Previously >>58149530

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Part III: Part II:
Part I:

How do i fit in on Sup Forums? also how do i register/login?

Reminder that if you're not using one of these distros
> Arch
> Void
> Gentoo
> Exherbo
> Slackware
> stali
you need to leave Sup Forums and preferably end yourself.

>in on

i want to leave but i use gentoo

straight up trash

you need reeducation

don't even try and place yourself near any of these other distros, arch pleb.

I'm using i3wm. How do I make ctrl+T execute surf -a @ speedial.html but only when surf is the focused window?
I tried
for_window [class="Surf"] bindsym Control+t exec surf -a @ /home/lohroc/speedial.html
But it didn't work.

How can I start my terminal with screen already issued?

There is nothing wrong with Arch.
Stop meeming.

Darwin >>>> Linux >>>> NT
OS X >>>> Windows >>>>>>>> GNU

where did I say there was anything wrong with it? it's just a trash distro plebs like you use to try and seem closer to us (People who use the non-trash distros from that list)

I can feel the emotion of the mactoddler there

Mac? Where does my post say anything about macs?

Posting again user didn't see

What DE is that, is it stock like that or did you make changes?

I'm very new to linux

You posted homosex, which is incapable of running outside the walled garden of fruitloop toddler toy machit garbage

Pretty sure that's cinnamon

Oh wait
It's Unity

Really now? How is it running on my non-shit non-Apple hardware then?

Without support

What "support"?

>there is nothing wrong with Arch
>it's trash
Also, I never said Arch is any better or worse than any of those on the list.

it's time to say it now then, if you don't think it's the worst on that list you're an arch pleb and should fuck off back to your subreddit.

What sophisticated ""distro"" do you """"""use""""""?

Okay, I'll say it: Arch is the worst on that list.
Still it deseves it's place there.

i don't use a distro

Spotted that one wintoddler

where did i say that i don't use gnu+linux?

nope, it's trash and has no business being anywhere near those distros. back to your subreddit. i'm guessing it's /r/arch

Oh I assumed you had a job or life, silly me.

but i'm not an arch pleb so i do have them
>silly me.
yeah, silly arch pleb

>i do have them
Whatever lets you sleep at night, sad basement dweller lol

are you this awkward and autistic in real life as well? lmao

Oh shit, forgot stali was there.
Why do you take my shit so seriously?

Are you used to this reply hahaha

>the post

And when I say shit, I mean bait.

Unity (standard build on Ubuntu 16.04)
Using Numix thee and have the sidebar on auto hide

Re-posting my questions:
1. How can I disable the F1 key so that the 'Help' popup doesn't pop up as seen on the right?

I found online that if I go into preferences from the terminal and disable it there, it should work, but it didnt (assuming this is for gnome only?)

2. Is it possible to have the main folder in "folder view" and when I click inside it goes to "list vew"? How do I do that?

3. Is there a shortcut I can press to sort my music in a playlist on ncmpcpp alphabetically?

Good idea
alright listen here
tone it down lmao
arch = shit (not ==)
from this very moment you aren't allowed to use it or you will be branded an arch pleb for the rest of your life.

Installing gentoo right away sir.

>"list vew"?
only in nemo, install nemo

Systemdick really can restard PID 1?


wtf with this? kek

good, that'll do for the time being.

>46 posts
>8 IPs
we're out doing ourselves everythread


mostly because that one gentoo NEET

>implying im a gentoo pleb

Oh I thought you have a job or a life. Silly me

more like

but i'm not an arch pleb so i do have them
>silly me.
yeah, silly arch pleb

that makes no sense, but i'll accept the (You)
heres one for your time

>i do have them
Whatever lets you sleep at night, sad basement dweller lol

Nah, it's aboud daemons, not PID 1.

I said systemd can restart itself while being on PID1

>trying this hard to fit in

But PID 1 don't restart.

It doesn't actually restart PID1, But it can restart every single daemons and modules within itself, one by one.

You can kill every process with sysrq but the init. If it could safely restart itself, that would be really something new, if possible at all.

who are you quoting?

>shitting on the 2nd best microsoft OS
nice bait

Remember the zero length notification bug?
Systemd didn't make me restart the systems I had

the situation

whos "the situation"???



>incorrectly posting memes
install ubuntu then kys


I'm using Debian, if it matters.

I'm now thinking of switching to Arch Cinnamon.
Any actual downsides?

yeah... your switching to a trash distro

What else do you suggest using?

look into distros from this list except plebarch which is trash

so I accidently removed my /bin/ directory and that somehow broke my arch install
how to recover? is there an easy fix? thanks

Everything on the list is solid trash.

>pol toddler fell for it

no, pretty much everything there is a lot better than arch except maybe for void which is trash too
you can stay with the arch plebs though lmao

reset to the last system restore point

i think your the one who fell for it, matey
if you catch my drift

Which one is the best and what distro do you use?


>Which one is the best
it's really hard to say, they are all pretty good and certainly a lot better than trashy arch
>what distro do you use?
i don't use one

>i don't use one
So what system are you running, NEET faggot?

a linux system with the gnu c library and coreutils

Arch > 50 ft pile of shit > the garbage you use

Why aren't you using SwagArch GNU/Linux?

Sounds like a distro to me. Do you call that "unemployment" ?

I'm waiting for YoloArch.

reverse that and it's about right kek
just add in a few more piles of shit to match the level of stink arch gives off lmao
why is it a "distro"? who have i distributed it to? nah, it doesn't have a name.

>it doesn't have a name.
I'll give one: "piece of basement dweller shit" hehehehe

too long lmao. i'll just call it "the dream of archkeks"

I use iOS for everything.
iOS is love. iOS is life.

iOS - Arch

Aww, did my name hurt your feeling hehehe

Time to compile your piece of shit basement dweller """""OS""""" lmao hehehehe

how do you compile an """""OS"""""? does your mactoddler/archpleb mind not know what an """""OS""""" is?

I can school ur mum what an """""""""""OS"""""""""""" is, mantoddler LMAO. Now go back to your basement and compile your sophisticated runtimes with --1337-enabled hooks on hehehehe manchild

show me how you """"""""compile """""""" an OS???
how do you do it? show me the command lmao
im writing "compile os" into my hacker terminal and its not working 0_o
im on plebarch btw

>not using a distro
>using gnu+linux

----------------------- Let's try to prove the truthfulness of those two statements using only the tools first order logic and agreed upon facts.

>Fact: 1. (multiple programs) = distribution_of(multiple programs)
>Fact: 2. (linux) + (multiple gnu programs) = (gnu+linux)

(linux) + (multiple gnu programs) are a multiple programs, in other words:
>3. multiple_programs( (linux) + (multiple gnu programs) )

>4. (1,3) => (linux) + (multiple gnu programs) = distribution_of( (linux) + (distribution of gnu programs) )
>5. (4.2) => (gnu+linux) = distribution_of( (linux) + (distribution of gnu programs) )

For each predicate, for example "using"
>using(A) => using(B) is true if A=B

Therefore, from 5. we get
>6. using(gnu+linux) => using( distribution_of( (linux) + (distribution of gnu programs) ) )

Now, let's write the user's statements formally:
>Statement P: not( using( distribution_of( (linux) + (distribution of gnu programs) ) ) )
>Statement Q: using(gnu+linux)
Also, let's rename "using( distribution_of( (linux) + (distribution of gnu programs) ) )" to R.
Now we have
> P = not(R)

From 6. we have
> Q => P
which is the same as
> Q => not(R)

From 5. we know that Q and R are one and the same, so they can both be Q for example

> Q => not(Q)
This is true if and only if v(Q)=false, that is
> v(Q)=v(using(gnu+linux))=false.

Therefore if he is not using a GNU+Linux "distro", he is not using GNU+Linux.

End of proof.