How many Sup Forums points would I get if I completely wipe the doctor's computer (Windows 10) and replace it with Arch while he arrives...
How many Sup Forums points would I get if I completely wipe the doctor's computer (Windows 10) and replace it with Arch...
You'd get all the points in the world mate.
I'll bet you $100 you can't even get into the BIOS to change to boot from USB
fuck off, you idiot.
Hopefully you would have to pay tens of millions in damages. (because doctor's never backup their shit)
are you up for a refill on your autism meds fucking piece of shit?
I do.
>Hopefully you would have to pay tens of millions in damages.
The software and database doctors use aren't stored on that computer, dumbass. It's all on a central server, so the doctor can access it from any location in the hospital/clinic.
Enjoy prison time for your dumb HIPPA violation
do it.
post results.
as per usual, OP will not deliver
>I'm going to delete a perfectly usable operating system that runs the programs the doctor needs and replace it with my useless meme OS XD
This is what linuxfags don't seem to understand.
nice bait
thats windows 8
>how many points
Sup Forums doesn't have points.
>replace it with Arch
Arch probably wouldn't even install on that machine without a lot of work. Looks like an AIO, and probably has some proprietary bullshit hardware in it.
you wont do it faggot
No, not with private practices. I know one that kept all their records on a single hard drive.
This, it's actually straight up illegal to keep and access medical records on Windows 10
It's a clerical os, all the data is remotely and "securely" stored and accessed (likely on Windows XP)
You can Order theses Linux Desktop Foils on the Internet.
You can put the foil on the screen and it looks like a rices xfce4. when the doctor ask why his mouse dont work, call him a faggot and say muh keybindings
he runs Windows 8, not 10
also, you get the most points the harder the OS is so I'd go for Temple OS
Over 9000 EXP (expelled points)
Even know this isn't real. If you do it you will actually be putting peoples health in jeopardy.
Kill yourself whiteknight
You are not cogitating upon the right things.
I would kill myself if I were your doctor.
go be an edgelord somewhere else kiddo