Zen benchmark
The hype is dead
Zen benchmark
I'm wondering where my 2600k at 4.4 ghz would end up on that graph
These results are actually pretty good for a un-finished ES processor. Can not wait for final silicon to hit retail to finally replace my aging, yet still running 2500k.
You're going to replace your 2500k with an octa core? For what purpose
>month before retail availability
yeah sure
And for performance per watt?
These are the fakest looking benchmarks I've ever seen. The fuck is with the inconsistency in the image?
We fucking told you this would happen but you AMDumbfucks built of hype anyway
fucking idiots stop it
Hoping their GPUs are at least good
s o u r c e
This, where is the source?
8 fake cores slower than Intel quad cores
post source now or gtfo
Not if it's half the price. But I don't see how they'd be selling an 8core for
cant wait to see the tears from amdrones on release day
Seems pretty competitive.
Even better when you remember AMD typically allows overclocking, provides all new instruction set extensions on all of their processors, and also allows virtualization features. Plus they're generally cheaper than Intel processors. Another nice thing is the AM4 socket works for all tiers of processors so you can buy a cheap one and upgrade to a better one when you have more money.
Discussed here dumbfucks
Look at the clock you fucking retards
looks like AMD lied again.
Hope they go bankrupt this time.
>w-wait until we overclock them
>overclock past 4GHz
Communist poorfag pajeet scum BTFO.
Nice defense.
I'm posting from a desktop with an Intel CPU and nVidia GPU. I'm not AMD fanboy you dumb faggot.
I want to know why these images look so fake. Why is the graph so shit when the text is so clear.
It screams fake and you'd have to literally mentally retarded to think otherwise.
Games cannot into more cores so it's not really surprising. The games use what they can and the rest of them go idle and contribute jackshit to the score. They do however affect the turbo because they still draw power and give off heat.
>AMD promises some new mystery product that supposedly will BTFO the world
>Gives no information for months aside from cherry picked benchmarks
>it turns out to be complete and utter bullshit
>AMD shills on Sup Forums make up excuses to buy it anyway "it'll be good in the future!", "do you wanna support a monopoly/da joos?"
oh ah boy who would have expected such an outcome? It's almost as if this isnt what they've been doing since bulldozer.
>It seems fake
>So it is
Just figuring out that the chines are shit at making graphs?
>even the leaked benchmarks show it delivers on everything promised
>"hurr i guess i'll just convince myself it's bad"
brain addled consumerist fanboy cunt
That is it's stock clock
All of them are at stock clock, you fucking retard
The chart seems to suggest that Zen is almost identical if not better than Intel's offerings clock for clock.
Zen may actually exceed my expectations holy shit.
>Delivers everything promised
Are you fucking retarded?
Holy shit you're bad at math
that's assuming it can clock significantly higher than 3.4ghz
I need a new CPU and probably won't be able to afford Zen (since I also need a new mobo and fan; my Phenom II X4 isn't carrying me well anymore.
Is the 8350 a good budget buy?
No 7700k. :^)
In order for it to reach intels clock for clock it would have to reach above 4.4Ghz
Like said, you suck at math
I won't buy anything with retarded gaymur name like ryzen.
just wait. AM3+ is dead and piledriver sucks. Intel's low end CPUs are dog shit also.
The 7700k is barely faster than the 6700k and kabylake fags can't accept that they waited for nothing, and coffeelake is mobile only so more waiting
seeing as the 6700K is already there, that would be redundant
AMD specifically stated that it goes above 3.4GHz. This chip is 3.4GHz in turbo. Either its not the top or AMD lied.
fucking dumb frog
Read harder user
I said 4.4 GHz not 3.4
in order to read above 118% it needs to hit 4.4GHz
>on par with the 6600
>lower power and lower cockspeed (kek)
> will demolish Intel cock for cock.
The hype is dead. Now we truly know that Zen is great product. Further hype isn't needed.
>on par with the 6600
>will demolish clock for clock
on what fucking planet
Actually its the other way around. Here you have a product comparing with high end Intel and costing half the price.
And its running cooler and with lower clocks. Meaning clock for clock it has higher IPC then all of Intel.
If it clocks to 4.2ghz it will demolish everything.
I'm fucking stoked. Now if Vega isn't a let down like the 480 was. We are good to go.
On par with a chip that is higher clocked and has fewer cores in games which demand higher clocks and fewer cores. Looks good to me.
in what way was the 480 a letdown
it takes a big steaming shit all over the 1060
Dumbass. It's clocked slower meaning it will rape them clock for clock.
No it wont
to hit the performance of the 6700k at 4.0ghz the amd chip will have to be at 4.2ghz
do the math you autist
implying it can even overclock to 4.2
Nope. It needs 3.65668 to compete.
I have a 290x so I had no reason to upgrade. For me it was a let down since I wanted 1080 performance.
> implying it can even overclock to 4.2
It would, and you don't even need to pay goytax to OC ayymd chips.
You went from it's minimum 3.15 not it's max 3.4 user
Do the math again
out of a gpu that's less than half the cost of a 1080
the real disapointment is that vega is taking fucking forever to come out
>It would overclock by .8ghz
>AMD processor
>Adding .8ghz
Don't make me laugh user
We don't know shit about Vega. That's the real disapointment.
Where did all these pessimistic anons come from? We barely know anything about it much less how it overclocks and anons are already saying it overclocks like shit.
That should tell you everything you need to know
We don't know a single fucking thing about this product from a company with a track record of massive disappointment, yet people are still building hype
I'll stand back mildly interested
Sup Forums is rightful Intel clay.
Because AMD has a history of shit overclocking besides the 95whateverthefuck that overclocks to 5.ghz but gives you shit performance
>with a track record of massive disappointment
The only actual disappointment was faildozer.
they're children who don't remember P4 and Fermi
they started paying attention to the industry halfway through bulldozer's lifespan so to them intel and nvidia are god and amd can't do anything right ever
samples been around since May, who the heck knows form when that one is
judging by clock looks like summer, rumors of that clock were exactly at that time
And polaris
And bobcat
And jaguar
And their APUs (not all of them)
And the Pro duo
And the Fury x
Not him but why not? It's faster, it's cheaper, it's more efficient. I would for virtualization needs.
>poolaris was disappointing
Why? I'll give you Fury X.
Bobcat and Jaguar weren't bad though. APUs sell well and they're extremely cost-effective which is why AMD likes them so much. Depending on who you ask the other stuff might be true.
480s killing mobos and not giving the performance we expected from the keynote
and why would anyone buy any other graphics card than that
What about this self overclocking AMD was talking about, you know the one who learns and changes based on what it's asked to do and how good your cooling is... seems like something that might be useful in you know ... games?
I kinda doubt that was turned on in these benchmarks
Oh, the times Intel went on literal suicide watch and bribed OEMs to stay afloat.
Is this b8
Do I have to remind you of the 8350?
It's a cheap card, what do you expect?
>Pro duo
They said they would give us two furies duct taped together and we got two furies duct taped together.
>killing mobos
tech press blew it out of proportion
reference cards had shit coolers
that's enough to cement a fanboy's opinions forever
just trigger them with this and move on
and sabotaged their C/C++ compiler
8350 is still shit user, have fun with your bottleneck
Expected better than what they gave us
The pro duo has shit frametimes
Yes it's killed mobos you can't just deny it because you don't want to believe it
> tech press blew it out of proportion
> reference cards had shit coolers
That happens with every card ever. Period.
desu i just wrote in a random number, was in the toilet and cba to do it lol.
at 3494mhz its comparable to the 6600k (which btw is running at 3900mhz)
at 4130mhz it should be at the 6700k level which is running at 4.2ghz.
Now the 6700k costs 350$
And we are assuming from the model number that this is infact not the black edition meaning you get a 8 core for the same price as the 6700k.
And lets take into account AMD mobos are cheaper than intel, and with rebates etc, the cpu might drop 20$
you basicly get a 8core cpu for the price of a 6700k. and if it clocks to 4.2ghz, you get good enough performance.
Also to add, DX12 and async compute which will be more cpu dependant. we might see more and more games run smoother with moar coars.
Now lets break down this shitty chart. on what planet does the 6700k perform 20% faster than the 6600k in games lol. that just doesnt make any sense.
So before we stroke our dicks in pleasure, lets wait for official reviews. then decide what to buy? and hopefully the fucking trolls wont be en mass by then.
>The pro duo has shit frametimes
how to spot paid shill
How is criticizing frametimes being a paid shill?
Playing 60fps with frametimes all over the place is not smooth, not to mention the pro duo wasn't supported in half of the adobe creative suite
>track record of disappointment
>64 bit extensions for x86
>removing the inefficient FSB
>pioneering IPC performance while Intel pushed "muh clockspeed"
AMD has a long history of innovation. Even Bulldozer wasn't a complete failure, since even now it can compete with Intels current generation in certain metrics.
Certainly AMD hasn't had good overall performance parts for quite a long time, but these parts are all a result of misreading the market, not technical incompetence. Saying that Bulldozer indicates what Zen will be only demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of processor technology.
I am not saying Zen will outperform Intel's parts across the board, but we have every indication they will be competitive.
Stop it, its just pathetic at this point.
Fake and gay
but the 290x is faster than the 480 or in some games equal.
again no need to upgrade unless i get a fury X or nvidia, and im never getting nvshit.
its a pre-release cpu, not even finalized yet.
the retail one will probably be a tad faster.
Just because they have innovated doesn't mean we ignore their shortcomings
>we ignore their shortcomings
And no one does.
>Retail will be a tad faster
when has this ever happened
retail has always been slower than the binned chips for testing
its an engineering sample...
>Playing 60fps
it wasn't made for that. are you going to repeat all meme you ever heard?
also not a single motherboard was broken, even after sever tests nobody could replicate burning even cheapest boards
are you for real?
ES and binned chip is two greatly different things
Dude engineering samples are always faster than the finished product
Do you work with any tech company because you would know that. My company's engineering sample wafers are always better
>not a single motherboard was broken
>inb4 doesn't count
>Engineering sample and binned chip being greatly different
>A month from release
Bulldozer was the only disappointment I've seen. The Fury line performs as it should for the price, as does Polaris. There have been some hiccups, of course, but nothing that hasn't been done by AMD's competitors. Intel released Netburst, but as we can see, that didn't prevent them from fixing their mistake in the next iteration. Nvidia has released hot inefficient cards, have released multiple card killing drivers, and have blatantly lied about their cards in the past, yet nobody assumes these things about upcoming Nvidia parts.
AMD hate is a meme. It's boring, really.
This, anyone who doesn't see that AMD is now on par with intel is utterly retarded. This chip is clocked to 3.4ghz while intel ones are clocked higher, at the same clockspeed they will perform the same
Really looking forward to Zen now. I really hope it manages to exceed my expectations like these charts indicate.
Well, what the fuck did you expect, it's only a 40% increase in IPC