/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

/crimbo/ edition

Old Thread: >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
>Have a very merry Christmas indeed

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw music trackers will never be great again

>tfw you will never enter the inner sanctum of wizardy that is AoM
Why even bother living?

What's Exigo and Pedro?

How are those ratios doing user?

shut the FUCK up you stupid fucking dog why the fuck do you think your entitlted to ask me how my ratios are? how the FUCK do you have the audacity to ask me how my ratios are on private trackers in private trackers general when you're a FUCKING cunt of a dog who just lies in bed all FUCKING day i swear to god if i was korean i'd eat your mum in front of you then sell you to the chinks with a hasbro logo on because I fucking hate you you fucking dickhead cunt of a dog you dont even have a computer why the fuck are you on Sup Forums for fuck i hate you so much im going to killmyself to spite you huh you'll like that wont you fucking tupid dog cunt willy


chill out bro im a cat


>he's not on the discord yet


if by breaking you mean two hours ago yeah

>feral actually has a frontend now

I honestly started to doubt it would happen


Reminder the discord is known for trading invites
Real chat on #ptg at irc.rizon.net +6697/+9999

the only good entities in this world are babyfurs

The babyfur is a group of furs that live in the breeches of the universe. They love to be with others and love to help others out. Some says that babyfurs are pedophiles or rapist or murderers. The babyfurs are nothing like that. Babyfurs love one-footed pajamas, bottles and espicially diapers/nappies. Babyfurs will help out anyone that need help. THey will come down from the clouds and see if there is any problems that they can fix. The bigfurs not like babyfurs because of the babyfurs ways. The babyfurs will love the bigfurs more if the bigfurs look inside their hearts and see that we are all one. There is really nobody that hate anyone else. The law of the land from day one is to love the neighbor. The neighbor might not get along with you and you not get along with the neighbor, but there is one speical bond with the neighbor and the fur. They might show the same interest. The nieghbor might also be a babyfur. The babyfurs love to look and to play with other babyfurs, wither with roleplay, pictures or stories. There is another thing that babyfurs love. That is the babyfur loves to have friends. A friend that is kind hearted and peaceful and love to protect their friend out when they need it. That is the end of this story or peom or whatever you like to call it. I hope this clear some out of what a ababyfur is and that the babyfur will be around as long as there is a fur around.

*unsheaths katana*
*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel, kid

thanks user, all the best. I missed it as there hasn't been a new one for a few days.
hopefully, some nice surprises in store for tonight!

>nothing personnel

live by the blade, die by the blade son. the kid had it coming.

what where


Oh the Don Diablo? Only like 4 leechers, surprised it hasn't been picked up by more yet.

Oh shit more FL, time for Elite.

there's so many low seedeed that are FL, not sure why

I think they were literally just made FL, hop on that shit.

So is there a Rippy pop-up I'm not getting on PTH notifying about new FL?


unfortunate that my seedbox is shit :o(

they're all old freeleech though

/ P Y R A M I D /

yeah my b, why are they announcing it so late? there are a couple new ones though

all but three of them

i'm scared i might have snatched some that weren't set FL yet :o|

New Picks:




It's a shame that waffles is still dead. Their content and userbase could have really improved but instead they missed the chance.

they didn't use gazelle. I'm glad we didn't push into waffles instead of PTH or APL instead. If we did, we'd have to deal with waffles' shitty site.

It is completely possible that they could have switched to gazelle, or at least update the site to be very similar to gazelle. Just another example of them falling flat.

>You might have seen Santa's note to spend your Freeleech Tokens in the past few days around the site. He wasn't lying, but what will happen after the milk and cookies? 25 Freeleech Tokens have been added to your account. The cap for these tokens is a limit of 25, so we hope that you spent the first round of tokens on some new content to enjoy.

PTH confirmed endless freeleech currytracker

they could have but you know damn well they weren't going to.

jealous xanax staff identified

>implying they didn't post a "soonTM" message on reddit as one last incentive for people to donate bitcoin and run off with it


>former Admin

One new FL album you mean.




who /setforlife/ here

i am

>download ~10 new torrents from the staff picks
>my download amount increased by ~1.5GB
what the fuck?

fucking hell I only used a couple.

why couldn't they add more on top of the old ones?

>We have decided to ban collages and forum posts centered around the maximizing of file size freeleech token downloads and buffer trading. We feel this goes against the spirit of freeleech tokens: the pursuit of your own musical interests and exploration. Users should not feel they have to strategize the best possible use for tokens, or put off using them and possibly forget about them until it's too late. The best strategy is to use them soon for something you want to listen to.

>tfw only used 20 because I actually downloaded albums to listen to
>content with the outcome

>tfw had only used a few

Liar. The stats don't refresh that fast.


To fuck over you fags who play this shit like an rpg and reward people who actually enjoy music. PTH staff on top of this shit so hard, get fucked kiddos

I saw a few of them are not freeleech yet

This, and to recall how staff claimed on IRC that APL freeleech will break it's economy

can we all agree to snatch the same 25 ~2GB torrent and essentially make them FL with our tokens? just dont put it in a collage or forum post and you golden.

They do on your "statistics" section on user.php, but the header on the top of the page hasn't updated yet
(that's how I worked out how much extra download was added)

25 tokens is at most 50GB per person that uses them
you people are delusional if you think it does anything to the economy

50 free 2GBs tokens for each user, and 250+ of staff picks, /pyramid/ now and /setforlife/

The Doors - L.A. Woman


>mfw only 2GB up
>need 25 for PU

12000 users
50GB * 12000 = 600TB

what is the significance?

who cares, pump and dump

here we go boys


yeah this is what i was thinking, too
i don't want any of that christmas shit but i do like me some doors

it's 25+25 unless you are retard that didn't use them when they told you

and that's 100GBx15k users, so much about muh economy genius

>freeleech is done well to benefit b o t h seedboxers (staff picks) and casual music listeners (tokens)

PTH staff confirmed for being professional and non-curry

>PTH torrents seeding at 20MB/s
>only 100GB data left on my seedbox til I'll have to buy more

I thought everyone started with 5gb now?

well 2 from the FL, doubt i'm getting much more

>renting a seedbox with bandwidth limits


Man, I used to be addicted to kingdom of loathing

t. pth staff

>Paying substantially more for unlimited bandwidth
>Paying for bandwidth you'll never use

Same, that game was awesome

>not using 50TB per month for autodl on various trackers.

>implying I don't get my seedbox for free from based feral

>autodling shit

>PTH confirmed endless freeleech currytracker
You should know all about endless FL Xanax staff. I think you mean FL Tokens? Try not to drink and shill, you're bad enough even when sober.

I'll have you know that I use every byte of my unlimited bandwidth

needing anything like 50TB a month of actual content you want to watch/listen to


An user in the last thread fucking called it exactly. Good work son. All the best.

fml i still had tokens when what died and now this...

>thinking that autodl is for stuff that you want to watch/listen to

Is it just me or is there no apparent audible difference between a 1GB vinyl rip and V0 encode?

Maybe try actually listening to music. Panthony Greasetano just released his top 2016 albums maybe you should give them a listen :^)

assuming you get at least 1:1 ratio on autodl therefore can use that ratio for your own need
>being so stupid you cant work that out

no aesthetic rice crispies with a V0 encode

there's not
however, if you want to use a lossy codec from the 90s, be my guest
i download flac and transcode to vorbis and opus for my phone
i stream the flac from my nas when i'm on my computer

I can't wait to get rid of all this shit Christmas music

its warmer

literally no difference at all, friend

The vinyl rip will have pops and shit that make it sound worse

taxi back to piratebaying the headphones sir?

the charlie brown and bonobo albums are /comfy/ though

>this mad PTH is B T F O of Apooloo

vinyl rip depends on the album, since some digital releases might be horrifyingly bad

but most of the time a vinyl rip will be worse because of the surface noise, senpai