Am I a horrible person, Sup Forums?
Am I a horrible person, Sup Forums?
>adblock plus
uBlock Origin breaks YT and is garbage
>adblock plus
absolutely, and a mongoloid as well while you're at it
does not work, i still can see the hat on your post
what linux distro and de?
care posting a screenfetch?
also no. those 'extra' icons can be a real annoyance sometimes
Just mint on a shitty old laptop. Using it to hold me through since my nice one died. I threw a SSD in it so it's usable.
I will say it's amazing how efficient Linux is though; my desktop that runs Win10 uses 8/32GB of ram at idle. Mint uses like 450mb.
It absolutely does not
Kill yourself.
>uBlock Origin breaks YT
How did you manage that one, turbofaggot? Stop adding custom filters if you don't know how to make them properly.
>Win10 uses 8/32GB of ram at idle
Mine uses 1 GB. Get on my level.
XP uses ~100MB.
XP is also a lot less capable than Linux; unless if you call a wide variety of unpatched remote execution exploits a feature.
I don't even know how to add custom filters in uBlock Origin; it breaks YT on its own. Videos simply won't load until the blocked ad is "finished playing".
You can also get windows 7 down to around 700 mb/ram idle if you know what you're doing
Using Linux? You're not horrible...just fucking stupid.
You can be anything.
for ublock origin users use this:
in custom filters
of course you are
but it's also ONE. DAY. of a hat over the image. so what if you can't read the filename? Sup Forums has worst filename threads I've ever seen.
>I am a fat retard who can't be bothered to use whitelists
Which is more than 450 desu senpai
why would I want to enable ads on YT?
I wish I could do that in uBlock Origin.
Absolutely not, I do it too. I also do the same for the birthday hats.
Sweet, no more faggoty xmas hats for me. I feel like le epic haxor hahahah
xd user ur so silly
>uBlock Origin breaks YT
I'm going to assume by "breaks youtube" you mean that is stops youtubes auto-resume function that remembers the timecode of videos you previously partially watched, since that's the only problem ublock ever gave me with youtube.
That's caused by the Privacy lists, so disable those if you want it to still work while using the superior uBlock
i like the Christmas Hat, but that Halloween theme pissed me off
how ublock is better? I have been using adblock plus for years without any issue.
It's not. It's just a meme like install Gentoo and just how Sup Forums promotes Firefox even though it's complete garbage.