Screenfetch thread

Neofetch is okay too. Mods leave us alone it's Christmas eve. Thank you to be honest famicom.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is neofetch superior? What do you think?

too paranoid to post desu, but I like the colors :)

>4.8.13 kernel
even on manjaro I'm on 4.9 already

hello here is my screenfetch

Your setup looks like shit

no bullying aloud

its like you want the fbi to show up at your house.

>muh packages




How do you get those cute colors in your terminal senpai?

It doesn't get comfier than this.

screenfetch | toilet --gay -f term

There's no point in showing my desktop, when I'm trying to make it look like if I don't have any wm.


enjoy getting HACKED retard




Neofetch has ASCII art for my distro, so I'd say it's superior.

I have windows 10 how do this :^)

If it ain't in screenfetch it ain't worth using, son

install Solus


Alt+F4 :^)

Well screenfetch apparently has ASCII for the dev version of Neon, but I'm not interested in the dev version.

I have no fucking clue why that's mentioned. Maybe because I dropped into root to install neofetch? My console is bash.

to answer your question, why not 4.9?
because it seems to suffer from an issue where I can't create any new thread forks, will check the latest 4.9 though

Reran screenfetch as user, see attached pic. Go figure...

so many bash or zsh users...

question for linux guys: when I initially installed screenfetch on my laptop, it would show temperature of processor

i installed a different distro like a year later and screenfetch doesn't do that anymore

it doesn't do it on most of your screenfetches either

why was I so elite the first time I installed linux and screenfetch that my screenfetch showed cpu temp?


That's a funny way of spelling desktop tbqh fampai.

neofetch is not tramp stamp'd with gpl so yes it is better

Look at source code of screenfetch. There's probably an option to enable it.



too bad i use windows


get a color computer you bitch

rate me


latest Ubuntu
near a full day of uptime
21:9 aspect ration

You had a lot going for you, user...

>using Unity unironically
Here's your problem. I couldn't stand it, and it eats up a lot of RAM.

If you want a full DE, switch to LXDE. It's much better.

Also, this color scheme doesn't look good in my opinion.

top kek, didn't know about those screenfetch parameters.
>If you want a full DE, switch to LXDE. It's much better.
I like unity though.
I know that it uses more resources than anything else, but I don't care. I tried other DE's and always went back to unity, because muh comfiness

fuck no



Nice meme res

truly disgusting

>muh VM

I don't like your font, Marco

nice colors, but the window decorations are not that great...



You make mistakes in VM first and then do a clean install with only required packages.

happy late birthday

Since we all rice here: is there a decent GTK theme besides Arc? Hell I don't even really like Arc but everything else seems to be shit.

I'd really like one with multiple color versions too, because I'm a massive ricing homo.

Boje if you like dark

>Hacking an internal IP

I unironically like greybird

sudo pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qdtq)

you mean ``private'' ?

Check out Adapta...

Ubuntu is comfy.

Internal, local, private, etc. are all equally valid and mean the same thing.



Thanks fellow Sup Forumsays

Is there a good version of Boje for GTK 3 now?

The version that I have doesn't work at all with it, and I replaced it with another theme just so I can get something usable when I need to deal with GTK 3.


Install gentoo

>modcucks hate screenfetches

change the shell to git version of zsh and upgrade mem to 16g and you "got" a 11/10 system

make a desktop thread

Do you want to get hugged?

They can still be routed over the internet, though.
Private IPs are just like any other IP - just some numbers. Nothing special


merry christmas

>Hello guys, I am a faggot.

you're full of shit

Is this the desktop thread?
>tonight I have the night off work after 39 days of average 13.5 hour shifts (one was 22 hours LOL~)

Rate me

>using serif fonts unironically

what are u trying to say

_,met$$$$$gg. martijn@acr
,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Debian testing stretch
,g$$P"" """Y$$.". Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.8.0-2-amd64
,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 6h 55m
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 3577
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: bash 4.4.5
$$P d$' , $$P Resolution: 2048x1024
$$: $$. - ,d$$' DE: KDE5
$$\; Y$b._ _,d$P' WM: KWin
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' WM Theme: Oxygen
`$$b "-.__ GTK Theme: Breeze [GTK2/3]
`Y$$ Icon Theme: breeze
`Y$$. Font: Noto Sans Regular
`$$b. CPU: Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.403GHz
`Y$$b. GPU: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV740 (DRM 2.46.0 / 4.8.0-2-amd64, LLVM 3.9.0)
`"Y$b._ RAM: 3055MiB / 3953MiB

They shouldn't exist in the first place, because they only look bad.

i'm sorry i know you're trying to say something meaningful but all i hear is ''i have bad taste i have bad taste i have bad taste''

Deja Vu Sans Mono is the best font ever, and I don't see the point why serif fonts exist *at all*.


the guy ur talking with is a baka but serif fonts are for nerds

Never used zsh but i will try it, but 8gb ram is already more than enough for my needs. Im using i3 btw.

i'm not a nerd!

but ur using a serif font?

fish with powerline on guake.

how many memes did i fall for?/10

Somewhat default config master race reporting in.



>white terminal background

Fucking racist scum

I have a new 6600k build sitting on my floor, but I'm too scared about putting it together. Maybe I'll have a few shots and try my luck out.

This; I don't see color. Anyone that does is racis.

I used dark themes (solarized, base16, black gf green fg) for a year or so, but I can read text much better on a white background. To prevent my eyes from burning to ashes, I reduce the brightness of my monitor.
Also, pic related.

i didn't notice any difference from 4g->8g so i upgraded to 16g and it is good, mostly for the meme potential, but still good





Hell i can live with 284mb ram on my phone, i dont even know why i need 8gb on my desktop. If there werent as many pajeets doing web dev i could probably live with even less.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.