So I'm building a PC, and I realized that I need an OS to run the thing. What OS should I use?

So I'm building a PC, and I realized that I need an OS to run the thing. What OS should I use?






>I realized that I need an OS to run the thing
Implying that PC can run the thing without an OS.


He was probably intending to write his own microkernel.

Windows Vista.

If you have to ask then you should use Windows 10.


Windows if you are into gaming. Otherwise Ubuntu or Linux Mint.

Windows 10 professional.

>build a PC
Cringe. Do you build your sub at subway?

if it's good enough for toasters, it's good enough for you



Woah user check your cringe!

How do you do this type of ricing [spoiler]without the pedophilia of course [/spoiler]

Use the muen separation kernel.

Kali linux


MacOS Sierra

Windows for Warships

Slackware is a pretty good distro.

Arch Linux with Windows 10 in KVM with PCI-E passthrough

I recommend solus

lots of anime

Windows for life if you are a normal user, a distribution of linux if you're a retard without life

>reifags are so dumb that they can't decide which OS to install on their computers by themselves
Ya can't make this shit up folks!

what the fuck have you done

He rapes kids.

Windows 10

Windows 98

Daily reminder that Asuka was a brunette