Let's be honest here

Let's be honest here
OSX is the only OS that has no practical value whatsoever. If it stopped existing all of a sudden one day, no one would care.

Professional content creators use windows
Office tasks and desktops are on windows
Gamers use windows
Servers run on windows

IT, sysadmins use Linux
Supercomputers, embedded chip and Android runs on Linux
Linux and FreeBSD has top quality emulation technology
Servers run on Linux

>Mac OSX
Tech illiterate hipsters that need a shiny facebook machine need OSX
Unironically faggots use OSX even Apple CEO is a faggot and steve jobs was a smelly hipster who thought taking shower is not necessary (Not kidding)

Find me ONE reason that validates OSX's existence
PROTIP: You can't

inb4 mactoddlers

Inb4 muh Photoshop and video production

And what is your experience with macOS, OP? I mean your actual experience, please don't just post jpegs.

lol who spends 1k on 1.2 GHz?

What is your experience with macOS?

>My experience
Tried installing in virtual machine, doesn't even work. Instant trash

>macOS didn't work in a VM so its shit

I'm not sure if this is a shitpost or you're just mentally retarded.

What's wrong?


Do you not see the issue? Do you really not know?

Know what? Is your shitty OS incapable of running in a VM?

Great ""enterprise"" OS right there

You really need to quit shitposting. OS X is a great UNIX OS with commercial application support, it's like a middleground between Linux and Windows.

UNIX is a meme philosophy certificate that sells for money

>operating system designed to only run on custom hardware with many features which disable use on non-Apple hardware or make it very hard to function
>why dont it werk in vm lol its shit xD

I can't believe how fucking dumb you are. macOS is not supposed to be a standalone operating system to install on any hardware. It is not licensed to anyone and never intended to run on anything non-Apple. You probably don't even know this.

That's okay, it's also Unix. You're also missing the point.

And quit pretending UNIX is just a piece of paper you buy. It's a thorough set of standards that you pay for the ability to be certified to be compliant with.

>macOS is not supposed to be a standalone operating system to install on any hardware
O yea, toddler OS that isn't supposed to be run as virtualisation servers or anything

It's like Orbis, has nothing of value so it is supposed to be in it's own hardware only. Meanwhile windows runs on VMs perfectly fine


Congrats, Windows runs well in VMs. Meanwhile OS X runs well on the only platform Apple cares about – Macs.

More like fisher price POS hardware for people that are too illiterate to put a computer together

>OS that isn't supposed to be run as virtualisation servers or anything

Its not trying to. Its not intended to. Its supposed to be packaged into custom hardware for a fuckery-free (more or less) computing experience preferably in a product ecosystem. Are you unable to comprehend this or do you just have severe autism?

Apple left the server market a long time ago.

Stop giving this troll (You)'s

My god user you've got enough edge for a whole classroom of middle schoolers!

He's going to continue shitposting either way.

>Apple left the server market a long time ago.
It left desktops as well, all it is good for is facebook.

Which is the topic of the thread.


Y u gay?

What, does truth hurt? Mac hardware is good for nothing and so the OS

Your question's been answered, not my fault if you ignore it.

So good for nothing then?

Apple makes some of the best laptops on the market along with the best AIOs, try again.

>best laptops
Even considering macshit being a laptop OS it's complete garbage

Go be 12 somewhere else.

Oh yeah because OS X totally affects the hardware.
>exploding batteries
Didn't realize Apple made batteries now.

That's awesome.

I just answered your fucking question you idiot. Its not a standalone operating system. Do you still not understand this. You have not yet told me your experience with Macs.

So you have never used a Mac but are 100% sure it is a bad computer?

Former Apple Hater sitting here typing this on my 2016 15" MacBook Pro. I honestly used Linux (tried several distros) and ThinkPads for years, but nothing has been a better dev-machine than my MacBooks (this is my second one).

So before you complain, at least try it

Hilarious damage control buddy. Since when macshit doesn't come with batteries included? Or are you talking about the design itself?

Yeah, tried it in a VM. Doesn't even boot, instant trash

Professionals have moved to Windows for photoshop and video production.

>best laptops
top meme

>mactoddler thinks owning a throttling overheating piece of shit and defending it makes his position stronger


How the fuck is it damage control? Apple doesn't build their batteries. If a battery is faulty, it's the battery manufacturer's fault and nobody else's.

>your experience with Macs
>Macintosh machines
>yeah dude i tried a vm

Are you an actual pajeet, sir?

Crapple's fault to sell garbage batteries

It's like when the cook fucks up your pizza and you blame the delivery guy

Is English your primary language? If not then I can sort of understand the ass backwards things you're saying as you're reading everything incorrectly.

-Virtualizing an OS and doing virtualization on a OS are not at all comparable
-MacOS is a fucking desktop OS in the first place so it really shouldn't be compared to Windows Server and Linux servers and variants like ESXi.
-If you ever actually venture out into the real world you'll see that most workplaces support a variety of devices and there's a SAN in the back handling the virtualization and not anyone's individual machines.

This means that people get to use whatever the fuck they want.

T.b.h. that's pretty ballsy
>free electricity for your computer on every coffee purchase
>plug in your 400 W 27 inch iMac

Whats the difference between macshit and homosex?

Okay you are obviously just a very ignorant, primitive waste of space, stop starting threads on this board and fuck off to 9Gag

>what is the difference between an operating system meant to run on one machine and the use of the actual machine itself with the OS installed on it

Yeah, English isn't your first language. On top of that you don't know the difference between an OS and a computer.

>Pizzahut sells fucked up dickbutt cheese
>n-not our fault, the company that delivered pizza for us is baaad XDDDD


What's the difference between this and you?
>PROTIP: none

MacOS is my favorite OS. You get all the benefits of a Unix-style foundation for the command line and administration, and you get the best GUI environment available on any OS. I use Windows for gaming, Linux for servers, and MacOS for everything else from browsing to note taking to programming* because I enjoy it the most.

* To be honest though, C programming on MacOS could be slightly better. If you prefer GCC/GDB to LLVM, and/or you use Valgrind, then you might prefer doing C stuff on Linux.

What, I can swear you were implying that homosex can't run without macshit. They should be synonymous, right?

Don't bother, the OP is a teenage tech illiterate shitposter from some 3rd world shithole.

not a mac user, but final cut pro render times are far shorter compared to similar or somewhat superior windows machines using premiere


Come back to Sup Forums when you know how a computer works.

Confirmed troll.

>mactoddler thinking he knows how computer works

i used to like Windows but I don't think you can turn win10 Spyware off so it's shit.

Apple is a joke.
MacOS is the worst GP OS after WinPoo 10, it's a slow, unstable mess that caters to liberal arts faggots (see think different)
iPhone's only purpose is to be jewelry for the poor.
Pathetic zealots not even freetards compare with this.

No, IT and sysadmins use UNIX of which OSX is a derivative. Outside the autistic foss community its linux that's the meme

>see think different

This literally works in my favor though. Because I'm not a retarded child with Parkinson's I don't spill shit near my machines. If I get an actual hardware failure, the Apple store wankers don't have to debate whether it was accidental damage or not, when they see it isn't they replace my shit for free.

Have fun arguing whether you got liquid damage or not with some pajeet warranty from Asus.

>using fcp after X made it shit

>boy who tried to run macOS in a VM

Everyone is laughing at you.

Are homosexuals really this retarded?

Are people who run macOS in a VM expecting it to work deserving of life?

>but muh FacebookOS is le certified UNIX XDD!

Nah W10 beats it in the UI dept too

>Can't even run in a VM
lol why do mactoddler think their fruity toddler toy fruitloop toddler OS belongs to Sup Forums?

congrats kiddo

>can't even scale font properly
>macOS been doing this since 2012

>but muh memes totally aren't stale and outdated!

>1337 mactard haxor

Nice sentence structure. Are you Indian?

So how much does UNIX sells for? 200 bucks? LEL

>being this mad
Go back to your safe space

>/lgbt/ leaking again
Abandon thread

UNIX certification? $15000.

>toddler toy fruitloop toddler

Is this what Sup Forums has come to? Nothing but Indians?

lol really?

Fuck I might as well donate the double amount to the UNIX poorfags

Maybe you should try using the word toddler more.

luk mum I win XDDD

I used macos for my work as an enterprise level software developer... It's pretty much the same as any other operating system.



Fucking mactoddlers with their toddler toy """hardware""" pretending to run fruitloop toddlerbook in their toddler ""OS"" designed by toddlers for toddlers that needs toddler toys like retarded toddlers

I despise Indians. I hope you all die in a fecal storm. Disgusting shitskins. Ruining tech and now treating Sup Forums like a designated shitting board.

More kek


What is macshit good for? Running the toddlerbook toy OS?

That device can hijack any computer with a Thunderbolt port. Macs are more likely to have one.

Holy shit LOL good job, applel

Jesus Christ drop this meme. This was fixed 3 major versions ago.

go back home pajeet


macOS Sierra running on VMware. Works on my machine.

t.b.h. it didn't and it still pisses me off so if you know how to fix it please elaborate

Well, OP. Where's your problem now? Looks like you're a tech retard who couldn't make shit work.

>1.4 GHz with 4GiB

>hurr durr homosex isn't supposed to run under VM
>hurr durr muh sandalone OS sophistication durr XDXDXDXDDDDDDDDDD

It's my fucking laptop, gets the job done, I've got a beefier desktop in case that I need it.
