, and I don't use it.

>requires kernel > 3.6
>my Fedora is on kernel 4.8

i don't see how that is a problem

>using a kernel

and in you go

Sorry, I'm a retard. kernel < 3.6

so there's nothing different kubuntu and ubuntu right?
just the DE?



Hello everyone.
I'm looking for freedom.

dog bless chinkpads


Install Trisquel


why are you not running debian MATE?

I've had it with GTK+/Gnome

Typing in the file chooser now searches the current folder recursively.

Hundreds of complains from users.


Ubuntu seems to have effectively forked GTK now, reverting the change

The best course of action seems to be switching to Qt based software. Hopefully someone ports Firefox to Qt as well.

Chromium is webkit

DE enviroment by its defintion also include apps like libre office etc. Is there a way you can manually select apps which you want installed?

Chromium uses GTK as well

It depends on the distribution but most allow you to install the desktop without office, GIMP, etc

GTK2, which is under deep freeze. However it respects KDE's file chooser dialog

>Chromium is shit

Guys, I really need your help. I'm in the process of installing Void Linux (manually) and I've reached the last step: setting up grub. I've had problems with this piece of shit in the past and it's no different now. The command I'm supposed to use is # grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=void_grub --boot-directory=/boot --recheck --debug
It always outputs "executing modprobe -q efivars" followed by "EFI variables are not supported on this system". If I manually run "modprobe efivars" it says it cannot find the module in /lib/modules/4.5.2_1 (uname -r is that). That's because the installed kernel is 4.8.15_1 (also the modules in /lib/modules belong to that version) but the running kernel used by the liveCD is 4.5.2_1. I've tried "modprobe --set-version=4.8.15_1 efivars", then the error doesn't occur right away but does so again when running the grub-install command. What do?

I don't disagree

Or ZorinOS
Or PCLinuxOS
Or Mageia
Or Korora

There are so many distros to choose from. I love that.

so if i start manually installing a DE on debian, it will ask me whether or not i want to install a certain software?

The xfce4 package at least does not pull LibreOffice

Only task-xfce-desktop does
All the task-*-desktop meta packages aim to provide a complete office desktop

I want to bind the little back key on my thinkpad to be home.
Why is this so hard on Linux? There aren't any gui packages, and all the command line hacks don't work. Changing a registry option will fix it on windows in seconds, and xbindkeys and xdotool look like arse compared to what AutoHotKey can do. I want to make alt+j send a left arrow key, but that sounds impossible.
I like Linux, guys, I really do. Can someone just help me make my keyboard work like it does in Windows?

I'm trying to give chromium a try instead of firefox but I'm stuck. I use vimperator in firefox and I am finding it difficult to find an alternative for chromium. I know there is cvim and vimium.
Cvim looks very promising but it seems that quickmarks don't work with numbers which is pretty shit as the ones I use most are bound to numbers.
vimium doesn't seem to have quickmarks. I read something suggesting that global marks can be used in the same way but I can't get them to work in the same way.

Am I missing something? Any other viable options? Or how can I get quickmark numbers working in cvim?

Fell for the wayland meme. It's pretty good desu.

I'm reading about setting up OpenVPN on GNU/Linux. So do I actually have to setup an OpenVPN server just to connect to a VPN? I'm confused because I just want to connect and everywhere keeps talking about setting up both a client and server

jesus christ! i never want to see this image again! vsmdh men aren't designed to be this cute! uh, regards to the dad too.


Is the compositing good nuff?

Use moba xterm and you can just access it from your desktop

Best xfce distro?

how to install cmus themes ? :(


cmus is half top, half kek

either get moc or set up mpd with ncmpcpp

>mpd with ncmpcpp
it tells me "connections denied" when i try to open it
can't figure out why, thats why im using cmus

That's also why you will never have fun with GNU/Linus. Try to fix things instead of installing other software.

Your problem may be that mpd by default runs as root service, stop it and make it a user service.

i just installed arch and somehow some commands i put into the terminal don't work what do? i'm using fish as my shell if it matters,,,

try if it works with gnome-terminal for example

Seems like it so far.

press 7, scroll past the keybindings, change the colours

that's my terminal, i'm trying
make && nofity-send 'Finished!'
but i get an error

when i switch to bash it works, what happened?

ahhhhhh okay

>what happened?
you used fish in not 2006