Post your desktop

post your desktop

why are you allowed to live?

To pleasure your mother.

>caring about what others do with their property

no bullying aloud in the desktop thread

Nice desktop

just report under illegal content and move on



Enjoy your ban

Windows 7 with no updates is god-tier.

post dat nep please

It's not illegal content, don't flood the reports queue with false reports.


So I can bully quietly in here?


>halo CE
my nigga

kys, pls kys

No bully in the desktop thread

Why don't you just kill yourself so you'll never be bullied again

thanks mate

I had Halo 2 as well but I couldn't get it to run to run on Windows 7.

*get it to run on Windows 7.

I report these threads every time and they keep coming back s m h

t b h f a m
>kys pussy faggit nigger slut retard gangbang fucktoothed ass-milkshake drinking SON OF A BITCH!


you are the reasons why desktop threads aren't allowed


anime website

halo 2 was picky with graphical drivers
try it with either generic windows drivers enabled or run it in a XP VM with a XP era card

honestly thats the only way my dad was ever able to get it to work, i built him a gaming pc for the purpose of mechwarrior and halo but he ended up spending days researching how to install a 6800 ultra alongside his rx 460 and run it in an xp vm
just to have halo 2 and some of the older mechwarrior games run correctly

i sadly cant run it because my nice desktop is dead and my T42 only has 32mb of vram

times change

Seriously stop this. Destroy your computer than kill yourself. Your gross fetish with sexualizing young girls is disgusting and abnormal. You are a threat to young children. If I knew where you lived I would have called the police by this point.

Anime website

not rx460, sorry, ive got that stuck in my head beacuse im using it for my sisters build rn

750ti is in his pc

times change

wow that was rude



>makes a desktop thread
> doesn't post a desktop
Wow. Op is an idiot.

your life was rude

Posting again when you're not welcome is what's rude.
Go away.

its my thread baka of course im welcome

best desktop


> he isn't welcome in his own thread
You're one pathetic guy 2bh.

if your going to be rude then get out of my itt thread


I can never keep it organized

so I just do a fresh install every month lol


Make me you fat ugly neckbeard


Why lie on the internet baka?

>that dock

do you clicky all those things?

Don't worry, one day you too will be a well-rounded person, with your own friends and credit cards and keys.

What image viewer is that, user?


is this the NEW desktop thread!?

Weren't these threads banned?

there's no rule against them

>there's no rule against them
then why were they banned?

they were never "banned", there's just a mod who doesn't like them so they delete them

People were posting nothing but anime pictures instead of desktops. They turned into /c/ threads basically.

I love loli but I think you'll have a better more fun time posting in the /trash/ desktop threds. the anons dont really like them here

there was this one autist guy, who really hates anime autists. and the autist who hates anime was really loud about it, even louder than the autists who can't not react when someone disses their taste.


the king autists, the Sup Forums janitors and mods came along and deleted desktop threads to get everyone to shut up.

And now they're probably ok again, but only to see if we can not be autists, but we can't not be autistic, so probably these threads will get bant again, which sucks because I like ricing and window manager talks.


Jesus he's also delusional and/or mentally ill.

ur a baka and the only people here who don't like them are new posters from reddit and Sup Forums

no please dont bully I just see a lot of desktop threds there so I think a lot of desktop posters moved there

Get raped and kill yourself, you shit brained cunt.



haha owned

nigga is that limewire on your dock???

my deptop