Why vlc is better than mpv

why vlc is better than mpv

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made by french men

It's not, I used to like VLC but then I found SMPlayer with mpv backend


it just werks !!!!

>He thinks videos are for enjoyment

Looks like mpv users are pretty Sup Forums in comparison to mactoddler tier VLC faggots

>try to set play/pause to right click
a shit

I keep mpv at the defaults. It just werks.

Mpv users seem comparable to arch users.

it adds nice effects to videos

VLC is better in making farts instead audio output.

Quality of the software itself is much better overall and the developers contribute to upstream projects.

the truth is, if you ever even TRIED another media player since VLC came out, you're stupid and don't even know how to watch videos/listen to music

It's a shit even on linux.
Even directshow based shits like madvr, mpc-*, lav, assfiltermod, ... are less shitty than this shit.

default win10 player is pretty gud desu


>i'll just make this really retarded graph showing that mpv users are that fucking bad even though i have no citations to prove it! hahahahahah!!!!
fuck off

It's not

>implying i don't use mpv with the default config
>implying i dont have to setup vlc for better video output/hardware encoding/filters(swscale lanczos)

lol that shit hashes everything you play and uploads screenshots of the content along with tag info and embeds tracking shit into the files.



I have it installed, and I don't have mpv installed.
That makes it superior.

I use mpv because the interface desing is much cleaner and les bloated
About features mpv has better options if you want to do non normie things like for example watching 4 twitch streamers at the same time

mpv is buggy garbage compared to mplayer2

why, why in the lord fuck would you wanna do that?

Why MPV is the Worst Video Player



god have mercy


it's satire

I use mpv on Arch :^)

>i-i-it's satire, g-guys
>mpv isn't really bad, I swear!

yes, that gist is obviously dead-serious and valid criticism.

so why doesn't mpv support linked chapters yet?

because of you, user. Just to spite you.

It does though. Are you retarded?

wtf i hate mpv now

did you even read it?

Cry more.

t. haasn

if vlc had auto subtitle downloader like bsplayer i would only use vlc. vlc auto detect codecs and i can easily watch streams with it

>Internal Codecs


but mpc-hc is still better than vlc

wow, so the mpv developers are seriously crippling their player just out of childish spite?

what mature development policy

How do you quantify code quality?

Art effects. Truly amazing.

vlc is shit, but it works with almost anything you ever throw at it. you have that one file that nothing will play, vlc will.

its a backup player, not a main one.

personally, I use potplayer for podcast/youtube videos that are long, mpc-hc for everything else, and when something wont play, vlc.

No, it doesn't. Chapters isn't the same as linked mkvs.

yes, linked mkvs is what nobody uses

>The video app that goes by the name of "MPV", which integrates some of VLCs quality video rendering
Ha ha ha ha ha
First line and you already can tell that author is retard.

This is a pretty sweet easter egg ;)

Yes, yes, I'm sure the author is retarded ;)

>What is sudo apt install Nov
>What is setting it as your default
>What is using the default config
>What is enjoying your media tear and lag free

The only real complaint there is "doesn't support linked chapters". The rest are retarded, or things that MPV users choose MPV because of.

butterface, but god damn that bod

maybe because it's a fucking joke document written up by chucklefucks from the #mpv channel.

poe's law is great at weeding out retards

You can have it on mpv too.

Pretty sure its just shitty satire made by some pony fucker autist.

His last commit.

he's banned from the #mpv irc

This is a joke you retard.

that's a gist
and cum is github.com/Hamuko/cum

yep, you just confirmed that

>pony fucker autist.

>joke's on you, I was just pretending

>implying I read the article post 1st sentence.

who's trolling who now? I'm confused.

I'm trolling all of you fuckers, and you're trolling me by pretending to be trolled

- Sup Forums

this tb.h

Actually, mpc-hc is more diverse in this regard than vlc. And it is higher quality than vlc.

diversity is codeword for WHITE GENOCIDE

no it doesnt you absolute retard

I too, enjoy watching corrupted graphics! Nothing like the simplicity of Video LAN Client, am I right?

>mfw I started this thread saying VLC is the best because it has a Santa hat
>mfw Sup Forums goes full retard

you ain't seen nothing yet, check out this gem

Any more? Love these.

is there a way i can put these effects on videos? i really like these

Yea, just play them in VLC and randomly click the timeline.

yes VLC has that feature

>epic battle
>special effects
lmao so VLC users watch flicks and MPV users watch kino.

It's called datamoshing. It's easy to do, just remove the p and I frames from video files

>Better in CPU usage (30%, mpv only uses 5%, more is better)
>plays more formats than mpv
>better colors than mpv(the latter oversaturates the color)
>nice interface

just I will be enough


Where can I get video content that will tear like this in VLC? I've been using it since 2003 and have never had a single file do this.

I only use it with livestreamer

just seek in it


Meant to say comment, now I'm the retard.

What else to expect from a tripfag?

Try looking for a single tripfag post that has any value whatsoever, one that contributes somehow to the thread.
Pro-tip: You can't.

I hope you've remembered all those key bindings.

seeking in any large mkv file

I too enjoy not having to edit config files and not remembering every single key binding under the sun to watch a video.

Have you ever even tried MPV? You can literally just install it, open a file, double-click to fullscreen and watch.
If you really need to, you can move mouse around and a simple interface will pop up where you can change audio tracks and subtitle tracks.
No need to configure anything and it will just work without 10 hour seeking times with video corruption, unlike VLC.

Why am I responding to bait, fuck.

wow guys thanks

Alright, I'm going to try that.

It's cute during winter holidays :3

If that's actually true, fair enough. But what about changing the subtitle encoding? It's fairly easy to do on VLC. How do you go about changing that on MPV?

MPV is objectively better in all ways that matter. It doesn't need an easter egg.
Pic related.

Um... you might want to look again.

Pretty sure it defaults to UTF-8, but never actually needed that, and it's not like accessing and editing a config file is difficult.