Be running my Phenom II 555 black edition

>be running my Phenom II 555 black edition
>download some 1080p h.265 shit for the first time
>notice lag, 100% CPU usage every few seconds
>update codes, surely that's it
>still 100% and laggy

Am I seriously supposed to believe a top-of-the -line CPU from barely 6 years ago is not enough to play fucking video now?


Yes. Stop being poor.

pajeet pls

What does h265 have to do with poo in loos?

The Phenom II was never top of the line, and the 555 is only a dual-core.
You bought a dual for $80-100 when quads were $150. That savings probably doesn't look so good right now.
See if your motherboard supports unlocking. You may be able to unlock it to a triple or quad. It's probably not going to be worth it to upgrade. (X4's go for $50 used but you can find i5 2500k + mobo + RAM for $150)

Phenom II X4 940 user here. No problems. Can play h.265 1080p on a Tegra K1 in software. You're just an idiot.

Shame more poverty builds don't go with used 2500k. The i3 6100 felt so resrricting when I used one.

those 1080p 60fps videos on Youtube are very CPU demanding something seems wrong with hardware decoding on my station

I don't have this problem with normal 1080p videos

Youtube doesn't use H.265, and 1080p60 H.264 isn't supported by most hardware decoders.

555 is a dual core, and slower.

youtube uses vp9 which is basically the same thing as h265

What makes h265 so damn demanding anyway?

>Phenom II 555 black edition
>black edition

wtf OP you can unlock that cpu to quadcore. i'm 1000% sure it won't lag anymore after unlock it to 4 core.

>top of the line


But then it'd overheat which makes the fan too noisy, it's in a HTPC so that won't do.

The i3 unironically out performs 2500k in some benchmarks.

former x2 555 owner here. don't unlock the cores like
said. surely it will be a performance boost but the two other cores are really unstable which is the reason they were locked in the first place. spent 4 years with unlocked b55 by overclocking 1 and 2 core to 3.6GHZ and underclocking remaining cores to 2.8 GHZ. But shit still crashed as soon sa temps reached over 65degC.
tl;dr Buy a used 965. its like 5-10usd at best or better wait for zen.

VP9 is substantially easier to decode than h265

>the two other cores are really unstable which is the reason they were locked in the first place
fuckoff liar
they locked a vast majority of the cores just to cater towards poorfags trying to buy cheaper hardware. simply trying to fill a niche that core 2 duos were selling at bcus intel requires a competitor.
the chips that were unstable were the x3 varient, at which point you're an idiot for buying a cpu that's unstable.
would never trust a cpu that needs to be gimped for stability. lowering clocks is one thing, but cutting off an entire processor?

It's funny because my turionx2 rm77 handles h.265 content just fine in Linux.

CPU usage goes up to the 90s, but it still werks.

>buying AMD poocessors
found your problem OP

>dual core with shit IPC
how is that shit high end.

Get a used 2500k or 2600k if you want a cheap good upgrade

Or he could get a phenom x6/fx processor and save money on a motherboard?

my cpu load reaches up to 60% with chrome/chromium playing 1080p60 on youtube

with mpv and youtube-dl my cpu is only on 20% - 30%

this is mpv output btw
(+) Video --vid=1 (*) (vp9)
(+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) 'DASH audio' (opus) (external)
AO: [wasapi] 44100Hz stereo 2ch float
VO: [opengl] 1920x1080 yuv420p

My chinkshit phone can play 1080p h265 nigga, and so can my PC with a phenom II X4 and a 7950.

You're doing something wrong brah.

On another note HEVC is the motherfucking shit, how in the fuck isn't everybody encoding everything using it?