>the state of Linux """gaming"""
The state of Linux """gaming"""
Other urls found in this thread:
>the state of Windows """gaming"""
Excuse me sir
probably funnier and more refreshing than most AAA trash that gets released on PC every year
>talking shit about extreme tux racer
fucking pleb, go back to cod34
Wrong board mantoddler
RTOS Linux.
nice meme
Tfw lagdroidiots can't play tuxraxe on the go
>gaming over the age of 10
Deprecated since vista
>Tfw lagdroidiots can't do this either
Why is the Nokia N9 so fantastic
Here's your (You), stop with the meme now pls
when devs actually use wayland for game development instead of X it will have better gaming performance than windows garbage, X is the reason linux is shit
>tfw you can even make computer interactive entertainment on a nokia N9
Don't spend it all in one place
U WOT M8!!!!!!!!
Looks like shit m8
nigga u wot!!!!
u wot!!!!
Linux is for working folks to GET SHIT DONE, little babby.
I just tried this game out and it's way more fun and more interesting than modern games wtf
>implying no modern looking games
Why are Linux users so obsessed with work?
Because we are not NEETs like most Sup Forums.
would you check those beauties
>most people on Sup Forums use linux
>but unlike most peple on Sup Forums they are not NEETs
ya but the game is open source so i can customize it however i want and be sure that the nsa isn't logging my high scores
>the state of Android """gaming"""
gb2 Sup Forums
Expanding on this, I played xcom on linux natively, found out the game tries to send data to its servers. Of course my linux didn't allow this, but I can imagine how assraped windows users are
b-b-but we have steam on Ubuntu desu
etux racer is a classic
fuck off winfag
Remember when we played ROTC:E?
Just a little reminder.
I'm pretty sure I'd get more fps on Windows 7 on it
>the state of windows gaming
>implying tux racer is bad
>implying Linux has issues with older games
>actually wanting to play modern 12 yr old tier AAA shit
Freeciv is pretty cool. Burned many hours with it and gone full trump on policy and nuked everything.
0AD starts to be pretty.
Playable here. I don't know where is the overhead. With some tweaking you can gain some fps though. My only issue is with the opengl versions as on linux you need 700 series to able to play MTW2 but on windows the intel igp is enough because only nv can write drivers to linux.
I am not a "muh graphics card and resolution lul" PC gamer, but for a normal person there are SHITLOADS of games on Linux. I haven't even opened half the games that I installed for free
the gameriest game I play is League of Legends and it works in Linux with Wine/POL very well
Please, be irrelevant somewhere else
I'm enjoying tb h fa m
If I wanted to play games I would buy a PS4 or XBOX One, PC Games are no longer "better" than console games
it's not fucking 1996 quit acting like the games you're playing on your >rig aren't primarily shitty ports of console titles.
Hint: console market is bigger than Windows market JUST LIKE the Windows market is bigger than the Linux market
Your computers are toys
only complete losers who suck at games care about "resolution", that's macfag tier thinking
it's not even rotated correctly
>If I wanted to play games I would buy a PS4 or XBOX One
Shit. Makes we wonder if the people that worked at these even really tried, why would they care to tryhard and put alot of heart and time into something that they ultimately won't claim as theirs?
If anything they should have dropped all these garbage games and just worked on something that would get them paid, that way they would actually care to make it good.
I mean -comeon- we had better flash games 10 fucking years ago.
>He has not upgraded yet.
kys, you little poor child
captcha: calle bird
Shit, it looks halfway decent.
>looks like ass
what the fuck
looks fine to me
stupid fucking kid
>PC game
>Ported to linox
>linox game
that's not how it works
>linux isn't ran on pcs
Most hilarious thing in this game is the reason it got removed from new versions of Windows.
Why was it removed?
Linux is a firmware for phones, who the fuck would run it on a PC.
but it ran better on linux
>gaming under the age of 25
Crappy closed source 32-bit code they couldn't update for 64-bit since it was totally undocumented.
>firmware for phones
>what the fuck is
>what the fuck is
>what fuck
oh I see, you are just memeing me
You've memed yourself on long before that.
Actually that looks more fun that most games, and it definitely has better graphics than the average Unity indie.
>the state of PS4 """"gaming""""
wtf if you're playing BL2 at 40 fps on Windows your hardware is shit to begin with. You should be getting at least 140 fps in that game.
>that fucking gnu
consoles are for shit eating normies
>taking the b8 like a newfag
WTF, I hate Windows now...
How do I download and install GNU/Linux?
Literally nothing wrong with that game.
Also, the OS has nothing to do with the quality of games. It's just that most developers aim for the platform with the biggest market share (duh).
If Linux gains a bigger share (which it does) more AAA titles will be released for it and they will be indistinguishable from a Windows variant.
fwiw, xbill is better than minesweeper or pinball. also the bundled KDE games are way better than the bundled windows games
>poorfag can't afford solitare
If every Windows game was on Linux it wouldn't matter because gaming companies don't accept toenail clippings as currency.
who the fuck gets less than 60fps on borderlands 2?
Fuck off, rollercoaster Tycoon is goat
>I-I can afford it because I have a job at McDonalds
Did (you) buy an iPhone on 18 month financing plan too?
Kek, my phone is a $90 Android phone. But that's still worth more than your primary mode of transportation.
Nice screenshot
Games should be kept to consoles. If you're spending many hundreds and possibly thousands to play the same video game as a console does, you're a cretin.
circa 1991?
Don't forget, linux has dwarf fortress. It's an awesome game that is better than popular games like skyrim and has deeper gameplay.
>life is strange
>a game
>not wasting months playing cataclysm dark days ahead
>not supporting goblin camp, foss version of dwarf fortress
but indeed, dwarf fortress is a badass videogame
Who cares about dwarf Fortress with all the other management games out that actually have graphics. It's like playing a MUD in 2004 with World of Warcraft out.
Prison stimulator
Those are the ones I've played but there's way more.
u wot? some people like to be entertained for more than a day, that is why many of us ascended beyond "AAA" crap
>Prison stimulator
DF has so much depth because the authors put gameplay ahead of graphical improvements. Tilesets get you 90% of the way there, though.
someone made a computer inside dwarf fortress
a working, turing complete, computer, inside a game, goddamit