What draws otherwise intellectually capable individuals to Apple products?
What draws otherwise intellectually capable individuals to Apple products?
it's the best
poor people need not apply
The power of brainwashi- I mean advertising.
I'm ignorant enough to firmly believe that it's purely to keep up with the Jones's.
That is to say, they believe they are buying quality product, reflective of the cost but really they're just people who see the +x% better than last gen (Apple) products. The problem is that last gen Apple products are about 4 years between, they save shitloads of money optimizing their software on a very narrow band of hardware.
They pay for the very impressive marketing wank and ignore the proprietary vendor lock-in that Apple has literally shelled out money to the EU to make it work.
It's a status symbol.
Read Conspicuous Consumption by Thorstein Veblen.
Basically people have to show how much they are worth by buying expensive things then flaunting them. That's why the Apple logo on the back of Macbooks lights up. So you can see that person is using an Apple product.
>every nigger with a loan for a crApple product is rich
Muh innovation
Because it's a *nix based OS with decent commercial software support.
I think a lot of Mac users would love to run Linux, but that doesn't come with being able to natively run Photoshop and high quality video / audio editing software.
Why do people who can afford Lexuses buy them?
intellectually capable individuals also want to fit in
people who waste money to show off generally never become rich, or if they are rich, never stay that way
Are you implying that Lexus makes shit cars?
This is my conclusion as well. Why do you think they flock to public places to "work" in public?
Used to work for a company that specialized in the refurbishment and upkeep of small to multi-story yachts in our harbour. From what I picked up in the 4 years there, about 90-95% of the boats moored there were used at most once a year.
They had enough 'spare' cash to buy a yacht, rent out a spot and pay the borderline outrageous drydock/maintenance costs JUST to show they had a yacht. These things are not cheap in NZ, comparatively.
Cause they are too poor for nice cars, and just think this will make them look rich, which is important for some reason...
The hardware is objectively rock solid. Its just the fischer price OS that drives me up the wall.
t. debian macair and jailbroken 6
+ price to performance is complete shit.
And i include build quality etc, as performance.
Hopefully you're aware that Lexus is the luxury branch for Toyota, mainly just for the US import market.
Yes. And...? Doesn't make it not meh.
My father works in the Yacht industry.
He says people will own a yacht, have it travel around the world, then they will fly to wherever the yacht is, Monaco, Caribbean, Florida, etc., spend a few days on it, then fly off. They won't actually spend any significant time or travel long distances on it.
Just because your personal opinion of Lexus is that they're 'meh', the fact remains that they are aimed at the uppermarket daily driver class and are sold as such.
Just install Elementary OS on it.
>he doesn't know you can get an iPhone for $18/month. Anyone can afford that. McDonalds workers can afford iPhones
Please average price of a new car is some shit like $50,000k in NA(at least canada) that's not that far off baseline Lexus. High end is rolls royce, Bugatti etc. Lexus is upper middle class at best. It makes a perfect nigger car. In that it is something like a bmw where you spend more than you should on a car to get a used car you can't afford to repair to look rich.
the best minds want to use the best OS
That's a financial step above the customers I frequently dealt with.
>average price of a new car is some shit like $50,000k in NA
lmao not even close
Why would you do that? macOS is a perfectly good *nix based operating system.
MacOS > Windows
iOS > Android
it's that simple
That's your opinion.
Cause their emplouer pays for it
You can run debian stable on any laptop really. Op asked why people buy apple products.
I like having control over the ins and outs of my operating system.
I always though the place Apple used to occupy was the creative and media creation applications since windows had relative poor performance or support compared to it.
But now it just seems "muh courage"
>High end is Rolls
Depending on neighbourhood, sure.
Bugatti no.
Stat i was thinking of was BC appearantly and closer to 43k appearantly. Americans pay on average $33,000 but considering most of the purchasers live on food stamps that's still not miles below a Lexus. It's really not that premium. Sorry if it bugs you user.
>depending on neighbourhood
The fuck does that have to do with anything. And a veyron starts at $1.7 million USD. That's high end no matter how you spin it.
Not at all, the point was that Lexus cars aren't for auto enthusiasts. Apple also makes hardware for non-enthusiasts who want their computer to look nice and work. Both are generally reliable and are big on marketing/branding.
>food stamps
>$33k car
>can't spell
Do you have a learning disability?
Perhaps we have differing opinions on what constitutes high end and whether or not limited run vehicles come into play, like aforementioned hypercar.
The OS mostly. At least, this is why software developers like Rob Pike use a Mac.
I have heard praises of the hardware... I can't say I agree with them. Just irritates me that there's no pointing stick.
>make a toyota car.
>make somewhat different car on the exact same platform
> charge twice the price.
Sounds like apple.
Lincoln might be a better example. Even less different than a normal ford.
I think you just need a dictionary.
>doesn't know what hyperbole is
>doesn't think about how poor people stay poor in the first place.
for in this moment i am euphoric.
think different
Well, iOS is utter dog shit but Macs are pretty good. It's mid to high range hardware in a nice looking package with one of the best desktop operating systems I've ever used. Another thing I enjoy about it is that it's not locked down like shitty ASUS and Lenovo Yoga craptops, so I'm free to install any OS I want. My current MacBook is dual booting Mac OS Sierra and Debian Jessie. Poorfags have no reason to be jealous or angry since hackintoshing has never been easier. I recommend a T420 if you don't want a real Mac. It runs Sierra nicely.
16:10 screen with a high resolution, aesthetics, and unix terminal
Would you group an Audi RS6 into the same high-end segment as a Veyron, despite the 16x price difference?
I won't call myself an intellectual but it would be quite inaccurate to call me technologically illiterate.
That being said after an anti apple crusade of half a decade or more, I was given a MacBook air for free. Long story short, I probably will never go back to Windows and I have a hard time believing I'd go back to maining Linux since osx offers a much better and coherent experience than Linux could ever hope to.
To put it bluntly, it's optimized far better, the individuals who work on it are paid to do good work, and while the price point is still far above what it should be, they're definitely solid well made great to use products.
A month ago I'd tell you that is never spend a dollar on Apple and that they are one of the most Evil companies on the planet. Right now I'd tell you to find one second hand for cheap but that I'm considering buying a MacBook pro or iMac system because I want a strong computer in addition to my ComfyPoster™ aka MacBook Air 4gb model.
Auto manufacturers and supercar makers regularly acknowledge that their cars are not for the public. Von Koenigsegg has on multiple occasions stated that no same person would or should ever think about buying his vehicles. He believes each one to be a masterpiece in itself of art and that only lunatics with ridiculous amounts of money should even consider buying one of his cars. He concerns himself not with making a sale but crafting some of the best, most beautiful and unique pieces of mechanical art on the planet.
iPhone however should be related to BMW. Ford performance with a Benz price tag and cleaned up aesthetic.
Le trickle down face.
its a prettybook pro. I've had the thing for 7 years and it has better application support than all my loonix machines. Besides its sorta Unix which is better than windows.
>t. mactoddler
>800mhz throttling housefire
a guy i knew wanted to buy a new phone so i showed him a comparison video between android and apple that had 100 differences in favor of android and he was like "meh i still want iphone tho xD"
from what iv seen regular notebooks already surpassed macbooks in terms of battery life,inputs and changing the hardware.
its awfully expensive too
>intellectually capable individuals
>Apple products
Pick one.
yep thats why i get second hand broken apple stuff and make it work. i scored my macair by replacing a small $40 magsafe/usb circuit board
no thanks ill stick to debian + cinnamon
is that chromium without an adblocker plugins ?
why people are afraid to look poor?
if ur poor then ur poor. who cares. 70% of the world is classified as poor anyways
I just got a iPad Pro and this hunk of shit is lacking webm playback in browser.
>otherwise intellectually capable individuals
Apple fags just follow the herd and don't care about shit hardware. There's nothing "intellectually capable" about them...
Stuff like this.
Why are people saying the fact that poor people and niggers try to buy Apple stuff makes Apple stuff bad?
Poor people ALWAYS try to buy expensive shit in any category. They always try to buy cars they can't afford, clothes they can't afford. This isn't any different.
Literally this. Its the Dyson of the technology world.
Adobe suite got gpu hardware accelerated functionality on osx 2 years after their windows counterparts because apple suck at kexts and opengl performance/implementation.
They always suck on that but people barely notices that
LCD vs CRT lmao
Maybe get a few inches back from your tiny screen, ya half-blind shit.
Average Applephobe post.
I have a mbp 2015 13"
>great screen
>superb font rending
>great keyboard
>godly trackpad
It's the best shitposting machine money can buy mane
>long battery life
>Native OSX
>Don't have to use winshit or lincucx
>much better quality then winshit laptops
>t. mactoddler
This desu. Look, it's fine you want to play with your little toys, but we just want the best experience and that's not with lagshit phones.
Status association
>throttling, overheating
if you are going to do cpu intensive shit don't buy a MBA
>for tech illiterate morons
nice projection faggot
>>long battery life
>3 fucking hours is great by itoddler standard
>>Don't have to use winshit or lincucx
fucking lol can't play Vidya Gaems or program on a weak peace of shit it's useless
>>much better quality then winshit laptops
Just on outright lie!
Windows is botnet shit and Linux can't run a lot of OTS commercial software.
macOS is UNIX with commercial support.
Personally, I also like the way that Apple stood up to the FBI. Fuck botnet I want my privacy.
My story is like a lot of Mac users.
Windows was AIDS and feces combined as an "operating system" in a piece of shitty Chinese hardware. The build quality on any Mac is superb, and the OS is flawless. Itʻs worth paying the Apple premium because their products are light years ahead of any Wangblows or Lincuck hunk of shit. If you canʻt afford the premium, too bad, stay on Wangblows
>stood up to the FBI.
>throttling overheating trash
>build quality
>toddler toy OS can't even manage files without losing all your data
Good joke.
Honestly that's a good point, there's something disarming and pleasant about poor people that live really modestly. I'm not well off and i wear a digital casio watch, and when people ask me about my phone, I make a point to tell them that i got it CHEAP.
How do you bypass icloud lock?
style over substance. also even among the more intelligent members of the populace there are a lot of tech illiterate people
>intellectually capable
nigger plz
I've gone 6 years without noticing this issue because I've never moved a folder on top of another folder with the same name before, weird.
Feds said build us another backdoor, But they said it in public so Apple had to say no to save face.
intellectually capable people need not be technologically informed people
also, subliminal marketing purposes.
if i had a business that would require direct contact with people i would fill my place of business with shiny apple shit in order to trick the mindless consumers that my shitty business is more hip than other shitty businesses
even though i would never use an apple product for my self in a million years i would make use of it's status symbol for profit
in short, it's the relatedness of the majority of apple's buyers that draws intellectually capable individuals to apple products, for brand identification and marketing, so that they may squeeze even more money from the sheep
Because it looks nice, feels nice, and works nice for most people.
We're used to quality aluminum ultrabooks from a variety of companies now, but the macbook was pretty unique when it started doing that.
And it's easy enough to assume they have some decent hardware as they always have so there's no fear it's all show no go and no need to commit to extensive research.
Obviously better alternatives exist but not everyone cares to try to keep up with the latest tech, which can be really confusing if you've been out of the loop for a while. Especially in laptop hardware since there are so many oddities with the name schemes, oddball soc's that pop up here and there, and limited apples to apples comparisons since you have to pick from a predetermined combination that might be really different from the next leading option.
Im of course talking about people who aren't just after a status symbol or buy completely into the marketing.
They got actual, important shit to sperg over.
Funny you say that, considering that I mostly see poor people with iPhone's and wealthier people with Android or Blackberry's.
Who plays games on a laptop? Get a desktop/console faggot. Having said that the MBA can run plenty of games decenly, mostly due to the fact that it's not retina.
>can't program
if you can't program it's not the laptops fault senpai.
Never had a Dyson but I thought they made decent vacuums. How wrong am I?
Very wrong. They break easier than a $20 chink vacuum and sound 2x as loud for the same suction. No loss of suction is bullshit, it's just them advertising a button that reroutes the air through the sides when you get it stuck on a curtain or some shit.
OS X is pure orgasmic bliss, but Apple hardware fucking sucks dick.
Apple have been favouring form over functionality for a long fucking time and they've gotten to the point where machines overheat and throttle when doing simple tasks.
Tim Cuck can't innovate for shit.
>he doesn't know how secure enclave works
Whatever Apple has done in the past, they've basically designed an encryption chip that makes it impossible to comply with court orders to recover user data so long as the user is not on iCloud.
That wouldn't necessarily prevent the installation of a password logger in firmware before the fact. But after the fact if you didn't have such a logger, you're fucked. You're not getting the data.
It takes some balls to put SE in products.
Too bad they're struggling to do that right anymore.
Not running something made by google, the NSA little bitch, and an OS that does not require replacing every single software component to make it useable.
I just want a phone with email, web, weather, txting and a couple apps.
I do not give a fuck about launchers, my litttle pony icon packs, replacing the OS with something made by pajeets cousin guptar.
>I just want a phone with email, web, weather, txting and a couple apps.
And that's why you buy the most expensive and shiny phone on the market
Clowns like you are the reason SUV's exist
but android users seem to be even poorer than that lmao
why do people not want to use the best stuff