I like my laptops like I like my women, T H I N N

I like my laptops like I like my women, T H I N N.

>t. low energy manlet


And hot amirite?

Thin laptops are cute, but I'd rather have a thicc thinkpad or latitude because it will still work in 5 years

I like my laptops like I like my women. Thick and black.


I don't like women in any sexual way

T-this is a sfw board user, pls put that away.

Small here bro. Feels good to be high test.


Thin women are usually self-obsessed with completely different interested to my own, chubby chicks are usually into the same shit and we get alone better.
Before you ask, I'm /fit/.


Manlets, when will they learn?

>tfw max spec W520 in my bed right now

Who would do that to themself

pretty much like muh thicc cutey gf

This desu.

science has gone too far on that butt

My women thiccc and curvy, my gadgets thinnn and anorexic....

>anything acer
>faggot beads and faggot acceptance rubber bracelet

haha no

Nothing wrong with Acer. Just don't buy low end shit... The travelmate series is cash.

>My women thiccc and curvy, my gadgets thinnn and anorexic....


I like my laptops like I like my women, non-existent.

All current laptops are fucking shit and I know Lenovo will fuck it up with the Thinkpad retro.

>I like my laptops like I like my women, non-existent.
so true