Should i actually wait for AMD ZEN meme?

Should i actually wait for AMD ZEN meme?

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No. Even the 8C/16T manages to be inferior to a 6600k.

Only in video games, are you 12?

neptunia a SHIT


If I'm doing serious work, I'd get a xeon.

i've been waiting for zen since 2012, i bought 4790k last summer, never been happier

What are you poor? No friend, buy a 7th Generation Intel Core™ i7 7700k, the hottest processor out this holiday season!,9.html
only in dx 11 unoptimized titles the 6600k its going to be superior.

underclocked and without turbo

consumer variants will probably have a higher clock and turbo

>a 8C/16T is weaker than a 4C/4T
>b-but it doesn't have boost and it's supposedly underclocked
>this is what pajeets want to believe

>mfw my overclocked 4690k will still demolish a retail 8C/16T pajeet chip

If people want a CPU for heavy tasks they aren't going to buy ayymd shit.

Ryzen is exactly the same as past AMD chips: worthless shit that doesn't fit in.

shalom intlel shill, I hope you slept well
good luck with todays trolling. don't forget to bless us with your daily ayylmaopoopajeet ramblings

Clearly stated in the article that it was 3.15/3.4Ghz
jewlets are getting btfo every second

>a 8C/16T is inferior to a 4C/4T
Can't make this shit up lmao

>mfw 4c/4t Intel beats 8c/16t Intel

pity reply for a blatant samefag

9.05% slower than Intel's 8c/16t
Guess what. 3.15Ghz which is 9.25% less clock than 3.4Ghz

Ryzen literally confirmed to be Broadwell-E for half price.
meme-Lake can not compete.

where is my 64 cores ARM fanless APU that can run Crysis in Ultra?

>butthurt Intel shills
You realize the 8C/16T shits on both the 6600K and 7600K?
>inb4 muh gaymen performance

Depends on your budget. Are you ready to pay 2 or 3 times as much for the intel cpu with 15% more performance?

No. Only fat virgins buy AMD products. Successful businessmen exclusively use Intel Core i7™ processors.

I've been waiting for Zen since 2012-2013, and I bought an i7 6800k 2 months ago. Could not be more happy.

I've waited this long... I can wait to see what the real benchmarks are and decide from there. There's a bunch of games I already have on Steam that I can't even play.

>ITT Subhuman Indian retards still think IPC and rendering performance is all that matters when in reality 90% of normies will go for whatever gives them the best performance in newest Caw of Dewty and it so happens that majority of games are only optimized for 2-4 cores so it's easier to make a good performance CPU by cranking that clock speed instead of IPC since 50% to 90% of your CPU won't be used anyway.

Zen is DOA, just stop shitposting and brag for impact.

>IPC is irrelevant
>Intel has better IPC so it's better

>IPC per Herz is the same across the board for all CPUs

LMAOing at your life.

>subhuman Indian retards still think IPC ... performance is all that matters...
>clock speed instead of IPC since 50-90℅ of your CPU won't be user anyway

Gaymurr retards don't understand facts and maths try again somewhere else please

Kaby Meme is better than Zen maymay. An unlocked Meme Lake i3 will shit over ANY Zen processor that costs less than $300

Yes for two reasons. It will be a viable alternative to intel with very good performance. I have had a goddamn deam experience with AMD athlon and FX processors in terms of function an usability. The only negative thing about any AMD CPU i have ever had was the speed. So with zen the only negative thing is now gone and we get all the pros while avoiding intel's bullshit.

Second benefit if that it will force a massive price drop on Intel CPU's So even if you want intel if you wait for zen to come out you get a better intel CPU for less money

win/win for you both ways regardless of your brand loyalty.

Same for Vega. Even if you dont want an AMD Vega GPU it will force a drop on Nvidia pascal cards and you will get your nvidia GPU for less.

Emm... Just Windows can't use more when 4 cores.

Most games dont get much from more than 4-cores and 8 threads HOWEVER if you stream or do other background tasks while gaming than an extra 2-4 cores to handle those tasks is a big deal. With AMD you will get that extra core power for much cheaper.

>Force Intel to drop prices

I doubt it. It looks like Intel is going to beef up their low end selection in Kaby Meme but keep the same prices. And by beef up I mean fucking hyperthreaded Pentiums and unlocked i3 SKUs. Zen will need to sweat hard to beat an unlocked i3 at $180 MSRP.

>there will never be a 4c/8t unlocked Athlon

Citation? Are you a fat virgin with an FX 8350

Blah, for me and my needs I'll stick with my trusty Phenom II x 4 955. Really only games I play are mostly classics from 1999/2004 era so there's no advantage to buying a new cpu. As for everyday usage well again, why spend the extra $$. I'd be throwing money out the window for no gain. For the rare instance I need to do say video encoding I've got a whole another pc dedicated for just that task.

If amd offers a 4c/8t zen at 200 then nobody will buy that shitty i3 with 2c/2t.

Going to be laughing when the chip beats Intel's 6900k in everything

Are you retarded son?
Windows native compiler don't support OpenMP or even C99.
Windows threading model come straight from 1989.

Why people keep buying AMD is beyond me. It's not 2003 anymore.

All signs point to yes.

There's probably going to be 4c/8t chips just not necessarily named athlon. AMD tends to look favorably on overclocking, Lisa Su basically stated some of the models will even be sold with overclocking in mind.

You realize the i3 has hyperthreading enabled, right? It's four thread. At 5GHz once you OC it.

And Sandy Bridge still shat on Athlon X4s

>Not knowing that hyperthreading is a meme
>Not knowing that intel 4C/4T beats 4C/8T's
>Being turned in to a walking intel marketing meme

>Microsoft Visual C++ (cl) supports OpenMP 2.0 since version 2005. Add the commandline option /openmp to enable it.

2.0 is ancient but it's something.

It's literally nothing.
It's won't change anything.
In multithreading not much changed between 1980 and 2000.

why not?

Intel shills are actually afraid of Zen

>program specifically biased towards single core performance
>lower clocked CPU is beaten by a higher clocked CPU
>"zen must therefore be vastly inferior to Intel"

Use logic when posting. Another, more multi-threaded benchmark has Zen getting pretty close to the 6900k.