How jelly are you?

How jelly are you?

Pretty jelly

>Have shitty Internet
>Most productive summer ever

Dude that is just horrible. I'm so sorry


Fuck Telus

And I thought mine was bad

I'm only jealous of Google Fiber due to how neat it is.

you're right. It's an addiction. After moving houses and only having my phone wifi to tether to my desktop, I actually began to work on things instead of fb>yt>insta pattern.

>15ms latency

Not jelly at all

Fix your ping faggot

Suck my fiber optic dick

I'm confused, is this on your phone through your homes wifi?

If so, what ISP do you have O_O?


Google fiber

Only the dead can know this peace from this evil.


I honestly don't mind the download speed. The upload is balls though. I'm not sure why the upload speeds are always so lacking here. Next package is 5mbps up but price doubles.

wtf dude. I thought you gringos had the best internet.

I'm fairly happy with what I have.

What phone do you have?

True. Using cloud services more and more made me realize how annoying it can get.

Well... Okay then.



How are you even posting right now? That's worse than a dial-up connection 15-20 years ago.

Is that on wifi?

God damn. Did you start uploading that pic when OP first posted?

Pretty damn much, satellite sucks out here in the rural areas.

Yah and the other issue I have found is when you load a webpage these days. It quicker clogs the upload pipe with all the requests and stuff around here. Figure 1mbps would be sufficient, but when there are 2 or more people surfing it quickly slows to a crawl.

Oh fuck. I feel ya. My uncle has that and it's slow as fuck even on a good day.

I told him to look I to a 3g hotspot, he has decent cell service at least. Like 2-3mbps on a decent day.

I'm hoping I can get some 3G coverage, would be godly.

Get that result up to 10gbit, then I will be impressed (mostly because you found a speedtest site that supports more than 600-800 mbit)


I was downloading a torrent earlier and was overjoyed that I was reaching 2.0MB/s




It would be faster but I'm stuck using a wireless G piece of fucking shit access point.


that would imply MB/s but considering all of the text on the headings are in caps, i'm assuming it's just a mistake.

~500Mb/s is great

500MB/s would be 4Gb/s and I doubt you have network equipment that would even manage those speeds.


no very

I thought mine was bad

It still is lmao

I have a friend that religiously speed tests every connection he's on. The traffic on his mobile generated by this hobby rivals that of his browser.

Just why, if it's slow, you'll notice anyway. Also yeah, I'm jelly, in Soviet Germany, internet upload is 1mbit/s or flaky as fuck.

not even jelly :^)

Ok, i guess. Reliance is going to offer 1 gbps across the whole country in a couple of months, so bretty good

What a waste of time.


I bet you asked for higher upload speeds to shitpost faster.

Uni net doesn't really count tho. Go find somewhere you can plug your laptop in over Ethernet, you can get 900+ Mbps Up/Down at Swinny.

>how jelly am i?

have you ever had fresh jam made from berries you picked?

a lot

> $2000 Macbook
> Garbage internet
why even live? This is the fastest internet available at my area.

hace tiempo yo vivía en El Salvador, ¿cómo está la situación en San Miguel? yo viví ahí.
ahora vivo en puto Baltimore que está peor que la ciudad con mas crimen allá, hay muchos putos negros que son bien pendejos.