Programming books thread

Is pic related worth buying for learning algorithms for use in programming?

Also general books thread

Other urls found in this thread:!NA1VibTI!e0D6yaxkbRnouShArbHTPg

don't buy anything

Good for theory of a ton of algorithms (sort, graph, etc)
Not so nice for practical since everything is pseudocode


nigga, you are not supposed to copy the code from the book into your program. It's there to understand the working of various algorithm and get a feel for efficiency, running.time etc. Also most likely you dont need to write any of these algorithm in any language anyway, they are used in the default libaries most of the time anyways.

>that last book

tip top kek

>Not so nice for practical since everything is pseudocode

holy shit neck yourself

It's a seminal work; I jack off to it every day.


>PDF named Physics




Can you share your archive with us?


The book will teach you everything about algorithms- Do you want to know everything about algorithms? then buy it. If not, then search for a pdf no longer than 40 pages and learn the actual algorithms, try them, and experience and asking around will tell you when to use quicksort instead of radix sort. Algorithms aren't hard.

>search for a pdf no longer than 40 pages
is there a place you go looking for pdfs like that?

Google, of course. Many universities make handouts that are freely available on internet.

Here's Sup Forums's real book list

I bought Algorithms by Sedgewick/Wayne... It teachs you how to program in Java while teach you Algorithms... it's a great book...

>It teachs you how to program in Java

Into the trash it goes.

masters of doom teaches programming concepts?!NA1VibTI!e0D6yaxkbRnouShArbHTPg



It's the best of the best.
Any computer scientist/programmer should have it.

>Also most likely you dont need to write any of these algorithm in any language anyway, they are used in the default libaries most of the time anyways.

then why bother?

>masters of doom teaches programming concepts?

>every good book is supposed to teach you more ways to reverse binary trees

fuck off retard

That convex optimization book is very difficult. I want to learn it, but the linear algebra I learned in university don't seem to be enough. What should I read to prepare myself for that convex optimization book?


lmao CE is fucking shit. have fun learning a noob salad of everything tech related.

at least with CS you kinda go into formal languages, machine learning, computational shit and so on, and with EE you go into networks, low level hardware circuits and shit.

this is why pajeets are taking over.

Because the algorithms presented outline many of the best approaches to solve problems that are common for programmers.

>Because the algorithms presented outline many of the best approaches to solve problems that are common for programmers.

surely you meant to say

>Because the algorithms presented outline many of the best approaches to solve highschool/programming competitions problems that are common for highschool/1st year uni programmers.

nothing you can't learn from wikipedia, take it from a Computer Engineer, the only way you can really learn something is by applying it , that means coding. After you coded your first sorting bsp algorithm you can feel your way around.

>this is why pajeets are taking over.
>pajeets taking over anything

3rd worlders can't even code their way out of a recursive function.

>software engineering

>gnu make


seriously lmaoing right now desu


Sry senpai

Well, it's fine for me.
I work as a test engineer with some embedded stuff.

I've got CLRS 2nd edition with the old fucking pseudocode style.

I want to neck myself.

>3rd worlders can't even code their way out of a recursive function.

yet they take your jobs


> C++ 14 Quick Syntax Reference.pdf

what a strange book

I didn't get to finish the download, can you put the link back up ;_;

They brought it down already, fucking hell.

Where can I order books online and pay with bitcoin?

Is Sedgewick's algorithms any good? I just bought the old one with everything in pascal off amazon for like $3. Did I dundid goof?

its free online dummy
java is just an interface to express how the algorithms are put into programming, you can easily convert it to a different language of your own choice.

go to princetons website and find it, its free and the site has lots of information to read about to go with the book.

One does not simply read a programming book

cant find the link to download the book on princetons website

This is actually pretty solid

4/20 actually almost useful irl

the rest is snake oil memery

Humble Bundle has some books, enjoy

My Algorithms course uses this book. Am I at a good school Sup Forums?

>Not so nice for practical since everything is pseudocode
typical pajeet. Can't be bothered to understand. Surprised you could even be bothered to read.

It's a pretty standard/ubiquitous textbook. My uni uses it too.

The best to learn is Skeina's Algo design manual

CLRS has a good intro chapter, which is essentially the same as the 'Mathematical Preliminaries' in Kuth's Art of Programming Vol 1 but a little easier.

If you really want to learn algorithms you of course read TAOCP, and not as a reference. It's doable, the first volume at least (I did it). Red/Black trees are in there, described under 'Mathematical Properties of Trees' even though idiots claim they aren't in TAOCP. I prepped for TAOCP by reading CS:APP 3/e

Great list esp Programming Pearls, which is mandatory read for any Jewggle interview.

I would remove Sedgewick's Algo book and replace with Skeina's, I would rip out the Dragon book as it focuses a lot on parser generators and says almost nothing about analysis and optimization which is what any compiler developer would want to do, plus you have to read Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation (3rd Edition) first before attempting Le Dragon book.

Lisp in Small Pieces or EoPL should be in there too just as a large overview of programming languages. EoPL is fantastic

This book should also be added, since nothing in there talks about hardware

Yep, link is down :(

I remember impressing my college instructor with my "design patterns" from this book.

>Instructor: How the fuck did you come up with a pattern like that? A+ !!!

Just use to pie rat any texts, or sci-hub if you want access to current academic journals

This seems like some good advice. What do you think of the introduction to theory of computation by sipser? I was thinking about buying that next.

Since I'm involved in software security, I will present a list of books if you're also interested in this (and have read K&R plus CS:APP (asm))

- Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications
- The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
- The Art of Software Security Assessment (if you want to sell exploits to TheGrugq)
- A bug hunter's diary : a guided tour through the wilds of software security
- Robert Seacord's CERT book on secure C programming
- Greyhat Python (only so you can learn to write your own security tests)
- challenges
- Buy a copy of Burp Suite and zing down old wordpress installs and attack your own Rails sites
- Every book on Graph Theory you can find. For instance, Halvar Flake and his team at Zynamics use graph isomorphisms of basic blocks in BinDiff, which is the industry standard tool for reversing security patches back to vulnerabilities (IDA pro)
- Research papers on Arxiv and in academic journals pirated via Sci-Hub so you can learn how to extract Control Flow Graph's and run SAT solvers on them.

SMT (satisfiability module theory) solvers basically allow you to do things which are slightly more complex than plain SAT solving.

If you're looking to learn more, Leonardo has a nice introduction to SMT and its applications over here: To make a long story short, various problems in program verification and static analysis have seen success with SMT.

That's all I got, don't do anything stupid unless you live in Russia because you will get caught even if you are Jason Bourne running around the country. People will pay you a lot of money to break their shit legally so good luck.


I also like Papadimitriou's textbooks: Elements of the Theory of Computation and Computational Complexity.

Another book not here is The Computational Beauty of Nature, it's sort of like GEB (Godel, Escher, Bach) in that it gives you a treatise of computer science to see if you're still interested.

I originally learned recursion, proofs, set theory/axioms, calculus and linear algebra just from GEB and the Computational Beauty of Nature so when I came across it later in classes I was already familiar with them

> Not so nice for practical since everything is pseudocode

Thanks, I appreciate the advice. Ill have to save to text file so I can come back to it later.

More advice, I use Abe Books to buy "international versions" of textbooks because they are only 10% the regular price.

For example, CS:APP 3rd edition is $300USD. Abe Books has it for $30, exact same book just the front cover says 'Not for sale in Canada or USA'

Into the street is goes.


Sipser's book is good.

Also math books that help, assuming the reader knows nothing:

- Basic College Mathematics by Margaret L. Lial et all. This is elementary school math (do you really remember fractions?)
- Precalculus by Sheldon Axler because it has a student solutions manual (every second exercise's solution is shown to you in its entirety).
- Elements of Mathematics: From Euclid to Godel. This gives you a great overview of all 'elementary' mathematics, and shows you some advanced stuff. Quick read, amazing text.
- How to Prove it by Velleman. Required if you want to understand GEB, or do proofs.
- What is Mathematics? By Courant is great to read after SICP, it's sort of the SICP of math.
- Apostol's Calculus I and II. Analysis and Linear Algebra intro. You can read Spivak's Calculus instead and skip Apostol vol I if you want.

.. at this point you have a good foundation in math and can go in any direction, but since this is a CompSci thread

- Linear Algebra by Sheldon Axler though there is some criticism to be had here with Axler's book is a bit troublesome in inventing new terminology unnecessarily. Still a must read.
- Algebra: Chapter 0. Paolo Aluffi (read the errata page though or bang your head repeatedly). This is probably the best book I've ever read done by a mathematician
- Concrete Math which will make you a better programmer guaranteed.
- TAOCP, now you can actually do the exercises which you should try, just 30 min a day get up early and leaf through the book for a few months. There's so many gems in here like how to design a program from scratch, common pitfalls that are still relevant, how O notation can fool you into using the wrong algorithm and other important advice. It truly is the Art of Programming.

I use the LA knowledge from Aluffi and Axler to ace those annoying white board interviews too or codify tests. LA to me is the most important math to learn if doing any kind of programming.

>tfw Terry A Davis will never write a book on programming

You can find it for free online just google the title name with pdf attached to the search query.

Watch his videos on Coursera, they follow the book.

Personally I don't like the book nor his coursera videos.

My advice is if you want to learn Discrete math and Data Structures then start by buying and going through the Zybooks on Discrete Math then Data Structures, then Algorithms Unlocked, then CLRS @

Read all EE and CompSci/Math books, congrats you can now cast fireballds


I've read "algorithms in a nutshell" and liked it, dunno about that book.

> Not so nice for practical since everything is pseudocode

>Not being able to convert pseudocode to a programming language.
wew, lad

is it even worth to read a book on html and css? which?

Are books even worth reading anymore? I've heard that most programmers don't use books nowadays and they just learn what they need as they need it by googling stackoverflow n shit

Only top tier (0.1%) of programmers reads more than 5 books in their lifetime. And those are just shitty books non computer theory/math

No. I think thats just all about reference material. Theres not really much to learn.

I think reading a book to get a grasp of the most common algorithms is more convenient than looking at them separately.

Books don't have inherently better content though, all that shit is accessible in other ways nowadays.

thats a bit superficial tho innit?

in projects and shit, when problems arise, i think its aiiiight to google it, but being able think for yoself and solve problems is very important and imo books help in that

that u tyrone?

Definitely still worth reading books. You cant get design patterns and the bigger picture of programming and computer science from just googling.

no thats I, yo main man, ali g, aiiii?

Doing that is a great way to be a fucking code monkey.

You cannot learn data structures and algorithms from SO alone.

Yeah it teaches how to be baller

Modern programming like say, Machine Learning or Web Programming is about "poking at big libraries" to find out what they do according to Sussman and he's right.

However being able to open up that library and find out what it does will still make you a better programmer of course. In my day to day job before I got into security testing I was just stringing together libraries and was surprised they were paying me $150k/year to do that. RabbitMQ plus some ruby gems junk or React shit is typically all you're doing these days.

The majority of my programming now is just for fun like it was years ago when I first started, the programming I'm paid to do anybody here who's read an intro to python book can do.

Speaking of MOD, if you want another good book read the book about Max Ray Vision aka Iceman. He made his baller means jacking other criminals and for fun I do this too, just go on some drug dealer site and jab at their stack you'll be surprised how easy it is, plus nobody will come after you for robbing other criminals, just don't touch any credit card info/stolen dbs go after bitcoins and esp Zero Cash because it's untraceable. Good luck

best book to learn CPP?

Some of those are really good.

Hoping to add Practical Foundations of Programming Languages to this list. It complements Pierce's Types and Programming Languages really well. It's pretty theoretical but approaches PL engineering from a type-theoretical perspective that's really consistent and powerful.

anyone got any good books for starting neural networks ? if any related math books are required for it, please list those too. much appreciated ;)

where's the torrent?

I'd also like to know this.

Stroustroup's book makes me want to cut myself.

>but being able think for yoself and solve problems

you dumb cunt, how many real life problems you can solve in a medium sized project by reading "introduction to the theory of computation" over and over?

>Are books even worth reading
not for u

>CIA Niggers: A Practical Approach
>The Word of God: Essential Stochastic String Algorithms
>VGA Graphics: Bringing Your Applications in to the 20th Century.

>CIA Niggers: A Practical Approach

Would buy

Olá anão :3

Be more fair to him --

Translating math to code is a skill that takes practice, and having a leg up with a demo here and there really helps. Learning by example is what we do.

If you want to learn data structures & algorithms learn discrete math first.

I recommend this book for discrete. Covers topics most discrete courses don't have time for. Then buy their data structures book, then move to something like CLRS

Nothing on TDD?


holy shit that's real

It's missing formal semantics.

Does anyone know anything about this book? I bought it so I could learn emacs lisp for writing extensions and config files but I dont know whether I should put energy into working through this or something else.