Protip: If you don't own one of these, you don't know dick about technology

Protip: If you don't own one of these, you don't know dick about technology.

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kys newfag

>Not full-duplex

Come back after you buy a USRP, faggot.

That's an educational toy.

People that "know a dick" about technology
and have some actual work in that direction use lab equipment.

You must be either 12yo or shill.

Have HackRF, have USRP, tons of RTL_SDRs... can confirm OP has no clue what he's talking about.

Protip: Owning a piece of kit doesn't make you knowledgable.

crappy filtering, enjoy your broadcast band images scattered across parts of your spectrum

>Not 4X4 MIMO
Stop playing with toys mate.

what is that and why would I want one?

this is a fucking meme
my friend has one and although it's cool, you can find something that does the same thing for way cheaper.


>300 dollarinos
Just why

Not OP. But where can I find something like this for cheaper? Been wanting to get into this for awhile.

Very wide band and a big digital overhead.

>not just having a stick with RTL-SDR

What is that?

I have an RTL SDR, and aside from a little bit of arduino/rpi work, I really only use it to listen to police radio, which is basically "cops: the audiobook"

the SDRPlay is cheaper and works better

HackRF One needs to build a newer version with better selectivity filters and make it receive only, dont need to transmit

who the fuck is dick?

some sort of meme box

It needs transmit. You want to just listen? Get a fucking radio.

LOL nice mammobox you faccen faggets!

giving you a coal for christmas this year

put it up your arsehole and make a dimond


>not having a 12bit sample rate

>12bit sample rate

Boy are you fucking ratarded


What is this? Some sort of signal jammer or something?

It's a SDR that is capable of rx and tx but the down side of it is that it's half duplex check out the newer(and a bit more expensive) limesdr

forgot to mention it being half duplex is one of the many problems it has