I thought that systemd was supposed to speed up boot times?

I thought that systemd was supposed to speed up boot times?
How do you explain my boot time (counting from grub to slim/lightdm) to be 57 seconds on Xubuntu - systemd,
and just 27 seconds with Gentoo - OpenRC, on my Lenovo B575e Craptop?

Is systemd just a meme botnet?

That's funny. On Solus it boots in only 5 seconds.

Maybe your distro is just a piece of shit.

nice try kevin

Maybe come back when you have a meaningful desktop with actual stuff installed instead of some super minimal autsm garbage you call "software"

sytemd is for remote SRE's to automate deployment of a bunch of containers using whatever redhat proprietary container mgt software like Google's Kubernetes.

that's all it's for, if you aren't involved in remotely starting and stopping (or automatically) your servers then you don't need it.

well memed my friend. Enjoy your slow boot times and ubuntu bloat.

>fast boot times
Are you fucking retarded?

optimization flags

nice try kevin, you almost got me on that one

Daily reminder that systemd is fucking cancer and needs to die

Nice try NSA/Canonical

but user, kevin works for canonical and NSA

Startup finished in 1.626s (kernel) + 775ms (initrd) + 1.310s (userspace) = 3.712s
Yup Solus is life

But solus is 3 seconds

Solus boots in 12 seconds off an old 300GB HDD for me in my old c2d pc.

Maybe the problem isn't systemD, but your inability to research and find a distro that caters well to your desires?

>tfw people literally care about how fast their boot time is

>glorious filters in action

Some of us remember using windows 95 user.

>tfw people literally care that something is better than something else

Sounds like a bloat and deafault services issue.
Film your OpenRC install booting to login and then install system and film is booting system to login and compare the times. Until then, 2/10 troll thread.

*buntus actually are one of the fastest booting distros due to the way the kernel is configured.


>kernel configuration
>affecting boot times significantly

>i have no idea what I'm doing please rape my ass

It does.
Kernel boot time is typically around 2 seconds if it's not too bloated.

See Solus doesn't even take 2s for the kernel.

So slower than XP.

Yes. A 1.1GB Linux distro boots slower than a 500MB Windows XP installation. By 3 seconds.

Good job.

The Ubuntu kernel on my x230 takes around 400ms

I'm using Arch and my Linux kernel takes around 200ms on my 2570p.

$ systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 7.029s (firmware) + 1.046s (loader) + 3.879s (kernel) + 1.743s (userspace) = 13.698s

>core 2 duo