I'd like to take a moment to point out that iToddlers are dependant on Apple to think for them. We reached a point in society where people have become mentally dependant on multinational corporations.
I'd like to take a moment to point out that iToddlers are dependant on Apple to think for them...
Other urls found in this thread:
>he is so upset with apple users for some reason that he starts projecting things on them to feel better about himself
wew lad
Why so mad?
I buy Apple because they are the best products in the market by far, if youre not worried about budget.
If they stop making the best products, I stop buying Apple. Its that simple
Have a nice day faggot.
Apple haters are pathetic
>current year
>salty about choices that others make that have no impact on you
iToddlers #rekt
>someone else likes a different product
>hurr you are wrong
Autism is a hell of a drug.
Or do you not like OSX because you're a windows pleb and Unix scares you?
>So what if people fund ISIS! It doesn't affect me!
t. FOSS enthusiast mentally dependent on other people's software
>stop liking what I dont like
But Mac is FOSS.
yeah, i'd consider that a choice that has an impact on others - nice false equivalency tho
Well, buying Apple makes neckbeards suffer, some would say they even suffer more than ISIS slaves.
So buying apple is just as bad. And that makes me like apple even more.
If people give money to Apple, they stay in business your moron.
the vibe I get from Sup Forums is they outwardly hate on apple but inward they are frustrated they can't ever get their hands on an apple product being poorfags.
I don't like them because they're everything wrong with American society at once, and plus, I'm Jewish, and therefore it's against my religion to spend a lot.
And what's wrong with that? I understand if they had a monopoly and abused their position to enforce shady practices, but they target only rich successful people so they have a very small market share.
This is the ultimate truth.
very good psychoanalysis
- I have to look at people using Apple products in public
- People will try to talk to me about them
- I have to look at Apple stores
- People will post about it on Sup Forums
There is nothing wrong with Apple. Sure, the new Macbook Pro is not recommended by Consumer Reports [1], it's still a decent company. Right?
And people have to look at your obese neckbeard face so I think that makes it even.
Nice projecting.
The fact that just buying something from this brands gives me all this extra hater attention makes me like Apple even more. There is not a single brand in the market that provides this experience. It feels so good.
>obese neckbeard face
Fat people are usually very friendly, I think Sup Forums losers are more likely to be scrawny mantlets that look like child molesters
if I don't give money to apple they also stay in business because I can't control what other people do. they obviously make a product that people, including myself, are happy to exchange dollars for
Ever since windows 7, microsoft have done the exact same thing.
Everyone follows apple. The newest phones coming out lack more and more features and functionality. Can't change battery, slots are being removed and that sort of thing because it sells better
Good point.
>I have to look at people using Apple products in public
>- People will try to talk to me about them
>- I have to look at Apple stores
Who are you kidding, if you're this autistic about Apple you never leave your mom's basement anyway.
>- People will post about it on Sup Forums
oh the horror, filter it you faggot or go back to /r/pcmasterrace