How it always should be:

how it always should be:
>windows 7 or 10 and linux dualboot on desktop
>linux on laptop
>android on phone
>apple osx/ios never

you fucked up OP. you are the massive fucking pleb here.

>windows 7 or hackintosh on desktop
>android on phone/tablet

the fucking end.

Win 10 on all desktops. Access Linux devices via command line only. Linux on everything else.

>windows anything on desktop + dual boot if you really want want
>linux/osx on laptop
>Android portables
>kobo eReader


You literally described like 90% of Sup Forums.

>windows on all computers
>android on mobiles

objectively best. Linux is a fucking joke

You're so clueless OP...

Win 7 or any version after is pointless if you don't be cautious and disable updates, remove telemetry updates, have a hardware firewall (most preferably a OpenWRT modem).

Linux in dualboot is fucking pointless.
You end up using your storage space for something that you aren't really gonna use.
Just think about it: once you boot your PC you have two option: you either boot windows or Linux/BSD/Hackingtosh and then if you want to change you boot it up again and cmon, you're not going to do that. Once you need to do something on Linux that you could do already on windows you're just going to boot windows instead of using wine on linux.

And if you could just use wine for your stuff why wouldn't you just stick to linux.

>desktop: Debian with Gnome or XFCE
>mobile: Android device with at least 800 megs of ram and preferably a Motorola device
or you could buy a Iphone and avoid updating it and maybe jailbreak it as well if you wish
>laptop: old? low powered? Arch not? Debian


Also, I just wish you faggots stopped recommending less popular distros.
This is pointless and a waste of time for everyone.

>in 2k17-1
PCI passthrough exists for a reason.

>thinking any version of Windows is safe from backdoors, especially versions that aren't even supported anymore

If anyone is serious about avoiding corporate and government spying, they aren't using Windows, period.


>"win 7 or any version after is pointless"
>general compatibility to almost all software ever created
i'll stick with my windows / linux dualboot thanks
>"Linux is a fucking joke"
what if you want to make a server? you're not going to use fucking windows for that

Name one OS that doesn't spy on you.

But Android is Linux you fucking ass pie

Qubes is the best compromise between convenience and security for normies. There's a 45 minute learning curve, but it's well worth the time invested.

>linux/osx on laptop


A compromised OS won't do jack shit to you if it's not connected to a network or another computer/device (of course this goes beyond wired and wifi connections). Removing certain windows updates even if "pointless" helps improving windows performance, you can easily go down to

>hurr durr, windows is secure if it's not networked

>router running openwrt
>add blocklists to include major companies such as google, microsoft, advertising companies...
>run a script to automatically add new IPs from said servers
>host your own email client

wew lad that has hard

>using 3rd party software to run 1st party software

>do all this work only to have your whole system compromised when a malicious version of minesweeper keylogs you and takes screenshots every 10 seconds

Hey, at least you can play your games though.

nice fucking bait retard

What software did your use to encrypt your dual boot?

It's not bait. Windows is a horrible system for security. There's not even an attempt to sandbox applications and the corporation deliberately spies on users.

You can go out of your way to mitigate some of the corporate spying, but the source code is hidden from everyone except the NSA and Israeli intelligence.

Doesn't matter if you have a hardware firewall that blocks communication to undesirable IPs
>what if the OS is updated
If it can't obtain data from servers it won't download updates
>what if they use IP spoofing and try to communicate to your machine trough that and maybe even update it?
Again, if you're using a hardware firewall you can get around that with security measures and since it's free (as in 100% open source) you know what's going on.

this so much anons
>play all the new vns and use adobe/games/other software on windows7
>do everything else on debian or arch
>all on my laptop being comfy
doesn't get better than this, friends

>osx or bsd on computers
>ios on phones
>winshit never


That means figuring out every "undesirable" IP and hoping they don't use an unlisted IP or change IPs frequently. It's a terrible solution to a flawed operating system.

>minesweeper malware
Grasping are we?


It's just an example to point out how ridiculous the lack of sandboxing is in [current year]. Every application can compromise your entire system.


>t. mactoddler

all apple device master race reporting in

>using Finder

>t. mactoddler

Wow man, this really changed my opinion on Macs. I'm going to throw away all my Macintoshes right now because I can't stand this anymore! Why can't Mac OS X just start to be gooder? It can't because things like this. Fucking Steve Jobs and his bulllshit. I can't believe an operating system like this exists. I'm going back to Linux right now and show all the people how much gooder Linux is than Macintosh OS X. Bullshit ass nigger bitches at Apple, can't even do anything right for once. When will they learn that Linux is more gooder than Mac? This is why no one should even buy a Mac anyways, because they're all garbage pieces of shit that just don't work at all, EVER! Like what the fuck man? I can't even use it because it's just a broken, unfinished piece of shit that Apple excreted out of their stupid asses. "Hey guys! Let's excrete this shitting OS called Macintosh OS X and then let everyone use it!" Little do they know, that it is a piece of shit ass. Why would anyone use this???? Like holy fuck this makes me want to die and then take a piece of shit and then stick it down my penis until I die. Fucking pieces of shit at Apple.
Thank you for reading my blog post.

>t. mactoddler

>t. mactoddler

Fucking faggots
>Debian for server
>TempleOS for desktop
>Windows 8 on external drive
>Hannah Montana Linux on laptop
>Sony Ericsson Java Platform 7 on phone
>Ubuntu Tv for Smart Tv