Almost 2017

>almost 2017
>not using KDE
>being this pleb

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not using Windows 10
Lol at your life

>almost 2017

>wendaws evar


>Any year
Take your cuck fetish somwhere else

Windows 4 teh win

KDE is shitty bloat. Just use GNOME.

GNOME is a shitty bloat. Just use KDE

Classic bait

>Caring about ""bloat""
Buy a hard drive poorfag, it's cheap

Some people prefer having a working file picker. Oh, and by the way, how many file names have you remembered so far?

>almost 2020
>wasting resources
Your life is a meme

I'm guessing you are too poor to afford clothes for the new year as well

I do use KDE when I boot leenoocks.
On my PC I use Windows 10 most of the time;
cli-only Linux on my server.

i prefer MATE you russian faggot

>Watching manchild's dota 2 twitch streams.

I would use KDE but I have a job and can afford a Windows 10 license. It's nice that KDE exists for people in poverty though.

LoL is the better eSport


more like Gay VD

Fact of the matter is, I can use KDE in my job with no issues thanks to years of experience and I am not insecure to show off the fact that I can afford some 200 bucks in an anonymous image board.

also, literally who the fuck ever purchased Windows 10? Winbabies bought computers with it preinstalled or they got upgraded from their 7 or 8 computers

Windows people need to quit pretending that they actually went to a store and purchased Windows. It came on your computers guys

>literally who the fuck ever purchased Windows 10?
Retards I guess

trash logo
i dual boot just in case

I'd use it if hidpi scaling didn't work like shit.

What's wrong though?

> dat 1.4 to 1.5 jump

How the hell did that get past code review?


That is atrocious scaling. Unity and even Winblows blow it out of the water.

>Winbabies bought computers with it preinstalled or they got upgraded from their 7 or 8 computers
Not everyone buys pre-builts like you do, some of us actually build our own machines and the licence is a one-off unless you are poor/stupid and buy single hardware OEM licence.

>Windows people need to quit pretending that they actually went to a store and purchased Windows.
I build my new machine and purchased the license from the MS store... nothing pretend going on here.

>mom I finally built my gaymen machine look :D

Check out this speccy mom

Some people use their desktop to do work.

Use clover on your smarttoy to post your favourite frog pictures.

Man would you share this wallpaper in HD?

Pretty sure there is no email client that can notify emails in real time in any other DEs other than KDE


>Pretty sure there is no email client that can notify emails in real time
I use and like K-Mail, but pretty much every client in existence supports IMAP IDLE. It's usually presented as 'Push updates'.

You have to keep your client open and minimized in that case. Which defeats the whole purpose of email clients

>almost 2017
>needing a DE

2017 is the year the scales tip from
the seemingly endless growth of high level solutions to returning to
increased use of low level solutions because muh silicon people are running out of ideas

KDE 5 sucks.

>You have to keep your client open and minimized in that case.
Or in the system tray. Frankly, KDE hiding the window from you is hardly a groundbreaking new step in email clients. And it doesn't much make up for the shitfest that is akonadi.

Kmail server runs as a daemon

Akonadi is the daemon, kmail/korganizer/knotes/etc just accesses its imap/caldav/etc resources. Which was my point - akonadi is a piece of shit. Any search you do for it will inevitably lead you to forum threads of people asking how do you get rid of it, or how do you use kmail without it (you don't), or why they're getting errors in kmail saying the akonadi resource was unavailable. It's a buggy memory hog that was introduced alongside bad 'features' like 'Activities' in KDE SC4, and we've been stuck with it since.

And to clarify - a daemon and any other bit of software running in the background are equal. There is no meaningful difference between KMail and Thunderbird/Claws/Sylpheed minimized to the tray.

A daemon can run without X

a buggy piece of shit

it's not even usable

Not an argument.

You were arguing?

A daemon can also depend on the X server. There are actually quite a lot that depend on runlevel 5 / As far as I can tell, Akonadi as of this version of KDE depends on Qt5Gui anyway. Which in pretty much all circumstances will pull in

Nope, I was winning which is why neither of you had anything to come bac at me with other than meme'ing.

That's not Cinnamon, so why would I ever want to use it?


Winning what again?

>Akonadi depends on Qt5GUI

I've got better things to do than respond to your bait posts, ttyl maybe.

Like showing off your hard earned 200 bucks? LOL

Hmm, never noticed. Then again why would you use a notifier daemon if you are not using GUI anyways

Gentoo also has it as a runtime dep:


whats the problem with windows? It works!

Can you even change the font of that shit?

Yes, it actively works against you.

I love when it decides to turn itself on :3

>Almost 2017
>Not using openbox+compton

Case 1:
>Install Windows 7
>Installation takes 30-45 minutes
>Reboot several times
>Gets desktop ready for first use
>Takes 10 more minutes
>Realize WiFI doesn't work
>Decide to download the wifi driver with my Linux machine
>Realize windows doesn't even have drivers for ext4 or anything but FAT or NTFS

Case 2:
>Decide to install windows 10
>Installation takes more than one whole hour this time
>Boot into windows 10
>Realize two finger scroll is not working
>Realize the touchpad stopped working
>Realize the start menu and search in the bottom panel does not work
>Thanks to touch screen laptop, I manage to install drivers for touchpad
>Driver installation leads me to reboot
>"Getting windows ready"
>30 minutes in
>"Getting windows ready"
>"Don't turn off your computer"
I decided to trash wincrap. It's a FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT and it doesn't belong outside VM

>Laptop has no OS
>Decide to install my favourite comfy OS
>It's Xubuntu LTS 16.04
>It has a LIVE environment so I can check if my hardware is compatible ootb
>Just works
>Touch screen just works and so does touchpad and wifi
>Browse Sup Forums during install
>Install takes 10 minutes
>A fully customizable, fast, responsive OS ready for me THAT JUST WORKS

I'm sorry windows is bullcrap. It doesn't have Live ISO, can NOT rank update mirrors, update takes 4-5 hours, upgrade breaks and it doesn't work, even though people pay for it.

My perception of windows is that it is still alive in desktops because of
1. computer illiterate people that does not know any other OS than windows and any other browsers than Internet Explorer
2. Availability of pirated paid software.

Android will kill windows anyways because it's easier to use. Microsoft is trying hard with the surfacebook pros but honestly it doesn't compete with tablets.

For gaming I'll lay down a hard to accept fact:
People that lost virginity use PS4 and move on with their life.

Does using slax count?

KDE does not offer a minimal install. You can only get Kubuntu desktop on Ubuntu minimal.

I don't want 3000 package bloat on first boot.

even reddit admits that Windows 10 sucks, you stupid video fags

I would like to use linux, but I pretty much use windows-only softwares almost all day, even dual boot would be useless

KDE isn't the DE, Plasma is
KDE is all the KDE project

>muh K
I can't trust developer that can't even pronounce "console" correctly.

>almost 2017
>still using shitty 1366x768 chink tier screen

I use Clover too and I don't post frog pictures. It's more practical than the website.

Do you, by any chance, believe KDE belongs to Kubuntu?

Linux is shit