/ptg/ - private tracker general

/ptg/ - private tracker general

autism edition

previous dick: >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
>Have a happy hanukkah!

Other urls found in this thread:


what a hook OP

why do people keep saying that when I make new ptg threads?

because u r gay

no sir I am hetrosexual!

Probably because you consistently make hook OPs.

Please try harder next time or let someone else do it.

hdb worth joining?

what the fug is this shit?

This, seriously. Delete this thread and make a better one.

>hook OPs.
what is a hook OP?


the OP is copy pasted from the other thread which the backlink changed and merry christmas to happy hannukah, get over your autism.

>3 days on pth
>already meet PU requirements

Took me 6+ months on WCD...

Has little to do with it. Now git gud.

Well you didn't get into wcd when it was 1 month old, now did you?

Can you at least explain what I did wrong?
Other than saying it's a hook, I don't know what that means.

abnormally shit image, subject does not go in the msg field, humor attempt 404'd

>humor attempt 404'd



RTJ3 stuffs sorted out. thank god grohl didn't get any of the uploaded credits

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=C3D4EnF141A

Fucking hate that faggot

fucked up 120+ albums to the point it's worth deleting them and re-downloading

apooloo freeleech when?

Fucked them up how?

was transferring some playlists over to my phone

as it turns out MusicBee counts dragging and dropping as moving files instead of copying them like any sane program would

the folder got fucked and i only realized that MusicBee didn't copy the files like it should when i tried to move them again

missing 1-4 songs per album. deleted them off my seedbox a while ago

it's only pooloo, who cares?

You're spending those FL tokens right, user? Surely you've already downloaded AOTY.

Why are you using musicbee?
Why are you listening to the same files that you are seeding? 2TB HDDs are like 20 bucks man
So many questions..

fuck off, nala

Teach me your ways


> Why are you using musicbee?
It has a UI that isn't total shit and has online tagging support, which is impossible to find in about 99% of music players

> Why are you listening to the same files that you are seeding? 2TB HDDs are like 20 bucks man

I'm not. I transferred the files over like a month ago, and deleted the music off my box shortly after. The only copy I had was what's in my music library.

Fuck off with your memerap Sup Forums

Yeah I sure have

hell yeah this was fuckin' PIMP


haha good one user.

I'm only a few songs into it right now, I heard good things about it but I don't really know if I like it as much as RTJ 1 or 2

fuck no this was fuckin' TRASH


Not even Kanye's best.

kanye will never make anything as good or better than MBDTF

you must be a Kanye jest

You're probably right, but I hope you're wrong. The more I listen to that album the better it gets though, really amazing.

Stop listening to nigger music.

Why do you listen to nigger music?

>nigger music
>most people who consume it are white
Another perspective.

Can any of you actually hear the difference between 16 bit and 24 bit audio?

Neither will anyone else

No. Nobody downloads that shit because they can hear the difference, if all you care about is audio fidelity just get V0.

It's theoretically impossible

>crying about the low quality of a /ptg/ op

it's a quality /ptg/ op anyway, they're just autistic and went away to cry to their mommies afterward.

the /ptgs/ the other day had zero links in the OP aside from a list of PTH freeleech

not a single word

yet here everyone can't stop moaning because... he changed "previous thread" to "previous dick" and changed "merry christmas" to "happy jewmas"?

fucking autists good god

I used them on memetano's top 50, minus the negro music

like 30 seeders GO GO GO

>he changed "previous thread" to "previous dick" and changed "merry christmas" to "happy jewmas"?
>do I fit in yet, guiz?!

get over it nobody reads that shit anyway after they've read it once it's the same thing

I don't care, I just point it out. You're the ones who get buttblasted over some comments.

wew lad

they total to around 500mb, if you seed it with a ratio of 6 youlll get a decent buffer from it.

that's a lot of assuming, there are already too many seeders

There's less than 100 seeders and It'll probably be 1000 seeders in a couple days.

Believe me it's a good investment & it's freeleech!

There's around 50 seeders on each torrent and its gonna be yuuuge soon so get on it asap and you'll be /setforlife/


?? What's up user?

nice economy PTH when your users have to put themselves into a panic over a FL





Please post filelist anons. I need to know what's in it. I'll tell you what happend to scihd and why I just need to know which documentaries are in the packs.

t. nala

>replying to the op
>hey whats in these random packs from a dead tracker

it won't be worth it my dudes :o|

No from MTV. You'd know if you were him
Anyone on MTV please post filelist or screenshot it. I need to know what I have that's not in that pack, I already cross checked ptp and btn with all my stuff and I have a fuckton of last seeder shit. Im not gonna bother uploading anything that's in the megapack.

Also who uploaded it? I'm fairly familiar with shd usernames because I was on it for years.

yeah hahaha im just gonna hoard all the buffer for myselkf

>Autism thread
>Autism edition
What did he mean by this?

he meant he would change the OP slightly and watch everyone sperg out about it.


total 1TB

everyone sperged out over him changing christmas to jewmas and "thread" to "dick"


Jump on this fucker before everyone else does

>Autism answers
Wew lad

you're already 10s of minutes late
enjoy that economy over there! sounds like it's going real good based of the fucking panic this FL is inducing here and on IRC lol

How do I gain access to H4H. Asking for a friend


create a tracker called h4h
congrats you did it, you gained access to h4h
it will be literally the most exclusive tracker the moment you git clone gazelle

Nah I'm getting plenty off that one just like I did off all the other ones. I already have enough buffer given the amount I usually leech. I can always add more by filling requests here and there.

>200mb fl
enjoy that 5gb of buffer lol

Thanks a ton user. Merry xmas. I uploaded a ton of that shit to scihd. Just wanted to see what was salvaged. At lot of that was uploaded to btn. Missed a ton of internals. I got another TB that's not in any of those packs

Good shit.

Every little bit counts. I've passed 40gb already. Most my downloads are v0s (not for myself) so it's all usable.

>tfw you just considered learning how to be a magician so you could sign up for AoM simply to have the status of being on AoM
Help /ptg/ the pyramid is getting to me.

no shit right

it's natural. let it happen.

*disappears in a puff of smoke*

How would you even find youre way in after doing so

ask fuzzypants for an invite

Lads, how should I name my folders for uploads to pth?

I want to include Artist Album Year Format and Source

There are wheels within wheels and fires within fires...

To get into magic, what you need to do is find a gay bar and come out with a poof.

Never been to Sup Forums before, came to ask specific questions and was vaguely intrigued by this thread on my way out.

What on earth are you all talking about? What does it all mean?

> I want to include Artist Album Year Format and Source
Artist - Album (Year) [Format] [Source]


Private trackers are where autists share high quality movies/musiv/videos and whatever else you can imagine.
No DMCAs only quality content and lots of autism.

Are invites really only sold?

>no catalog number

We will make of them thieves, only to punish them