As discussed in the previous thread, maybe Sup Forums is at the point that it needs a new mascot.

This is the official strawpoll for who should replace RMS in the sticky:

Crowd favorites in the previous poll were Terry Davis and Linus Torvalds. Clearly eliminated were Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Gabe Newell.

Other urls found in this thread:


Terry is a real life Linux user,

>still no option to choose RMS


he's literally stallman 2.0, with much improved sense of paranoia and also better ability to never accomplish anything useful/ He's /ourguy/

If you don't vote for Terry you're literally nigger cattle

it's the first fucking choice you mouthbreather

submitted too early

Terry is a real life Linux user, he is an active streamer and programmer, he utilizes today's technology he doesn't reject everything that is happening. He's like a surfer on top of the tech wave and Stallman is a sissy crying on the beach because he saw a jellyfish in the water

Stallman is an AMD fag, doesn't even know how to install Linux, doesn't do anything but update a Geocities tier web page and use email, he is not a good spokesperson for Technology, he's more of a political activist (on the wrong side of things) then a computer guy

this is why i shouldn't go on Sup Forums the moment i wake up. sorry man.

Redpill me on Terry Davis

Stallmans cooler, its why he's winning in the poll

No. Go back where you came from.

I'm for Terry but I'm pretty sure RMS knows how to install Linux at least. He browses the internet from a remote server using wget.

no, it's the IRC gentoofags vote brigading the poll
just wait til the USA wakes up, TD will win in a landslide
also, Stallman is not cooler

not digging it up for you, but there is a youtube video where Stallman admits on camera that he's never installed Linux and always has someone do it for him


Summary of a great post from the previous thread:

Terry represents exactly what Sup Forums should be as a technology community.

* He doesn't give a fuck about ideology. He just makes software and he's fucking proud of it.
* He makes bizarre shit with minimal utility for its own sake: for example, a combined flight simulator and fishing simulator.
* He makes his own special snowflake OS, his own special snowflake raytracing engine, etc.
* He cares about ricing: for example, his text editor displays animated sprites in-line.
* He has a healthy fear of American surveillance and intelligence organizations.
* He drops casual post-ironic racism. If you disagree with him, you're a fucking CIA nigger.

dang you're right

Fuck off Maki no one likes you.

made this pic months ago

Thanks for that!

So reading more on him, he makes his "I can talk to God with my computer!" OS. Yep, glad I voted for Stallman.

Also, FWIW Terry Davis was the decisive winner in the previous poll:

I'm including RMS as an incumbent in this poll to make things fair, but as points out, the previous poll was during prime American shitposting hours.

What the fuck?

Stallman #1

>* He doesn't give a fuck about ideology.

>Christianity isn't ideology

it's not it's a religion

if he was a muslin preaching the murder of others nobody here would say shit

His religion has absolutely nothing to do with how others should use the software he produces.

> This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
> We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large
> and to the detriment of our heirs and successors.

Go be gay somewhere else

Stallman is a joke, Terry is a programming genius

All these points apply to Linus too, except for the racism. And Linus isn't a Jesus freak nutjob. He just makes good ass software.

Then go somewhere else bud. That sticky is staying the way it is forever.

i just called the number on terrys website and a woman who sounded tired answered.

i felt bad as fuck so i said "i think i have the wrong number, sorry"

then i hung up

>linus makes good ass software

Terry is perfect

linus doesn't make anything anymore, hasn't done so in a long time.

>except for the racism

that's why he's not a contender for the sticky, Pajeet

No, Terry is too good for Sup Forums.

Sup Forums deserves someone as incompetent as Stallman.

holy fuck this is probably so true

He still makes the final decisions about what code does and doesn't get into the kernel. He's the one keeping pajeets like the majority of Sup Forums from fucking up the only OS that actually matters.
>inb4 Linux doesn't matter

bring back the SICP snake

>"have you read the sticky today?"

The strongest point in his favor imo is that he is literally making God's OS.

>No vote option for Maki
Poll discarded

looks like fagedditor

This, Terry is a meme and nothing more.

He's streaming now. Get in here:

Maki is slut


Bamping for streaming right now.

>Development for TempleOS began in 2003 after Davis suffered from a series of manic episodes that left him briefly hospitalized for mental health issues.

>vis is a former atheist who believes that he can "talk with God" and that God told him the operating system he built was God's official temple. According to Davis TempleOS is of 'Divine' intellect due to the inspired nature of the code. According to Davis, God said to create the operating system with 640x480, 16 colors display and a single audio voice.

Oh no.



there must be a Sup Forums worthy alternative

just your average christian

Git...still for terry though


Go spread your mental illnesses somewhere else.

CIA nigger

>implying it will be changed
>implying is it matter

Terry. Stallman is a communist faggot who calls himself a doctor without even having a PhD.

Mental illnesses terrorist

Voted for the prophet. And he's leading. Looks like Terry will become the new mascot.

He has an honorary doctorate

So does Kanye West. Even he doesn't call himself Dr. West.

When Kanye is less pretentious than you you're doing something wrong.

Would you call Steve Jobs Dr. Jobs?

To be fair Richard Stallman actually suffers quite severe mental delusions because of his autism. Kanye just has an inflated ego from old media coverage of him.

Kanye also is very accomplished in his field, unlike Stallman who is at best a 1 hit wonder for making that license... which has nothing to do with technology, it's legal bullshit

You will never take Stallman away from us


The license was quite smart though, it enabled him to take advantage of other poor/autistic people to create clones of proprietary unix software and slap his name on it all as if he created it himself and is the mastermind behind it all and even receive money from it all.

Not surprising, in an interview many years ago he admits to having Jewish ancestry so a 30-year con job like this is to be expected.

Medics and lawyers always use Dr.


They actually had to pass education though and have real jobs. Stallman has done neither, he is a phony.

Is he a medic or a lawyer?

dat guy never did anything for us while stallman did a lot. stallman will remain our mascot and model in life.

People with honorary doctorates don't.

Except Stallsham.

>meme southern american university is pure pretentiousness.

Steve Balmer.

Stallman is a fucking Jew who takes credit for the work of others and calls himself a doctor without having a PhD. He literally dresses himself in borrowed robes.

Fuck him.

>"Good morning sir, I'll be your Dr. conducting your kidney surgery. Don't worry, I have lawfully earned an honorary doctorate degree from southern america."

>for the work of others
not really.

>not a single one of his honorary 'doctorates' is from an American institution.


>Stallman is a fucking Jew

>South america and Canada are not American


Fuck off Schlomo

Fucking gold mine, thanks user.

go back to pol, this the the technology board here; we are not concerned by your inane rants.

>being this autistic

What country is referred to as 'America'?

I'll wait.

>no Rob Pike
Linus just made a shitty clone of bsd, dennis is dead, stallman isn't even a programmer

What is the difference between Doctorate honoris causa and Doctor of Science honoris causa?

>stallman isn't even a programmer
If you knew...

They're both gay, so nothing really.

You didn't answer my question, what COUNTRY is usually referred to as America?

You can use your own link as a guide if you get stuck.

the strawpoll is being raided by Sup Forums

therea a thread on Sup Forums making people pick Terry.

thats why hes winning

the results are now obsolete

make a new poll

Meant for

Definitely not another Lincuck.

Stallsham is losing therefore the poll is invalid

cant make a poll without pol

at least fucking center the bust you idiot


Make it happen mods

It's not like it will be changed after this poll. Also, Terry only posted on infinity since he realized cuckchan is a cesspool.

Why rms is sticky when Sup Forums is full of Sup Forumstoddlers and macfags? Can't understand.

Deleted :^)