Pic my distro now

Okay Sup Forums i am looking to install a new Distro. Any distro is welcomed, and i will try it if i like it.

Mostly i will be in the terminal, and have a web browser open, so i don't need much. I'll be using i3 window manager as my Wm.

Not in the "Hur dur freesoftware" circle jerk, so options like Ubuntu and other "Non-free" distros are allowed.

My computing fate lays in your hands. Go.

Pic not related, just found it in my pic folder and thought it would fit the theme.

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install solus

Give Arch Linux a try

Already tried it. Too be honest, i dislike it. It's okay, but not enough packages, and installing stuff is really hard to do. For instance it took me 4 hours to install Dwarf Fortress.

Like you, I wanted a clean OS with only the packages/programs that I really want to use. Get satisfied with bleeding edge packages and AUR.

I don't find hard install things here... Like your's archlinux.org/packages/?name=dwarffortress

O p e n B S D

>not enough packages
>installing things is hard
The best thing about arch is that it has so many packages, because of the aur.
And theres no possible way pacman is hard, so I have to imagine youd mean installing aur packages is hard, but...yaourt.
Did you not use an AUR helper like yaourt or something?

You dont have to use arch but that is literally the polar opposite of everything I've experienced with it.
I say use arch or debian testing, they sound like good fits, though.

>You dont have to use arch but that is literally the polar opposite of everything I've experienced with it.
Exactly what I thought.

>AUR helper
And I never used yaourt. Just pacaur. Everything's fine for more than 1y4m

Void Linux

>created by NetBSD dev

Just install Ubuntu, it has the best support and lots of PPAs.

>I say use arch or debian testing, they sound like good fits, though.
I don't know why people freak out with rolling releases. I don't even get ANY problem having an up-to-date package. The only problem was with nvidia driver, but searching about it I find that all other distros have the same issue (Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)

The best change I ever made in my experience with linux was trashing Ubuntu to use Arch.

Debian. The only distro you will ever need.

Bloat and Amazon spyware.


Debian by day, BSD by night, Arch on the weekends. Gentoo on the sabbath.

It doesn't enable amazon spyware by default anymore you mongoloid.
and >muh bloat
Get a computer from 2010 or later.

OP wants to do stuff mostly from the terminal and use i3.
is ubuntu really the best choice here?

install gentoo
>meme factor
>no bloat
>excellent community

>Why isn't UNINSTALLED, faggot?

And yes! I really hate uninstall packages that I don't use back when I was with Ubuntu. The issue is not having an modern pc, but having things that I don't need and don't want to use installed.

Answering the OP, choosing your Ubuntu they'll have to uninstall a FUCKATON packages, including your spyware, dumbass.

Yeah just install i3 and use that.

This poster here: is just an autist that wastes his time """optimizing""" his computer by uninstalling stuff from his 500 GB SSD.

thats retarded, user. Ubuntu is obviously a bad choice here. Just not the best option for what OP wants to do. Yet you recommend it just to be a contrarian hipster to Sup Forums, and signal to them how they're a bunch of "autistic losers", and that you by comparison are "normal"
This is not how normal, well adjusted people behave user.

install Gentoo. Not even memeing. Best distro I've ever used