

Only if iToddlers could see these

This looks like way to much and sloppy.

it's cooling paste. it cools your entire motherboard!

>mfw a motherboard manufacturer is that wrong about applying thermal paste

What the fuck?

How does this happen?

this webm always makes me giggle like a little girl just to funny

Because maybe it's fake?

People vastly overthink thermal application for some reason. What they did is completely fine and there's zero science to applying it perfectly being better.

My eyes!

No they overdid it. He is doing a pre-tint, and pre tinting should be done with much less paste so it can go inside the microscopic crests on the lid

If i was MSI I would sue the creators of that video into the ground for defamation . Getting memed is no joke


The actual volume between this cpu lid and cooler is tiny! There's no way a fraction of that dose will actually stay there in stead of being pushed out.

Rip anons eyes

They probably hired some model to do it or something? Why would you need to spackle it on like that...

Watching this on my MPB you autist.

you need to apply it to every metal component for maximum cooling effect.

Watching this on a 2009 MacBook, what are you on about?

>Only if Wincucks could see this
>implying people use default browsers

You're using Linux browsers if you're not using your default cuck ones

Its going to spread out into the board and cause a mess.

tell me how firefox or chrome are intrinsically linked to the linux kernel in any way. I'll wait.

Are you the idiot from the other thread that wants to sue Gigabyte for his decade old motherboard not working perfectly