Any CUNY grads on Sup Forums?
Any CUNY grads on Sup Forums?
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>Jew York
Is CUNY the path to enlightenment?
Baruch Grad here
Unfortunate name for a university.
SUNY here, I thought about going to a CUNY.
How was it I though about going here.
fuck off pedo
graduate womyn science cum laude
Absolutely the worst possible thing you can do to yourself
Sure it's cheap, but you get exactly what you pay for.
I graduated from Baruch and thank god I was able to salvage myself through a bunch of loopholes.
There's a fucking pre-business sequence that you have to go through if you're doing finance or accounting.
Note the word sequence, meaning if you get less than the GPA they want from you or you fail a class you can't move on.
Furthermore you're not allowed to retake ANY class you pass (D is considered passing), so you can see how easy it is for it to become impossible to major in accounting or finance.
Normally that isn't really an issue, but they hire the worst math professors on purpose, to cull the massive herd of autistic asians that attend every year, and after they fail out milk them for all they're worth.
After you get into the business majors you realize that ALL your courses are pre-reqs of each other, so if you fuck up one of them you're stuck wasting a semester, as if this was fucking med school or something.
I wasn't a business major, but had the misfortune of being pre-med at baruch.
If you thought the math professors were bad holy shit, the science professors blow them out of the water.
At best you're stuck teaching yourself, at worst you have to deal with a fucking sadist of an Orgo professor who will not only leave you unprepared for anything medicine related, but will do his absolute best to fuck you over every single way he can.
The best part? He's the head of the fucking committee that writes your req letter.
I got a D in orgo II (my lowest grade in college), normally not an issue for a pre-med to fuck up a class, you just retake it. Nope, you're not allowed to retake any classes that you passed, business or not. This was the breaking point for me and I transferred to CSI.
They let me retake the class with no problem, and I was able to get accepted into every pharm school in the state with no hassle.
i went to UIC (budget shitcago school) and it's very similar, except they only allow you to retake 4 classes. i forget what the requirement is, but i think classes in which you got a D or below can be retaken.
the bulk of the low level science and math courses are taught by the worst/foreign professors. it's not until you get to 400/500 courses that you get professors that actually enjoy teaching the material and try to make it understandable.
worse yet, the school has been going uber leftist recently pushing all the trans/black/shitskin appeasement bullshit and slipped ~20 ranks in the USNWR rankings in a single year.
also, the day the new USNWR rankings were released where the school slipped over 20 spots, the administration sent another email about shitskin appeasement and didn't even mention the horrid drop in rankings.
The best part? After you go through all that bullshit the best job you can possibly hope for is some shitty 25k entry level accounting job in queens.
Columbia and NYU have a monopoly on internships and jobs in manhattan.
And the only people that get into med school are ones that did a post-bacc, SMP or got a masters first.
There's only like 20 people since 1960 that got into med school right away from baruch.
Go SUNY if you want to save money people.
The only schools worth the money in NY are Stony, Buffalo, and Cornell
NYU is a shitty SJW hugbox, the business school is flooded with autistic asians and the STEM programs are all pajeets and pink haired tumblr whores.
Columbia is the same but at least they have a law school that'll get you employed.
OP, if you're in HS and made this thread to get opinions I would say get the fuck out of NY (unless it's the schools I mentioned) and DO NOT MAJOR IN CS.
Do engineering, or some kind of applied math like actuarial science
It was alright, one of the better known CUNY's. Definitely a step above many other CUNY's
If you call being stuck in a shitty apartment building all day alright then sure.
They can't even get their fucking escalators right, it would take me like 15 mins to get from the fourth floor to the lobby during "rush hour"
I felt like killing myself every time I got that awful greasy lo-mein but it's the only substantial amount of food you can get in the area for less than 10 bucks.
The NYC is your campus meme is pathetic
Boku no Pico
Well at least they would give you a chance.
I know a lot of intelligent people that left baruch because some shitty pajeet math or CS professor fucked them over and dropped their pre-business GPA below what you need.
Public college is a fucking joke. I'm in a private pharm school right now and jesus christ it's fucking night and day.
If you don't get a scholarship to a nice private school that's STEM focused then just go trade school and don't even fucking look back; at least you'll have a job.
>implying NYU's law school isn't comparable to Columbia's, and possibly better cause it produced Wachtell and Lipton.
t.NYU law student
>t.NYU law student
You're fucked
Enjoy your 100k+ debt and a saturated job market in the US in general, in NYC you have a better chance of winning the lotto than getting a job that can pay that off and provide you with a decent life.
Ivys offer an alumni network that prefer their own and only their own. Not to mention when applying to a job the ivy degree is always looked at more favorably. Also columbia will support the fuck out of you in terms of interships and job opportunities, critical when the job market is this bad for lawyers.
Enjoy your seminars on trans-rights though, I'm sure that'll come in handy when you want to practice
I go to Kingsborough for Computer Information Systems. Am I fucked?
Well, I always used the stairs. If you think the Baruch Campus is bad, check out some other CUNY's. There's very few that are good and they are further away from the city. As for food, just go to Shake Shack.
kek i got a 3.9 GPA in mechanical engineering for my bachelors from UIC and couldn't find a job. no real companies would even call me back, just third party recruiters that at best were offering 40k/year pay. everyone that i talked to that did find a job did so through friend, or more usually, family. the companies that do show up to the school career fairs are third rate, and the larger companies that show up are only looking to fill temporary or intern positions.
i ended up going into a phd program since it was the only thing that came my way which would pay me and i was getting desperate. the phd program is even more shit and for the first two years i tried to find a job and quit. the only job offer i was able to get was when i applied for an entry level field engineer position for repairing/maintaining medical equipment (i.e. field tech in reality, there was no engineering involved.) problem is that while the full time position had decent pay and benefits, they offered me the internship which paid $17/hour, had no benefits and in "as little as 6 months" i could be bumped up to the full time position. considering all the guys working there had degrees from devry or community colleges and i had a four year degree + 2 years of grad school at that point i decided to just tough it out with the phd.
You're fucking stupid and have no idea how the law school industry is.
I accepted a job offer at one of the top law firms in the country:
Notice the name of #2, Wachtell Lipton Rosen Katz. All four are NYU law grads. They pay $300k for a first year associate (after bonus).
Don't talk about shit that you don't know anything about.
i agree a lot of the kids from nyu business school dont deserve their careers...
The Queens college campus is fucking beautiful
This was the case ~10-15 years ago. LSAT sittings are at an all time low, and applications to schools are really low. There's not going to be a glut forever.
CUNY is fucking hard. I transferred into city college from St Johns and it was much harder. Its a simple matter of not having staff available to help out.
But a lot of CUNY schools aint no joke to pass.
Yep. But I'm guessing school was free for you so no biggie. If you can't find a job after 6 months go to trade school
CSI is often considered the worst CUNY but they have a fucking amazing campus. The stars are almost an afterthought in the building, they creeped me the fuck out for some reason.
Lets not even talk about the elevators in the old building jesus
>I accepted a job offer at one of the top law firms in the country
I'm sure you did sonny
Yeah financial aid, and I had a internship at Morgan Stanley for a couple of months thanks to a program.
Queens College is fucking wack in 2016, bro. I went there when I was a kid for their camp and computer programs, and I went there months ago to investigate what a master's would look like. Their CS department is quite near 100% chinked and the campus looks like shit around any place that isn't the clock tower. Stony Brook has so many of its own problems but that campus is REALLY nice for what the pricetag is, like "looks great in all seasons" nice, but that's SUNY.
>get absolutely rekt for sounding like an idiot for talking about shit he doesn't understand
>resort to ad hominems
They raised the minimum SAT and GPA scores required to get into the CS program. Now its 99.9% chinks
That means the the people who graduated from 2005 on are finally going to have a chance to find work, if you're going into law school now you'll be graduating in 2021, good fucking luck.
Also the second the idiot asian parents smell that the market is back up they'll have their kids flood it again.
It's not just law thats suffering.
Forbes' job list dropped pharmacy the fuck down from the top 10 and their reporting mechanical and electrical engineers as making 60k instead of the 80k that it used to be.
No offense, but st johns is a fucking joke of a school, right up there with Wagner as the worst in the region.
You would find kingsbourough hard
How is stony brook?
It's hard because the professors that are competent and smart as fuck basically want to watch you suffer, and the ones who aren't competent but who are easy can't teach for shit, so it ends up being a hard class anyway because you have to teach yourself the entire course.
It's the same situation at CCNY. Instead of fixing the literally fucking crumbling infrastructure, our president pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars from the college to spend on furniture and "gift baskets for the faculty" that NOT ONE faculty member ever received.
Pic related is one of our libraries.
Going to be one in two years. Math and philosophy double major + classes for 7-12 Math education certification. Only have a 3.3 GPA because writing damn near 50 pages for philosophy + other gen eds while trying to keep up with my math classes is basically impossible for a dumbdumb like me without adderall. I wanted to get a PhD in philosophy and be a professor. But it's basically a done deal that I'm becoming a high school math teacher, which is a least a /comfy/ career.
Dude are you really trying to argue that the law job market isn't complete shit right now.
Even if you got a job (and I hope you did seeing that NYU law tuition) you're the exception not the norm.
I assure you that 90% of your class is fucked.
>Their CS department is quite near 100% chinked
It's like this everywhere.
A lot of professional schools are just outright not accepting asians, your chances of getting into med school are cut in half if you so much as squint while you're applying.
It's not enough though, I was seriously hoping that trump would get rid of the H1B mess but he pussied out. The best thing to do now is to leave LA, NYC and boston, since pajeets and chinks rarely leave big cities.
Do you plan on transferring ?
Yeah either to Brooklyn College or A CUNY with a decent Comp Sci Program.
>I'm becoming a high school math teacher,
Well I'm glad you accepted your fate.
There's actually a decent shortage in Math teachers in NYC right now, so after you go through hell in the bronx you might get a comfy job in brooklyn or queens.
Baruch has thousands of little asians coming in as freshman every year, giving them a ton of money; yet you still have to wait over 20 minutes sometimes for an elevator in the older building.
I would just give up and climb up to the 13th fucking floor at least twice a week.
There's no fucking point in him transferring, what would he major in? CS? Thats the best way to cuck your self in 2016-2017.
You dumb fuck
I go to a suny right now for IT how fuck am I?
Completely Fucked.
If you're a sophmore change your major. Better than any CUNY, but not anywhere near as good as buffalo. Don't do pre-med, or biomeme-engineering at stony.
If you think you can cut it in a CUNY then go there but be prepared to teach yourself a lot of topics
Please elaborate.
>you assure me that you know my classmates better than me.
Why do you feel the need to keep making shit up?
Everyone who wants a job gets a job. The law schools that can't get jobs are those ranked 15 and below.
here, I'm a SBU graduate and my boy a few years older than me is as well. I dunno about Their CS department is pretty chinked but not as much as other places. There are some legit pajeets but there are plenty of legit Americanized Indians who grew up with more American values and they were mostly pretty cool considering the pajeet stereotype. Nigger culture hits a brick wall and a large percentage of the black kids on campus are just average students, obviously barring exceptions to the rule. If you're white and in STEM, you're obviously the minority but then again after a certain point, your MAJOR becomes a minority. STEM professors are alright, but you have to go in knowing that SBU is a RESEARCH school, not a tried and true university, so some professors will be actual geniuses who can't/won't communicate or teach. They have a few LibArts gems of professors.
There's the average amount of libtard showboating (diversity, etc), but the university only showboats really hard for Koreans because the rich people over there send their kids over here to "study" aka party and just exist separately from the rest of the student body. They're probably one of the worst types of people and one of SBU's biggest sources of income. Second-to-last semester my suitemates and I had to make sure that one korean girl didn't choke on her own vomit; tiny little thing chugged more than a fifth of vodka and if that shit can put a grown man on his ass, something real bad probably would have happened otherwise. This was apparently much more common during my time there and I was considered "lucky".
Honestly, SBU was a nice place to be even though I ended up not majoring in STEM (still got a job programming two months out). I get the feeling that its time as a nice place is quickly fading even though it's been a fucking year since I was last there. Get your ass to Cornell or out of state, that's what I'm thinking about for my Master's at this point.
the only CUNY school worth you time with cs are Queens and City. Everything else is a joke.
Its like you did no research at all. You probably couldn't cut it in those programs anyways
No, but I think I saw some on Sup Forums
If you transfer to UIC they average out your grades if you retake a class. So lets say you fail English 101 and retake it and get an A, they average out the grade to a C. UIC of course doesn't play by its own rules: you can retake a class at UIC and they'll only count your highest grade.
Also, you can pass classes with a D, but you need a minimum of C to pass classes for your major. You can only retake/drop 4 classes your entire academic career.
tuition for me is $100 and I'm a poorfag so I just suck it up.
>worse yet, the school has been going uber leftist recently pushing all the trans/black/shitskin appeasement bullshit and slipped ~20 ranks in the USNWR rankings in a single year.
We are the only place in the country where Trump had to cancel his rally because it got so violent. They also tried to organize a riot when he won the election.
Interestingly, saw lots of people with MAGA hats the day after the election. Keks were had.
On why not to do CS?
Because the job market is fucking oversaturated to the brim.
Not to mention that any retard can do basic programming (a good 70% chunk of the job market), H1Bs are fucking up wages and outsourcing is rapidly destroying the amount of jobs available, especially in NYC where office space is at a premium.
For the amount of math that you're gonna take there are much better majors out there, actuarial science is my favorite so far.
The asian exchange student problem is getting really big and although they're profitable for the schools now, in the long run all they're doing is wasting resources and they wont contribute to the economy at all after they graduate.
It annoyed the fuck out of me seeing the corean and hong kong NYU faggots drive 3 blocks to their apartments in lambos and ferraris.
Yep, sounds like Baruch all right
I'm so glad I made the right choice to go upstate for pharm school. Not only do I not have to deal with all the NYC shit, but private schools have much less bullshit to deal with